English Skills & Language Arts Syllabus: 2016-2017
Mr. KormosRoom 305
Planning Period: 7:30-8:25Phone: 253-566-5710 ext. 2305
Office Hours: 7:00-7:30am; 2:00-2:
Course Description:
English is a 4-year graduation requirement for Curtis Senior High School which includes Freshman English. English Skills & Language Arts are modified English Courses for students who have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP.)
English Skills/ Language Arts 11
Grade 11 Requirement
This junior level course addresses individual educational needs in an English classroom setting and builds on skills developed in English Skills 10. Course emphasis includes written expression, reading comprehension, critical thinking & analysis as well as listening and speaking skills. Students will increase their reading comprehension through the study of both fiction and non-fiction literature including: Short stories, novels, essays and personal narratives. Special focus is placed on deepening student skills as a writer: Developing and supporting thesis statements, interpreting literature and supporting arguments/research with textual references.
Classroom Expectations
Be on time
Be prepared
Be respectful
Be task-focused
Potential Consequences for Non-compliance with Classroom Expectations
- Reminder
- Warning
- “Think Time” Students will complete a self-analysis form regarding their behavior
- Teacher-assigned detention, parent contact
- Office referral for detention or further discipline
School Rules & Expectations:
- All expectations for student behavior outlined in the Student Handbook apply in Mr. Kormos’s class. Please be familiar with the Curtis Student Handbook.
- No cell phones, electronic devices, iPods or MP3 players in class. Refer to student handbook for details.
- No hoods to be worn in the halls or in the classroom.
- 10/10 rule – No passes the first 10 and last 10 minutes of class.
- Consistent attendance is very important to the success of an English student. Because reading and writing skills build upon each other, missing a significant amount of class will result in difficulties learning and getting a good grade. If you miss a day, please make sure it is excused by a parent/guardian calling the attendance office. Also, be proactive in getting missed school work ahead of time or the day after you return.
Make-Up & Late Work Policy
- You are expected to turn in ALL assignments on time.
Makeup Work:
All work must be made up – both unexcused and excused absences. NO EXCUSES.
Excused Absences = 1 week to turn in makeup work without a zero in the grade book.
Unexcused Absences = 20% penalty & 1 week to turn in without a zero.
Tardy Policy
ON-TIME = you are in the classroom with materials out and ready when the bell RINGS.
TARDY = NOT in the room and/or NOT having your materials ready.
CHS tardy policies outlined in the student handbook are followed.
Supply List: I provide almost everything we will use in class including a CHS agenda, post-its, glue sticks, colored pencils, markers & notecards.
You need the following items for class. Please have your materials by class on Monday September 14th.
1 Composition Book (Put your name on it!)
Pens / Pencils
Writing / 35%Reading Classwork / 30%
Tests/Quizzes / 10%
Vocabulary / 10%
Notebooks/Homework / 15%
Grading Scale / 87-89.99 B+ / 77-79.99 C+ / 67-69.99 D+
93-100 A / 83-86.99 B / 73-76.99 C / 60-66.99 D
90-92 A- / 80-82.99 B- / 70-72.99 C- / 0-59.99 F
I have read and understand the major components of the English Skills/Language Arts course.
Student Name:Student Signature: Date:
Parent(s) Signature(s): Date:
Parent(s) Printed Names:
Preferred Contact Number(s) & Email:
Name: ______Number:______
Email: ______