May 1, 2017, 7:00 p.m.
Jon Lykins declared a quorum and called the meeting to order. An attendance sheet was made available for non-officers and citizens present. Present besides Jon Lykins, Council President, was Dennis Richardson, Council Vice President. Other officers present were Mary Richardson, Clerk-Treasurer; Paul Sembach, Utility Supervisor; and Marvin Hedrick, Marshal., Ramona J. Turner, Council Member; and Geoffrey Wesling, Town Attorney, were absent.
A motioned was made by Dennis Richardson and seconded by Jon Lykins to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the April 3, 2017 town meeting. The motion carried without objections. There were no amendments.
Bills were presented as reflected on the attached. Mary pointed out that the bills contained a $133.89 property tax payment for 206 W State Street. A motion was made by Dennis Richardson and seconded by Jon Lykins to pay the bills as presented. The motion carried without objections.
General Fund / $11,520.90 / Sewage Operating Fund / $3,386.77Park Fund / $46.50 / Payroll Fund / $4,159.45
Water Utility Operating Fund / 10,756.23 / Total / $29,869.85
Unfinished Business
Mary confirmed that the OCRA fire building grant was submitted on April 5, 2017. The awards will be announced the first of June.
Mary provided information from Mike Meyer, RLM Engineering, Inc.regarding the Wastewater, Drinking Water, and Stormwater planning project. smoke testing will occur in July- August if weather permits.
Mary also had information from Mike Meyer regarding the west end drainage issue. Mike is getting the maps for drainage done. He stopped by Saturday during the rain to get some more pictures and information. Jeff Meinders’ boring machine is temporarily unavailable.
Mary provided the Council with a list of three companies she is sending the Community Crossing Grant road resurfacing and curb ramp specifications and inviting them to submit quotes to be considered at the June 5, 2017 meeting.
There was no update on the Multi Hazard Mitigation Final Plan.
Mary stated that Geoff Wesling provided her with the language to send adjacent property owners to 206 W State street letters stating the property is being sold for $4,000.00 and stating the property owners may submit an offer to purchase the property. Letters will be sent in May.
Mary presented the Council with a leak adjustment draft. The Council agreed to publish the ordinance for consideration at the June 2017 meeting.
Mary stated she has not yet received a response from a vendor regarding a Street Trees Inventory.
New Business
Citizens were present requesting an exception to the town’s chicken ordinance as they want to continue having chickens. The citizens noted that other towns allow chickens.
Marvin Hedrick noted that the Rush County Area Plan will be updating their ordinance. The Council tabled any decision pending research into the matter. Marvin volunteered to obtain information from other towns.
Mary presented the 2017 Sewer budget. A motion was made by Dennis Richardson and seconded by Jon Lykins to approve the budget as presented. The motion carried with no objections.
Council Members Reports
Denny Richardson stated he was not able to attend the Rush County Development & Community Corporation (ECDC) April meeting.
Other Reports
Marvin Hedrick reported that there had been some graffiti at the Community Center and basketball court.
Marvin suggested that the town apply for the Beacon Spotlight Project nominating the fire station project. Mary stated she would submit a nomination.
Town weed violations were discussed. Mary stated she would send violation letters if pictures are provided.
Paul Sembach provided the written utility report.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Dennis Richardson and seconded by Jon Lykins. The motion carried without objections.
Mary M. Richardson, Clerk-Treasurer
February 6, 2017