Key Facts at the end of September 2012
Bay of Plenty Region
This fact sheet defines the working-age population as aged 18–64 years, to reflect the minimum age of entitlement to most benefits and the age of eligibility for New Zealand Superannuation. All information in this fact sheet refers to working-age recipients of the benefits concerned. Trends in numbers receiving main benefits are more reliably shown by comparisons between the same quarter 12 months apart than by comparisons between consecutive quarters.
All main benefits[1]
Numbers of working age-recipients of main benefits (aged 18–64 years), at the end of September 2007, at the end of September 2011, and at the end of September 2012, by service centre
Numbers of recipients who were registered in: / Sep-2007 / Sep-2011 / Sep-2012Greerton / 2,183 / 3,012 / 3,132
Kawerau / 1,332 / 1,613 / 1,643
Mount Maunganui / 2,051 / 2,797 / 2,794
Opotiki / 982 / 1,083 / 1,024
Rotorua / 6,223 / 7,601 / 7,582
Taupo and Turangi / 1,671 / 2,137 / 2,000
Tauranga and Tauranga Super Centre / 2,791 / 3,875 / 3,878
Te Puke / 1,048 / 1,174 / 1,308
Tokoroa / 2,124 / 2,718 / 2,714
Whakatane / 2,351 / 2,558 / 2,545
Number of working-age recipients (aged 18–64 years) of a main benefit / 22,756 / 28,568 / 28,620
Source: IAP, numbers of working-age recipients of main benefits at the end of September.
Note: Numbers receiving a main benefit exclude the partners, spouses and dependents of recipients of
a main benefit.
Unemployment Benefit[2]
Numbers of working-age Unemployment Benefit recipients (aged 18–64 years), at the end of September 2007, at the end of September 2011, and at the end of September 2012, by service centre
Numbers of recipients who were registered in: / Sep-2007 / Sep-2011 / Sep-2012Greerton / 33 / 203 / 322
Kawerau / 225 / 379 / 510
Mount Maunganui / 24 / 261 / 312
Opotiki / 24 / 77 / 57
Rotorua / 688 / 1,249 / 1,406
Taupo and Turangi / 57 / 187 / 133
Tauranga and Tauranga Super Centre / 30 / 273 / 384
Te Puke / 58 / 130 / 185
Tokoroa / 173 / 584 / 727
Whakatane / 317 / 402 / 474
Number of working-age Unemployment Benefit recipients (aged 18–64 years) / 1,629 / 3,745 / 4,510
Source: IAP, numbers of working-age Unemployment Benefit recipients at the end of September.
Note: Numbers receiving an Unemployment Benefit exclude the partners, spouses and dependents of Unemployment Benefit recipients.
Domestic Purposes Benefit[3]
Numbers of working-age Domestic Purposes Benefit recipients (aged 18–64 years), at the end of September 2007, at the end of September 2011, and at the end of September 2012, by service centre
Numbers of recipients who were registered in: / Sep-2007 / Sep-2011 / Sep-2012Greerton / 1,026 / 1,332 / 1,347
Kawerau / 534 / 652 / 614
Mount Maunganui / 868 / 1,167 / 1,104
Opotiki / 394 / 432 / 439
Rotorua / 2,898 / 3,494 / 3,420
Taupo and Turangi / 801 / 988 / 925
Tauranga and Tauranga Super Centre / 1,106 / 1,406 / 1,374
Te Puke / 465 / 489 / 522
Tokoroa / 868 / 1,025 / 976
Whakatane / 994 / 1,005 / 987
Number of working-age Domestic Purposes Benefit recipients (aged 18–64 years) / 9,954 / 11,990 / 11,708
Source: IAP, numbers of working-age Domestic Purposes Benefit recipients at the end of September.
Sickness Benefit[4]
Numbers of working-age Sickness Benefit recipients (aged 18–64 years), at the end of September 2007, at the end of September 2011, and at the end of September 2012, by service centre
Numbers of recipients who were registered in: / Sep-2007 / Sep-2011 / Sep-2012Greerton / 451 / 666 / 719
Kawerau / 144 / 198 / 191
Mount Maunganui / 444 / 645 / 683
Opotiki / 168 / 167 / 162
Rotorua / 998 / 1,241 / 1,233
Taupo and Turangi / 321 / 415 / 412
Tauranga and Tauranga Super Centre / 550 / 982 / 929
Te Puke / 196 / 221 / 237
Tokoroa / 305 / 370 / 382
Whakatane / 385 / 455 / 430
Number of working-age Sickness Benefit recipients (aged 18–64 years) / 3,962 / 5,360 / 5,378
Source: IAP, numbers of working-age Sickness Benefit recipients at the end of September.
Note: Numbers receiving a Sickness Benefit exclude the partners, spouses and dependents of Sickness Benefit recipients.
Invalid’s Benefit
Numbers of working-age Invalid’s Benefit recipients (aged 18–64 years), at the end of September 2007, at the end of September 2011, and at the end of September 2012, by service centre
Numbers of recipients who were registered in: / Sep-2007 / Sep-2011 / Sep-2012Greerton / 563 / 629 / 592
Kawerau / 287 / 255 / 243
Mount Maunganui / 635 / 578 / 553
Opotiki / 201 / 201 / 205
Rotorua / 1,278 / 1,216 / 1,203
Taupo and Turangi / 423 / 450 / 445
Tauranga and Tauranga Super Centre / 978 / 1,036 / 998
Te Puke / 270 / 233 / 249
Tokoroa / 637 / 581 / 542
Whakatane / 489 / 507 / 476
Number of working-age Invalid’s Benefit recipients (aged 18–64 years) / 5,761 / 5,686 / 5,506
Source: IAP, numbers of working-age Invalid’s Benefit recipients at the end of September.
Note: Numbers receiving an Invalid’s Benefit exclude the partners, spouses and dependents of Invalid’s Benefit recipients.
Centre for Social Research and Evaluation Bay of Plenty Region Service Centre Fact Sheet
Ministry of Social Development September 2012
[1] Includes Unemployment Benefits, Unemployment Benefits – Hardship (includes Unemployment Benefits
– Student Hardship), Independent Youth Benefits, Youth Payments, Young Parent Payments, Domestic
Purposes Benefits – Sole Parent, Domestic Purposes Benefits – Care of Sick or Infirm, Domestic
Purposes Benefits – Women Alone, Sickness Benefits, Sickness Benefits – Hardship, Emergency
Maintenance Allowances, Invalid’s Benefits, Widow’s Benefits and Emergency Benefits. Youth Payments
and Young Parent Payments replaced Independent Youth Benefits from August 2012.
[2] Includes Unemployment Benefits and Unemployment Benefits – Hardship (excludes Unemployment
Benefits – Student Hardship).
[3] Includes Domestic Purposes Benefits – Sole Parent, Domestic Purposes Benefits – Women Alone,
Domestic Purposes Benefits – Care of Sick or Infirm, and Emergency Maintenance Allowances.
[4] Includes Sickness Benefits and Sickness Benefits – Hardship.