Pastor Qualities Survey: April 13, 2014


We want your help in determining the most important qualities you want your CALL Committee to look for in our new Senior Pastor. Please fill out and return to church office by Monday April 28.This may be printed and filled out or filled out on computer and emailed to .

GeneralBackground (Check all applicable boxes):

Service you normally attend: 8:309:4511:00

Age:Under 2121-3031-4041-50 51-60 61-75  Over 75

Gender: FemaleMale

Status: MarriedSingleDivorced

Member of Messiah: Not a current member ORMember for

Under 5 years5-10 years11-20 yearsOver 20 years

My household includes youth/children (Check as many boxes as apply to you):

NoneMiddle/High School

Preschool Post High School



Name (Optional): ______

Other Considerations for CALL Committee:

In case we did not include your preference, or you have something else for us to consider, please provide your comments/suggestions below:





CALL Committee Members:

Joel Mathews, ChairWalt HalfmannMike Mekelburg

Claudia BohrenSherri IrwinAbby Moss

John DufresneWayne JacksonConnie Proeschel

Indicate your level of importance for each of the listed qualities by circling on a scale of 1-5, with “1” being LEAST important, and “5” being MOST important. Then choose ONLY your top 3 qualities under the “Top Rank” column.


Least >MostRank

  1. Worship & Christian Education:
  2. Preaching content & delivery style1 2 3 4 5____
  3. Worship format flexibility1 2 3 4 5____
  4. Pre-school advocate1 2 3 4 5____
  5. Teaching ability1 2 3 4 5____
  6. Stresses Bible Study & Christian Education1 2 3 4 5____
  7. Promotes stronger faith in members1 2 3 4 5____
  8. Youth:
  9. Children’s Ministry (through 6th grade)1 2 3 4 5____
  10. Youth Ministry(7th grade through High School)1 2 3 4 5____
  11. Young Adult Ministry(college to mid 20’s)1 2 3 4 5____
  12. Family Ministry (whole family)1 2 3 4 5____
  13. Relates well to all children & youth1 2 3 4 5____
  14. Youth events & outreach1 2 3 4 5____
  15. Shepherd to Members:
  16. Singles Ministry1 2 3 4 5____
  17. Older Adult Ministry1 2 3 4 5____
  18. Counseling1 2 3 4 5____
  19. Member Care & Support1 2 3 4 5____
  20. Visiting existinginactive members1 2 3 4 5____
  21. Small Group Ministries1 2 3 4 5____
  22. Outreach & Mission:
  23. Community outreach & involvement1 2 3 4 5____
  24. Evangelism1 2 3 4 5____
  25. Bringing in new members1 2 3 4 5____
  26. Reaching the unchurched 1 2 3 4 5____
  27. Administrative:
  28. Leadership & vision1 2 3 4 5____
  29. Administrative/management skills1 2 3 4 5____
  30. Lay leadership development1 2 3 4 5____
  31. Financial, time & talent stewardship1 2 3 4 5____
  32. Program/ministry development1 2 3 4 5____
  33. Program implementation skills1 2 3 4 5____
  34. Personal Style/Traits:
  35. Computer/social mediasavvy1 2 3 4 5____
  36. People skills1 2 3 4 5____
  37. Desire to learn/try new things1 2 3 4 5____
  38. Cooperative/participative1 2 3 4 5____
  39. Creative/innovative1 2 3 4 5____
  40. Participates in many Messiah events1 2 3 4 5____

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