Korean Language and Involvement Club Constitution

Article I – Name, purpose, & non-discrimination policy of the organization

Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Korean Language and Involvement Club. (KLIC)

Section 2. This organization shall exist to educate its membership as well as the university community about Korean. The organization will observe and discuss the Korean language and Korean culture through a variety of sources including: conversation tables, videos, native speakers, games and performances.

Section 3. The organization and its members shall not discriminate against any individual(s) or group for reasons of race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, gender identity, gender expression, sex, age, handicap, veteran status or by any other socially-constructed category with which one could be discriminated against.

Article II – Membership qualifications and categories of membership

Section 1. Two tiers of membership that shall exist in Korean Language and Involvement Club are General Membership and Active Membership.

Section 2. In order to be considered a General Member of the organization, an individual must be currently enrolled as an Ohio State student. Others such as faculty, alumni, professionals, community members, etc. are encouraged to become members of non-voting or honorary status.

Section 3. In order to be considered an Active Member of the organization, one must meet the requirements to become a General Member. Additionally, members must earn at least 10 points each semester to be considered an active member for that semester. Points can be earned by participation in events and club activities. Points will also be given for attending meetings. Members will start with 0 points at the beginning of each semester.

Article III – Voting & appointment procedures, leadership, officers, and duties

Section 1. Elections for the executive board members of the incoming year will be conducted one month prior to the end of the academic year. Only currently serving executive board members will be eligible to nominate candidates for a certain position on the executive board. Executive board nominations are limited to active members. Only if there are no active members qualified for an executive board position, the currently serving executive board may nominate others outside of the active members roster. Voting for executive board members shall be restricted to currently serving executive board members. Each officer’s term begins two months before the first day of the autumn academic semester. Should an officer position become vacant during the year, the President will select an individual to fill the post until elections normally take place. Voting itself will take place at the discretion of the President and/or the Vice President.

Section 2. The organization will be led by the President and the President’s executive board. The responsibility of the President and the executive board shall be to conduct the business of the organization during and between meetings with the membership of the organization.

Section 3. The officers of the executive board of the Korean Language and Involvement Club have the primary responsibility of operating the organization to the benefit of its membership. Officers will work directly at the order of the President to work toward a common goal. Therefore, the President reserves the discretion to change, create, or disband any position in the organization to best fit the needs of the membership. All executive board members must be present at events and fulfill their delegated duties, even if they are outside of their position’s normal duties.

Executive leadership positions:

o  President

·  Direct the organization’s activities and operations

·  Act as direct representative for the organization

·  Have executive authority on all matters concerning the organization and the organization’s management

·  Preside over all meetings and activities of the organization

·  Oversees curriculum for conversation tables

·  Manages organization’s e-mail

·  Approves conversation table topics

o  Vice President

·  Acts in the president’s stead if the president is unavailable

·  Collects mail and helps manage the organization’s email

·  Assist the president with their duties as needed

·  Confirms all executive board members are doing their delegated duties

o  Treasurer

·  Maintain a bank account for the organization

·  Collect and disburse funds from/amongst the membership as directed by the President and Vice-President

·  Maintain accurate and detailed records of the organization’s finances

·  Report on the organization’s financial status at each executive board meetings

·  Work with the executive board to acquire funding for events and activities

·  Perform other duties assigned by the President

·  Coordinate events alongside the Event & Activities coordinators specifically geared toward raising funds for the club in general

o  Public Relations Chair

·  Responsible for membership recruitment

·  Maintains social media outlets

·  Work with the executive board to ensure the organization’s goals and events are communicated to the public

·  Responsible for outreach to other groups

·  Public representative of the club

·  Manages advertisement of the club on campus

o  Secretary

·  Documents minutes from all executive and club meetings.

·  Distributes notes through e-mail accordingly

·  Maintains a complete and accurate listing of club members

·  Maintains accurate list of contact information

·  Maintains calendar of club events

o  Conversation Table Leader

·  Leads conversation tables

·  Creates a calendar of topics for conversation table meetings

·  Assists in cultural event planning

Article IV – Method of selecting and removing officers and members

Section 1. As previously discussed officers of the executive board will be selected by a majority vote carried out by currently serving e-board members and Active members. The election for the executive board members serving in the following academic year will take place annually a week prior to the end of the Autumn semester. This is done so that the new e-board members can be trained by the currently serving e-board to take their positions.

Section 2. Candidates for the e-board must be nominated by current members of the e-board from the club’s active members.

Section 3. Officer Removal: In the case that an officer fails to fulfill their duties or causes grief to other officers or to any member of the organization, the President shall call a meeting with the Vice President and the Treasurer to discuss the officer’s offenses. Upon the unanimous decision of the President, Vice President, and Treasurer, the officer shall be removed from the organization.

Section 4. Member Removal: Individuals who cause hardship on the officers, organization, partnered organizations, or other members will be held to the same standards as the officers of the organization. Those in violation of the organization’s non-discrimination policy will be terminated immediately. Should the executive board find it necessary, an individual may be banned from attending organization events and activities by unanimous vote by the entirety of the executive board

Article V – Advisors

Section 1. The advisors of the Korean Language and Involvement Club must be full-time members of the University faculty and/or administration/professional staff. If a person is serving as an advisor and does not meet these qualifications, they shall be listed as a co-advisor underneath an individual who does qualify for this position. The responsibility of the advisor(s) is to act as a liaison between the organization and University.

Article VI – Meetings

Section 1. Executive board meetings shall take place biweekly. There shall be one official Korean cultural event every month. Conversation Tables will take place biweekly. During these Conversation Table meetings, various Korean language topics -decided by the Executive Board- will be discussed based on the levels of the members’ knowledge of the language. The advisor will oversee the Conversation Table meetings.

Article VII – Method of Amending the Constitution

Section 1. It is the President’s sole duty to maintain and manage the constitution to most effectively manage the organization. The executive board may make suggestions to amend the constitution, but ultimately it’s the President’s duty.