Curriculum Committee: REVISED Scope & Sequence for the Grammar Curriculum / APPROVED 11/11/11 – Updated 2/22/12

Verb tenses and forms / Clauses / Nouns / Modals / Adverbs
I / Present simple
Present progressive
Imperative (LS)
There is/are
Be, have
S/V agreement
It + be for time and weather (LS)
Questions: wh-, yes/no
Short answers / Single-clause sentences
Word order
Want, need + infinitive
There + be
It + time/weather / Proper and common
Singular and plural, including irregular plurals
Generic articles
Simple adjectives
Prepositions of time, location, position, and sequence (LS)
Cardinal and ordinal numbers (LS)
Pronouns (subject, object, demonstrative, indefinite referent, interrogative)
Descriptive adjectives / Ability: can (LS)
Necessity: have to (LS) / Location
II / Present simple and progressive
Past simple
Future with will and going to
Imperative (LS)
Subject-verb agreement with nouns
Questions: yes/no and information (LS) / Coordination of clauses, words, and phrases (and, or, but*)
(*direct opposition)
Adverb clauses of time with when, before, after (in past simple tense) / Count and non-count nouns
Possessive nouns and pronouns
Articles (basic use)
Measurements (e.g. a piece of)
Comparative adjectives (LS)
Superlative adjectives (LS)
Prepositions of time/extended time
Prepositions of location, position, and direction (LS)
Pronouns (subject, object, possessive, reflexive)
Nouns used as adjectives / Ability (LS)
Future uncertainty: may, might
Necessity: have to (LS)
Permission: may, could, can (LS)
Requests: would, could, can, will (LS)
Suggestions: let’s, why don’t we? (LS) / Time
III / Present perfect
Difference between will and going to
Gerund and infinitives
Review of other tenses as needed
Past progressive
Tag questions / Compound sentences (coordinating conjunctions) with but*, so
(* concessive meaning)
Adverb clauses of time(introducing until, as soon as, while, since)
Adverb clauses with because, although, even though
Simple real and unreal conditionals (LS) / Comparatives and superlatives (adjectives, adverbs, and nouns) LS
Equatives (as …as) LS
Prepositions of means and purpose
Participial adjectives / ALL L/S:
Advice: Should, ought to, had better
Desire: would like to, would love to
Familiarity: be accustomed to, be used to
Certainty: will, be going to, may, might
Uncertainty: may, might
Necessity: have to, must, have got to
Permission: may, can, could
Preference: would rather
Prohibition: must not, not supposed to
Request: would, could, can, will, would mind
Suggestion: let’s, why don’t / already, yet, still, just+ present perfect
IV / Review of past, present, and future tenses in levels I-III, as needed: present simple, past simple, present perfect (RW); present and past progressive (LS); will and going to
Past perfect (in appropriate adverb clauses and indirect speech) / Adjective clauses (subject, object, object of a preposition, restrictive and non-restrictive)
Noun clauses (direct and indirect speech, question words, whether/if, as objects and objects of a preposition, whether or not, as adjectivecomplements)
Clause combination and punctuation of simple, compound, and complex sentences / Comparative and superlative adjectives (LS)
Count and non-count nouns (LS) / ALL L/S
Advice: should, ought to, had better
Certainty: all forms
Desire: would love/like to
Expectation: be supposed to
Impossibility: cannot, could not (+future)
Intention: be going to
Necessity: must, have (got) to
Preference: would rather
Prohibition: must not
Familiarity: be accustomed to, be used to
Willingness: will / Sentence (adverbial) transitions, as needed, specifically for compare/contrast, description, and summary
V / Reviewfunctions of verb tenses
Gerunds and infinitives
Habitual actions with would, used to
Passive voice
Causative verbs (make, let)
Future perfect [reading only]
Perfect progressives [reading only]
Questions (LS) / Adverb clauses, addingpurpose (in order to, so that)
Reduced adjective clauses
Adjective clauses of place, time, and reason; and with quantities
Real and unreal (present and past) conditionals (LS in EAP; RW in GenV)
Reduced adverb clauses [not in Gen V; EAPVfor reading purposes]
Punctuation of simple, compound, and complex sentences
Noun clauses with wish, whatever / Articles
Prepositions (as particles or complements of verbs) / Review of all functions listed previously, with a new focus on RW including:
Past and passive verb forms after certain modal verbs, and all tenses with semi-modals
And with the addition of:
Unfulfilled (past): was going to / Sentence (adverbial) transitions, as needed, specifically for persuasion and argument, cause/effect
VI / Review verb tenses, passive voice as needed
Subject-verb agreement (complex cases)
Gerunds and infinitives
Subject-verb inversion
Questions (LS) / Correlative conjunctions
Adverb clauses [reduced clauses for reading purposes]
Conditional (real and unreal; implied and with inversion)
Noun clauses (as subjects for reading only); complement noun clauses (EAP)
Subjunctive noun clauses and non-finite clauses of urging/recommendation
Wh- clefts (i.e. wh- noun clauses as subjects) – LS
Punctuation of simple, compound, and complex sentences
Parallelism / Articles, countability of nouns (in depth)
Equatives, comparatives, rather than / Modals for hedging and boosting claims / Sentence (adverbial) transitions

Bold = introduced at this level; plain text = review and expand.