Indiana Auctioneers Association

2010Annual Business Meeting

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Holiday Inn-Columbus, IN

  1. INVOCATION- given by Tim Kruse.
  1. CALL TO ORDER – Chairman of the Board Jim Lestinsky, called the meeting to order at 8:34am Eastern Time on Saturday, November 6, 2010 at the Holiday Inn Columbus, IN.

Board Members Present:

President: Mike Mensendiek, CES

President Elect: Sara Minor, CAI, GPPA

Vice President: Andrew Wilson, CAI, CES

Secretary/Treasurer: Melissa Davis, CAI, BAS

Chairman of the Board:Jim Lestinsky

Director: Dennis Bennett, AARE, CES, MPPA

Director:Brent Markley

Director:TJ Freije

Director: Brian Beckort, CAI, AARE

Director: Carol Bonham, CAI, CES, GPPA

Director: Jonathan Kraft

Director: Jama Smith, BAS

Director: Tim Kruse, CAI, BAS

Director: Aaron Wilson, CES

Staff Members Present:

Kathy Baber, IAA Executive Director


No request.



To approve the 2009 annual meeting minutes as presented.

Proposed by: Wm. Harter

Seconded by:Jonathan Baker

Motion passed:Unanimously by voice vote


Mike Mensendiek announced that the IAA was in the process of switching the website from Auction Services to Auction Zip and that should be completed by the first of 2011. Mike congratulated the newest Hall of Fame Members; Brent Earlywine and Darin Lawson, as well as, the new Indiana Champion Auctioneer, Jonathan Kraft. Mike is very proud of the convention turnout. Mike will report more in his outgoing speech later in the evening.


Treasurer Melissa Davis, CAI, BAS gave an oral report on IAA’s current financials.


To accept the current financial report as presented.

Presented by:Jimmie Dean Coffey

Seconded by: Dennis Jackson

Motion Passed: Unanimously by voice vote


The Nominating Committee conducted interviews on Friday, November 5thfor all candidates running for State Director. The Nominating Committee proposed the following for the Executive Board.

President – Sara Minor, CAI, GPPA

President Elect – Andrew Wilson, CAI, CES

Vice President –Melissa Davis, CAI, BAS

Secretary/Treasurer – Tom Freije

According to IAA by-laws the following are automatically elected:

President – Sara Minor, CAI, GPPA

President Elect – Andrew Wilson, CAI, CES


Nominations were held for the Vice President position.


Move nominations be closed from the floor and accept the nomination that was presented by the nominating committee.

Presented by:Wm. Harter

Seconded by:Jim Littlejohn

Motion Passed:Unanimously by voice vote

Melissa Davis, CAI, BAS was elected as the new IAA Vice President by acclamation.

Nominations were held for the Secretary/Treasurer position.


Move nominations be closed from the floor and accept the nomination that was presented by the nominating committee.

Presented by:Elvie Frey

Seconded by:Mike Berger

Motion Passed:Unanimously by voice vote

Tom Freije was elected as the new IAA Secretary/Treasurer by acclamation.

Nominations were held for the three open Director positions.

There were no additional nominations from the floor.

Nominations were closed by Tom Bauermeister and seconded by Darin Lawson. Each nominee had 2 minutes to speak.

State Directors recommended by committee: Lana Nevil, Dennis Jackson, Ricky Baer, Dodie Whitcomb and Greg Engstrom. Three will be elected by ballot.

The following were elected as new IAA Directors by majority ballot vote of 81 official ballots:

Greg Engstrom

Dennis Jackson

Ricky Baer



Audit-Melissa Davis stated that there was a statement from the CPA, Florence Teskey, stating that all financial records were in order. Melissa Davis reported that the IAA Board had spoken to the NAA about a full audit for the years 2006-2007. Dennis Kruse was a part of that conversation as well. The written report from all parties had been sent to the members that were in attendance at the 2009 annual meeting and was included in the 2010 annual meeting packets.

Budget-Melissa Davis stated that the 2011 budget has been approved by the Board and was included in the annual meeting packets.

By-Laws-Andrew Wilson– no report.

Education-Melissa Davis reported that 16 hours of CE was available at the convention. The IAA hosted three (3) sessions across the state that were very well attended. The 2011 CE dates and locations have been secured. Discussion: how does the IAA compare to other providers in relation to the price of CE? Melissa explained that the IAA is a little higher. Question: How are the non-members being notified of CE in 2011. The non-members and members will receive several mailings throughout the year.

Forms-Brian Beckort – no report.

Grievances-Jim Lestinsky - no report as there had not been any formal complaints filed in 2010.

Historian-Dennis Bennett submitted a written report.

Indiana Auction Commission-Mike Mensendiek reported that the newest commissioner is Carl Gilbert.

Legislative –Mike Mensendiek reported that Steve Buschmann had been the legislative lobbyist keeping an eye on the legislative session and sending weekly reports to the IAA.

Advanced Planning-Sara Minor reported that she will focus on updating the Code of Ethics and revising the By-Laws. Sara will charge the board to focus on quality education sessions as that is the key.

Magazine-Sara Minor reported that the magazine had won two awards at the annual NAA conference/show. There have been a few changes to the format that will save the IAA over $1200.00 annually.

Membership-Brent Markley submitted a written report.

Public relations-Andrew Wilson reported that the focus of PR this past year was on National Auctioneers Day and the State Convention. Andrew reported that there was media coverage at the Indiana Champion Auctioneer contest.

Technology-Aaron Wilson reported that the IAA is making the switch from Auction Services to Auction Zip as the website host and that new site will be in full function January 2011. The IAA is on Facebook. Jimmie Dean Coffey asked for a show of hands as to how many of the members felt a “Members Only” section should be on the website. The response was very low which the board will take under advisement moving forward with the new website.

Code of Ethics – Jim Lestinsky- no report.

Sponsorship-Tim Kruse reported that the goal for 2010 was $15,000.00 and total raised to date $15,200.00.

Spotlight-Carol Bonham reported that the IAA secured enough items for the Spotlight Auction. Carol would have liked to have had more help from the membership. Tom Bauermeister and Bill Wilson both spoke to the members in attendance as to how important personal contact is and that everyone should solicit their local media that they work with on a regular basis.

Bid Calling-Jonathan Kraftis the 2010 Indiana Champion Auctioneer. There were 13 contestants for 2010.

Trade Show-Dennis Bennett submitted a written report.

Marketing Contest-Brian Beckort reported that there were 110entriesin 2010.

Auctions-Jama Smith reported that the Gala will be conducted by those with the BAS designation and that the evening will be a learning experience. The fund-a-cause will benefit Mayo Clinic. Proceeds from the Gala will be split 80% to IAA general fund, 10% to IAA Scholarship and 10% to IAA Auxiliary.

Hall of Fame-Brent Earlywine and Darin Lawson were inducted into the IAA Hall of Fame and Kay Kruse was inducted into the IAA Auxiliary Hall of Fame. Greg Michael addressed the attendees and reminded them to submit HOF applications.

Scholarship-Colleen Harvey was chosen from three applicants as the 2010 Scholarship recipient.

Nominating committee –Jimmie Dean Coffey, Fred Robinson and Mike Mensendiek conducted the interviewsof all candidates on Friday, November 5, 2010. One candidate was removed from the slate due to not being a member for a full year.


There was no old business.


  1. IAA Display Unit

MOTION: the PR budget to purchase a travel display unit similar to several seen as the annual trade show.

Proposed by:Dennis Bennett

Seconded by:Harvey Lambright

Discussion: It was mentioned that a display trailer could be purchased for $12,000.00. The question was asked what would be the purpose of the trailer. Mike Mensendiek asked for a clarification of the motion. Jimmie Dean Coffey addressed the members and reminded them that the NAA would be hosted in Indianapolis 2013 and that a nice display unit for the IAA would be a nice presence and representation for the state. Mark Bonham and Paul Prestia both have display booths that they are willing to donate to the IAA. Wm. Harter called for the question.

Motion Passed:Passed with 52 in favor.

  1. Cost of Continuing Education. Greg Michael charged the board to review the cost of the education being presented in 2011 as he feels it is too high. Melissa Davis explained that the cost for members is less than $10/hour. Melissa also explained that the IAA has an incentive for non-members to become members and receive their membership and education for $175.00. Andrew Wilson reported that the budget for 2011 had been approved by the board with a lot of research and hard work and that the education line items were a big part of the budget.


Tom Bauermeister presented the 2010-2011 IAA Board of Directors with the swearing in of the Oath of Office.


To adjourn the meeting.

Proposed By:Keith Jones

Seconded By:Wm. Harter

Motion Passed:Unanimously by voice vote at 10:47 am.

Submitted for approval by Kathy Baber, Executive Director November 5, 2011