HL7 Clinical Decision Support Work Group
Conference Call Minutes: Infobutton

18Apr 2015, 3:00-4:00pm EST


[X] Guilherme Del Fiol (University of Utah)

[X] Howard Strasberg (Wolters Kluwer Health)

[ x ] Bret Heale (University of Utah)

[ x ] Ann Phillips (National Quality Forum)

[ x ] Jae Kim (ESAC)

[ x ] Khadija Mohamed (ESAC)

[ x ] Reshma Patel

[ x ] Phillip Warner (University of Utah)

[ x ] David Kreda (HMS/UDN)

[ x ] Victor Lee

[ x ] Grant Wood (Intermountain Healthcare)

[ x ] Robert Freimuth (Mayo Clinic)

[ x ] Marc Hadley (MITRE)

[ x ] Dan Bogaty, [Partners HealthCare]

[ x ] Gil (HMS/BCH)

[ x ] Bill Kleinebecker (Strategic Pathways)

[ x ] Chris Markle ()

[ x ] Jessie Tenenbaum (Duke University)

[ x ] Ashley McCrea (ESAC, Inc)

[ x ] Jason Walonoski

[ x ] Matt Varghese

[ x ] Kavishwar Wagholikar

[ x ] Joey Yang

[ x ] Jae Kim

[ x ] Ashley McCrea

[ x ] Brett Johnson

[ x ] Darrell Woelk

[ x ] Christopher Haisty

[ x ] Yan Heras (Lantana)

[ x ] Brian Alper

[ ] Shawn Myers (Healthwise)

[ ] Clayton Curtis (VA)

[ ]Nathan Hulse (Intermountain Healthcare)

[ ] Peter Haug (Intermountain Healthcare)

[ ] Jim Cimino (Clinical Center, NIH)

[ ] Kensaku Kawamoto (University of Utah)

[ ] Saverio Maviglia (Partners Healthcare)

[ ] Thom Kuhn (ACP)

[ ] Chris Melo (Phillips Healthcare)

[ ] Joe Potvin (National Library of Medicine)

[ ] Jeff Lash (Elsevier)

[ ] Tony Weida (Apelon)

[ ] Vojtech Huser (NIH)

[ ] Karen Witting (IBM)

[ ] Lura Daussat (OZ Systems)

[ ] Melvin Crum (CDC)

[ ] Arun Srini(CDC)

[ ] Indraroop Mohanti (Epic)

[ ] Matt Varghese (Epic)

[ ] Keith Boone (GE)

[ ] Steve Ward (Cerner)

[ ] Jeff Garner (OFMQ)

[ ] Bob Carmichael (Cerner)

[ ] Gaby Jewell (Cerner)

[ ] Dorthi Blair

[ ] Anna Langhans (S&I framework)

[ ] Pavel Smirnov

[ ] Bill Haake (Logical Images)

[ ] Bret Esler

[ ] Priyaranjan Tokachichu (Partners Healthcare)

[ ] Christina Knotts (First Databank)

[ ] Marisol Navas (VA)

[ ] Jie Long (Intermountain)

[ ] Kyan Poorn (Cambridge Solutions)

[ ] Ganesh Sivashanmugam (Glenwood Systems)

[ ] Karen Forden

[ ] Mark Ratzlaff

[ ] Nicolas Tejera

[ ] David Sperzel (Apelon; attending on behalf of VA)

[ ] Mark Roche (ONC)

[ ] Soma Lanka (NLM)

[ ] Brian Scheller (Healthwise)

[ ] Chandini David (Epic)

[ ] Claude Nanjo (Zynx)

[ ] Joellen Scott (State of California)

[ ] John Snyder (Geisinger)

[ ] Mark Cacciapouti (UpToDate)

[ ] Trish Pitts (Spencer Hospital)

Discussion items:

1)Discuss the overall purpose of the call – the Context-Aware Knowledge Retrieval Application (Infobutton) Standard in the context of the Genetics Domain.

  1. Lack of the ability to specify that topic of interest is related to genetics
  2. Proposal:
  3. Use MeSH concept as subtopic, potentially leveraging MeSh tree that has “Genetics” as parent concept. May need to pick individual codes to create a complete value set.
  4. Provide use cases as additional guidance.
  5. Lack of the ability to represent information on genetic tests
  6. Proposal: Expand interpretationCode value set to include interpretation flags that are relevant for genetics
  7. Lack of the ability to represent gene names (e.g., for variant information)in infobutton requests. HGNC and NCBI Entrez Genes are options
  8. HGNC Symbols can change over time, but HGNC id codes are stable
  9. Code system OID available for HGNC. Could send HGNC id as code and gene symbol as display name
  10. Need to be able to specify the species, as HGNC codes are not species specific
  11. NCBI Entrez Genes are gene-specific, but there is no OID for NCBI Entrez. We also need to understand their terminology management procedures.
  12. Action item: check terminology management policies/procedures from these two standards to see if they meet HL7 needs (e.g., stable identifiers).

2)Other kinds of genomic information (e.g., chromosomal aberration) are more complex and are currently being worked on by ClinGen. Will include in the discussion for Orlando, but may be a longer term goal.

3)Set an agenda for the January HL7 Working Group Meeting

  1. Discuss use cases for retrieval of genetic information
  2. Review candidate value set for genetic subtopics
  3. Review candidate value set for relevant interpretation codes for genetic tests
  4. Discuss terminology alternatives for genes
  5. Discuss more complex use cases (If there is time)

Next discussion:Orlando WGM Wed Q2 (CDS to join CG)