Tamar Valley Pool League

Affiliated to Devon Pool Association

Chairman Dave Houghton 07966 960819

Vice Chairman Nigel Martin 07970 162368

Secretary Robert Hicks 07929 026837

Competitions Secretary Ben Stephens 07774 317734

Treasurer Darren Bulley 07765 888319


15th August 2012

Dear Landlord / Landlady / Team Captain,

The Tamar Valley Pool League AGM and winter registration takes place on Sunday 09th September at the Tavy Club (formerly the Royal British Legion), Tavistock, at 8pm.

All teams wishing to enter the winter league must have a representative in attendance. This is the final date for registration and all fees must be paid. Any fees received after this date WILL NOT be accepted and the team NOT entered into the Winter 2012-2013 season.

You should find 2 copies of the registration form with this letter. If your venue wishes to enter a second team (and they haven’t received their own copy of this letter), please pass the spare forms on to them and let them know the details of the AGM. Competition entries will be done at a later date, to be decided by the Competitions Secretary.

The entry fee for existing teams will be £45. All new teams must also pay a deposit of £15, which will be refunded at the end of the season if all fixtures are played. There is also a £10 per team entry fee for the competitions which must be paid by all teams, whether entering any competitions or not. So the total to pay for existing teams is £55 and for new teams, £70. Receipts will be issued at the AGM.

In line with previous AGMs, any proposals which people would like to be on the agenda for discussion at the AGM must be submitted, in writing (or via the 'Contact us' link on the www.tvpool.co.uk website), by Wednesday 5th September (form enclosed). Any proposals received after this date or received via any other means other than those stated above will not be brought up at the AGM.

Ben Stephens will be standing down this year as competition secretary he will however remain on the committee, so we will need to appoint a new person to fill the vacant position of competitions secretary. Anybody who is interested in being the leagues new competition secretary or is interested in being on the committee, please let us know!

If you have any questions, please phone me, ASAP! I will be in America from Monday the 27th August to Tuesday 4th September and will not be looking at phone or emails during this period.


Robert Hicks

League Secretary


Tamar Valley Pool League

Affiliated to Devon Pool Association

Chairman Dave Houghton 07966 960819

Vice Chairman Nigel Martin 07970 162368

Secretary Robert Hicks 07929 026837

Competitions Secretary Ben Stephens 07774 317734

Treasurer Darren Bulley 07765 888319



Please detail anything below which you would like to be included on the agenda for the Tamar Valley Pool League 2012 AGM, to be held at the Tavy Club, Tavistock, on Sunday 09th September, at 8pm.

Please return this form to: Robert Hicks 7 Chestnut Close, Bere Alston, Yelverton, Devon, PL20 7EN.

Completed forms must be received by Wednesday 5th September.














Team:……………………………… Signed:……………………………… Name: ………………………………

Tamar Valley Pool League

Affiliated to Devon Pool Association

Winter League 2012-2013 Registration Form


Team Name:
Captain’s Phone:
Captain’s Mobile:
Captain’s E-Mail:
Correspondence Address:
Vice Captain:
Vice Captain’s Phone:
Vice Captain’s Mobile:
Venue’s Phone:
Venue’s Address:

Registration fee of £45 to be paid at AGM on 09/09/2012.

New teams must pay a deposit of £15

(refundable at end of season if all fixtures are played).

Tamar Valley Pool League

Affiliated to Devon Pool Association

Winter League 2012-2013 Registration Form


Team Name:
Captain’s Phone:
Captain’s Mobile:
Captain’s E-Mail:
Correspondence Address:
Vice Captain:
Vice Captain’s Phone:
Vice Captain’s Mobile:
Venue’s Phone:
Venue’s Address:

Registration fee of £45 to be paid at AGM on 09/09/2012.

New teams must pay a deposit of £15

(refundable at end of season if all fixtures are played).