Clerk: Ms E Haskins, 174 Bradford Road, Shipley BD18 3DE

Tel: 01274 408472; Email:

Sandy Lane Parish Council Meeting

Monday 11thSeptember 2017

To be held at Bethel Baptist Church, Sandy Lane, at 7.30pm


  1. To receive apologies for absence.
  1. Declarations of interest:
  1. To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda;
  2. To receive written requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interest;
  3. To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate.
  1. To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting held on21stAugust 2017asa true and correct record (enc.).
  1. Public forum – Chair to invite questions and suggestions from members of the public for a maximum of 15 minutes.
  1. To receive representation from the local police.
  1. To receive information on the following ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary:
  2. Summer event (to receive feedback on, and agree provisional date for next year);
  3. Red phone box/defibrillator;
  4. Traffic issues;
  5. Park equipment funding (section 106 funding);
  6. Emergency planning.
  1. Planning issues
  2. Current planning applications:

None received.

7.2Notifications of planning decisions by Bradford Council:

None received.

7.3Local Development Plan: To consider any updatesfrom the LDP.

  1. Financial matters:

8.1To approve any accounts for payment, including the following:

  1. BMDC for salaries for September (£511.49);
  2. Clerk’s expenses (£TBC), including travel (£TBC), refreshments (£TBC) and kiosk painting items (£65.82);
  3. Bev Porter for reimbursement for summer event items (£59.66);
  4. British Heart Foundation (£TBC) for collection from summer event (£47.91) and donation from Parish Council (£TBC);
  5. Hirst Wood Regeneration Group for donation for painting of phone kiosk (£150.00).

8.2To receive update on tax rebate.

  1. To consider working in collaboration with Sandy Lane Cricket Club to search for funding to refurbish the club.
  1. To consider the Parish Council’s Remembrance Day event this year (Sunday 12th November).
  1. To consider initial preparations for the Christmas tree and decorations this year.
  1. To consider the purchase of Yorkshire Day flags for the village.
  1. To consider items for inclusion in the next newsletter (to include contributions from local groups, and photos and thanks to helpers for summer event).
  1. Correspondence received
  • Email from Hirst Wood Regeneration Group re phone box;
  • Email from Forever Living representative re summer event;
  • Emails from British Heart Foundation representative re the summer event collection;
  • Email from Ward Cllr Dunbar re planning application on Prune Park Lane.
  1. To identify items for inclusion in the agenda of the next meeting (to include standing items of traffic issues and emergency planning).
  1. To confirm the date of the next Parish Council meeting,to be held on Monday 9th October 2017 at Bethel Baptist Church at 7.30pm.

E Haskins (Clerk)