February 2013

Issue No 35

Contacts List:

Hon President - Eileen Blythe Tel: 01303 891 173

Hon Chairman - Ray Ashdown Tel: 01303 894 906

Hon Secretary (Meeting minutes) – Val Brazier Tel: 01303 890805

Assistant Hon Secretary – Julie Wells Tel: 01303 892900

Hon Treasurer – Dawn Wolley Tel: 01303 893466

Site Manager- Fred Partridge Tel: 01303 891 105

Newsletter & Press -Terry and Carole Wright Tel: 01303 894439

Committee Members:

Helen Mellin 01303 893 191

Fred Goodburn 01303 893 958

Mike Stevenson 01303 894467

Sylvia Hilditch 01303 893 655

Nick Lord01303 892 732



Summary of AGM – Sunday 27th January 2013

Eileen Blythe was voted as Chair for the meeting and apologies taken and read out.

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held 26th February 2012 was read out by EileenBlythe. One change was made under the heading AOB from "plot" to "site". The minutes were agreed unanimously as a true record and signed by Eileen Blythe.

There were no matters arising and no correspondence received.

Chairman’s report for 2012

2012 was a great year for the Olympics and the Queen’s Jubilee, but not good for growing vegetables.

We all did very well in spite of the wet and cold weather to keep our plots tidy and productive, making this year’s Competitions much harder for the Judges.

We now have 26 half size plots, so we made a separate competition for them this year, which was won by John Charlton. The 29 full size plots Competition was won by Alan Court, and he was also second in the Kent Competition, so well done to John and Alan. The Society won the Kent Cup for small Sites, and second in the all comers Site Competition, so well done to Ray our site manager and his helpers Alan, and John, who keep the grass cut and the site tidy. We need to thank Terry and Carole Wright who keep our database up to date and safe, and produce the Society’s newsletters for us regularly. Again this year my Alan was selling his plants in our shop, Jill and Fred started doing coffee mornings on a regular basis, and Michael Stevenson did his first Quiz Master event. All these events helped to raise extra funds for our Society.

This year we had visits from the local Brownie pack, the WI Walking group and The Men’s club. At our Open Day in August Kent Cllr. Susan Carey came and presented the prizes for us, and on a very damp and misty day in October she bought along the Leader of Kent C.C. Paul Carter who was very impressed with our site. So a big thank you to the members who regularly make cakes and help out at our Fund raising events in the village and on site, it all helps us the committee to keep the site in a happy and friendly environment. Your committee this year was Eileen, Sandy, Ray, Fred P., Helen, Fred G., Mike, Sylvia and Val who have given their time to help and encourage all the members to enjoy their passion for our Allotments.

As 2012 was my last year as your Chairwomen, I thank you all for your hard work, which keeps our site so tidy and clean, and all the effort it took to find the site very worthwhile.

Eileen Blythe

Hon. Chairwomen

Jan. 2013

Copies of the audited accounts were available for all to see and the Treasurer went through and read them out. He outlined a proposal to have a slight increase in third, half and full plots along with the Annual Family Membership to allow for future expenditure.

Fred Goodburn came back with a proposal of a higher increase. Third plots to £16 per year, Half plots to £24 per year and Full plots to £48 per year.

George Hodgson was not in favour of the increase but a show of hands was in favour of the increase and the Vote was carried in favour by the Floor.

Ray Ashdown, Treasurer, thanked Jill and Fred Partridge for organising coffee mornings throughout the year, and also Alan and Eileen Blythe for raising funds selling plants.

Water usage was down this year due to the weather, which has given us a credit with the Water Company.

New members joining fees to be pro-rata depending on month joined, as well as members leaving. Refunds will be decided by the Committee dependant on condition of the plot.

Future expenses were discussed, such as a second hand ride on lawn mower as the site takes the three volunteer members a long time to mow.

Ray Ashdown thanked Roy for auditing the books.

Members thanked Ray for being Treasurer.


Ray Ashdown informed members of the changes to plots.

Last year the site had a security issue with theft by intruders. Barbed wire has now been put on the fence by the lower end path.

Notice Boards have now been put up on the club house.

Ray thanked members Alan, Fred, Fred, Chris and John for helping with the
maintenance of the site.

Plans for future repairs included a repair to fence after damaged occurred when manure was delivered. Ray asked members for more volunteers to help out next year with the maintenance of the site.

Questions from the members

Q. Health and Safety issues relating to the use of a ride on mower.

Q. Where mower was to be housed.

Q. Will the bottom path be levelled so the mower can mow the path?

Q. Can we get a trailer to go on the back?

Members thanked Ray for his work as Site manager

No additional matters had been received nor changes in rules put forwarded.


Eileen Blythe retired as Chairperson

Sandy Beer retired as Secretary

Ray Ashdown put himself forward as Chair but stands down as Site Manager and Treasurer

Election of Officers is as follows :-


- Ray Ashdown, proposed by Trish Sherratt seconded by Doug Martin, appointed unanimously.


- Dawn Wolley proposed by Sandy Buckley, seconded by Nick Lord, appointed unanimously,


- Valerie Brazier and Julie Wells, proposed by Jill Partridge, seconded by David Mellin, appointed unanimously.


- Fred Partridge, proposed by Fred Goodburn, seconded by Sandy Buckley, appointed unanimously.


- remain as Roy Adams proposed by Mary Lord, seconded by Ray Ashdown, appointed unanimously.

It was agreed that Terry and Carole Wright will carry on with the newsletters and database.

Ray Ashdown and Members proposed to make Eileen Blythe Hon President of Hawkinge Allotment Society. Nick Lord took to the floor and thanked Eileen Blythe for her hard work to get us to where the Hawkinge Allotment Society is today and it was only right to make her anHON PRESIDENT. Ray Ashdown proposed and seconded by Doug Martin, appointed unanimously. Flowers were presented to Eileen.

Coffee Mornings will also be held on Saturdays so the working members can attend. Volunteers for cake making needed.

Quiz Night 13th April at Hawkinge Village Hall, flyers were given out.


Meeting Closed at 4 pm.

Site Insurance

The society has its own insurance policy for buildings/contents and limited insurance for its members whilst on site. However exclusions do exist including the cover for persons under 16 & over 70. All Members should therefore be aware of the risks and not rely upon any insurance policy provided by the Hawkinge Allotment Society. Any questions on this matter can be raised with the Chairman.

HAS Website

We will be looking to get the Hawkinge Allotment Web Site up and running during the year. If anyone can help or wants to be involved with this development, please contact the Chairman.

Saturday16th FebruaryQuiz Night Hawkinge Village Hall

7.30 pm start

A hot supper of Coq au vin with rice or vegetarian mushroom risotto both with French bread will be available, price £7.50 per person.

Please contact Liz Broady on 01303 773283”

Next HAS Quiz Night - Saturday 13th April 2013

6pm to 10:30pm

Hawkinge Village Hall

Following the success of previous events, it is planned to hold another quiz night for the benefit of our Society at the Village Hall. Doors will be open at 6pm for 6:30pm start and we aim to finish at 10:30 pm.

We are looking to make it a Fish & Chip night (with some alternatives) pre ordered and delivered at 8.15 by Hedgehogs of Cheriton.

There will be hot water available for those wishing to make their own hot beverage but you are encouraged to bring your Wines, Soft Drinks & Beers for your tables.

Seating only: £3 per chair + Boxed Up Hot Food from Hedgehogs:

Fish & Chips (COD) @ £4.00

Vegiburger & Chips @ £4.00

Chicken & Chips @ £5.00

Scampi & Chips @ £5.00

So seating is £7 or £8 each, depending on food required, or £3 if you only wish a seat at a table.

We need your confirmations of attendance otherwise we are at risk of cancelling a good evening’s entertainment.

There will be a prize for the winning team and something for those that are bottom of the points.

A raffle will be held during the course of the evening.

This is a great way for us to meet with our fellow members that visit their plots at times different to ourselves.

Please can you Email or Phone your bookings through to:

Mike Stevenson:


Tel: 01303 894467 (please use answer phone if not picked up)

Please do this ASAP or at least before 29/03/13. If you wish to come, but are unable to make a team then please put WTJO or - wish to join one - in the team name box.

HAS Quiz Night Booking Form

Team Name
Contact details / Tel:
Contact details / Email:
Number of Seats required @ £3 each / _____
Quiz subtotal: / £_____
Meals required / How many
Fish & Chips (COD) @ £4.00 / _____ / £_____
Scampi & Chips @ £5.00 / _____ / £_____
Chicken & Chips @ £5.00 / _____ / £_____
Vegiburger & Chips @ £4.00 / _____ / £_____
Food subtotal: / £_____
Total: / £_____

** Watch out for the Spring Issue next month **