VT 2313





COURSE:VETT 2313Veterinary Hospital Technology IICRN #: 11685

MEETS:Monday 1:30 pm – 3:20 pmLectureROOM: VTC

Tuesday8:30 am–12:20 pmLaboratory (Veterinary Technology Center)


Terry McDevittRoom S 168595-8193

Associate Dean, Science/MathTCC West Campus

Janice Robinson

Donita OosahweeRoom S 168595-8193

Science & Math Admin Assistants

Kathy MillerRoom VT 100595-8212

VT Clerk


Jan Barnett, DVMRoom VT-100D595-8213, 284-9719 (c)

Coordinator, Vet TechTCC West

Brandy Cooper, BT, RVT Room VT- 100A595-8215, 720-7240 (c)

Instructor, Vet TechTCC West

Paula Millican, RVT, CCRARoom VT-100B595-8214, 857-4972 (c)

Instructor, Vet TechTCC West

Colette Crotty, DVMRoom VTC595-8212

Instructor, Vet TechTCC West Campus

Regina Olson, DVMRoom VTC595-8212

Instructor, Vet TechTCC West Campus


PREREQUISITE(S):VETT 1132, 1161, 1125,1193, 1183,1223, 1234,1263, 2126, with a grade of “C” or better.


Continuation of small animal anesthesiology, surgical assisting, and practice of techniques in radiology, bandaging, casting, intravenous and urinary catheterization, surgical preparations, postoperative procedures, as well as application of common nursing techniques. Lecture will discuss non-infectious diseases of dogs and cats to include gastroenterology, nephrology, cardiology, endocrinology, wound management and bandaging, emergency nursing and toxicology. Lecture 2 hrs, Lab 4 hrs

Additionally, every student will rotate sanitation and nursing care for resident Program Animals.



BattagliaSmall Animal Emergency and Critical Care for Veterinary Technicians, 3rd ed (ISBN 9780323227742)

Rockett, LattanzioPatient Assessment, Intervention & Documentation for the VT1st ed 2009 (ISBN 9781418067496)

Tilley,BurtnickECG for the Small Animal Practitioner, "Made Easy" series (ISBN 0041893441008)

McCurninClinical Textbook for Veterinary Technicians, 8th ed (ISBN9781437726800)

Thomas,LercheVeterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia, 4rd ed (ISBN9780323055048)

TearSmall Animal Surgical Nursing, 2nd ed (ISBN 9780323077354)

KeselVeterinary Dentistry for the Small Animal Technician, (ISBN 9780813820378)

PerroneSmall Animal Dental Procedures for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses, 2013 (ISBN 9780813820750)

SonsthagenVeterinary Instruments and Equipment, A Pocket Guide, 3rd ed (ISBN 9780323263139)

Optional Text:

Kirk, BistnerHandbook of Veterinary Procedures and Emergency Treatment, (latest edition) **

PerroneSmall Animal Dental Procedures for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses, 2013 (ISBN 9780813820750)

PrattMedical, Surgical and Anesthetic Nursing for Veterinary Technicians, 2nd ed. (ISBN 0939674491)

Muir Handbook of Veterinary Anesthesia, 4th ed (ISBN 0323046789, 9780323046787)

KnechtFundamental Techniques in Veterinary Surgery, 3rd ed. (ISBN0721613977) (out of print)

EdwardsECG Manual for Veterinary Technicians (ISBN 0721630839)


Anesthesia simulator

Auscultation sounds - heart and lung sounds – CD/DVD

On the Floor@Dove training videos

SUGGESTED RESOURCES: As suggested by Instructor. These may be found in the LRC on RESERVE. A significant number of current journal articles are available in each module in BlackBoard (BB).


The General Education Goals are designed to ensure that graduates of TulsaCommunity College have the skills, knowledge, and attitudes to carry them successfully through their work and their personal lives. General Education Goals relevant to this course include: Critical Thinking; Effective Communication-written and verbal; Civic Responsibility.


Non-infectious diseases of the various organ systems will be discussed, to include diagnostics, therapeutics, rehabilitation, recuperation and prognoses. Emphasis is placed on normal and abnormal physiology, the inter-relatedness of organ systems, and the systemic effects of common disease states. A section on emergency nursing and toxicology is included.

Introduction and implementation of the “Veterinary Technician Practice Model”, as outlined by Rockett , Lattanzio & Anderson, emphasizing the role of the veterinary technician and the veterinary nursing process.

Students will properly perform client education and communication for a variety of diseases and conditions.

Students will prepare a research presentation on a selected topic.

Having learned the fundamentals of animal nursing, the student will learn more advanced therapeutic and diagnostic techniques.

Students will build upon their nurse anesthetist skills by continuing to properly monitor, record and perform anesthesia, surgical assisting and administration of therapeutics for small animals.

AVMA ESSENTIAL PSYCOMOTORSKILLS: (Required tasks are denoted by an asterisk *)

Listing of selected skills, tasks and decision-making abilities specific to this course. For complete listing, see: - P&P Manual (Policies and Procedures)



oCollect urine sample

  • catheterize male and female dogs*[GROUP]
  • catheterize male cat*[GROUP]
  • perform cystocentesis (small animal)*[GROUP]


  • Perform blood chemistry test (BUN, glucose, common enzymes)*




Skill: Participate in facility management utilizing traditional and electronic media and appropriate veterinary medical terminology and abbreviations.


  • Maintain all appropriate facility records and logs in compliance with regulatory guidelines (eg. Radiography, surgery, anesthesia, laboratory, controlled substances)*
  • Establish and maintain appropriate sanitation and nosocomial protocols for a veterinary facility, including patient and laboratory area*

Decision-making abilities: Taking into account the characteristics of the facility, patients and clients, the veterinary technician will effectively contribute to the professional and efficient operation of the facility in order to provide maximum benefits to clients, patients and the facility.


Skill: Communicate in a professional manner in all formats – written, oral, non-verbal and electronic.


  • Develop and provide client education in a clear and accurate manner at the level the client understands (oral, written, including educational handouts)*

Decision-making abilities: Taking into account the patient, client, staff and circumstances, the veterinary technician will effectively and accurately acquire and convey information utilizing an appropriate communication mode.

Laws and Ethics

Skill: Follow and uphold applicable laws and the veterinary technology profession’s ethical codes to provide high quality care to patients.


  • Respect and protect the confidentiality of client and patient information.

Decision-making abilities: Given knowledge of legal limitations and applicable ethical standards, the veterinary technician will carry out his/her duties within appropriate legal boundaries and maintain high ethical standards to provide high quality service to clients, patients, employers and the veterinary profession.



Skill: Safely and effectively administer prescribed drugs to patients.


  • Prepare medications; label and package dispensed drugs correctly*
  • Read and follow veterinarian’s pharmacy orders*
  • Recognize groups of drugs, their mechanisms, and clinically relevant side effects*
  • Recognize the safe and effective manner in which vaccines must be administered; recognize and explain common side effects*
  • Accurately perform appropriate calculations; use weights and measures correctly*
  • Safely and effectively administer drugs by common parenteral and enteral routes; be able to explain appropriate routes and methods and when used*
  • Monitor therapeutic responses*
  • Demonstrate the ability to accurately record medical information*
  • Demonstrate understanding of controlled substance regulations*


Skill: Accurately dispense and explain prescribed drugs to client


  • Given a drug order, properly prepare medications for dispensing, including performing accurate calculations*
  • Demonstrate compliance with regulations governing prescription drugs versus OTC*
  • Demonstrate understanding of regulations governing maintenance of controlled substances log*
  • Demonstrate compliance with all federal regulatory guidelines for drug purchase, storage, administration, withdrawal, dispensing, disposal and inventory control (e.g. Biologics & therapeutic agents, pesticides, and hazardous wastes)*
  • Relay drug information to clients (e.g. handling, storage, administration, side-effects, drug interactions, safety and reasons for use of drug)*

Decision-making abilities: Given the characteristics of the patient, veterinarian’s instructions and the medication to be used, the veterinary technician will 1) accurately calculate and administer/dispense the correct form and dose by the prescribed route, and 2) communicate necessary client information, to maximize safety, compliance with prescribed therapy and successful treatment of patient. The veterinary technician shall be able to differentiate between abnormal and normal responses.


Patient Care

Skill: Understand and demonstrate and husbandry, nutrition, therapeutic and dentistry techniques appropriate to a variety of animal species.

Tasks: Nutrition

  • Understand life stage energy and nutrient requirements of well animals *
  • Understand key nutritional factors in disease conditions* be familiar with therapeutic foods*
  • Develop and communicate hospital nutrition protocols*

Decision-making abilities: Given the characteristics of the patient, the veterinary technician will understand appropriate and inappropriate dietary components for various life stages and therapeutic regimens (e.g. therapeutic foods) in order to promote optimal health,enhance recovery and manage chronic disease conditions. The veterinary technician will also explain nutritional recommendations to clients and reinforce compliance.

Tasks: Therapeutics

  • Administer parenteral, enteral and topical medications*
  • Fluid therapy – administer SQ, IV, maintain IV catheters, calculate and maintain fluid infusion rate, monitor patient hydrations status, develop familiarity with fluid delivery systems.*
  • Apply and remove bandages and splints*
  • Develop understanding of wound management and abscess care*
  • Perform physical therapy – postoperative, hydrotherapy, neurological and, perform and explain recumbent patient care*

Decision-making abilities: Given veterinarian’s directions and the characteristics of the patient, the veterinary technician will carry out appropriate therapeutic techniques in order to achieve maximum health benefits for the patient.

Tasks: Dentistry

  • Perform routine dental prophylaxis (manual & machine)*
  • Understand client education regarding home care*
  • Perform routine dental radiographic imaging techniques

Decision-making abilities: Given the characteristics of the patient, the veterinary technical will recognize a patient’s dental health status and perform techniques, as prescribed by a veterinarian, appropriate to the species and its condition in order to promote and maintain dental health.


Patient Management

Skill: Safely and effectively manage patients in all phases of anesthetic procedures.


  • Calculate dosages of appropriate anesthetic-related drugs*
  • Administer anesthetic-related drugs by injection, mask, induction chamber or endotracheal tube*
  • Place endotracheal tubes *
  • Utilize clinical signs and appropriate equipment to monitor patient status in all stages of anesthetic procedures (e.g. esophageal stethoscope, Doppler, pulse oximeter, capnography, etc)*
  • Evaluate patient and implement and evaluate pain management protocol*
  • Recognize and respond appropriately to patients in compromised states*
  • Perform appropriate resuscitation procedures as needed (eg. Calculate and administer appropriate anesthetic antagonists and emergency drugs as directed)*
  • Complete controlled drug log*

Decision-making abilities: Given the characteristics of the anesthetic patient and the procedure being performed, the veterinary technician will work with the veterinarian to:

1) Assess the patient’s risk status and determine appropriate anesthetic and perianesthetic protocols to provide effective pain management (analgesia) and maximum anesthetic safety &effectiveness.

2)Choose and utilize appropriate techniques and equipment to accurately and effectively monitor the patient’s ongoing status before, during and after anesthesia to provide for adequate anesthesia, analgesia and a safe recovery.

Equipment / Facility Management

Skill: Safely and effectively select, utilize and maintain anesthetic delivery and monitoring instruments and equipment.


  • Maintain and operate anesthetic delivery and monitoring equipment –pulse oximeter*, esophageal stethoscope*, electrocardiograph*, anesthetic machines including rebreathing and non-rebreathing systems*, induction chambers & masks*, endotracheal tubes*, rescucitation bags*, scavenging systems*, oxygen sources*, respiratory monitors*, blood pressure devices*, laryngoscopes*, ventilator, defibrillator.

Decision-making abilities: 1) given the characteristics of the anesthetic instruments and equipment used, the veterinary technician will recognize and respond appropriately to equipment malfunctions or inappropriate equipment setup in order to ensure proper function & provide maximum benefit to the patient. 2) Given the requirements of the anesthetic protocol, the veterinary technician will select, evaluate and adjust equipment to ensure proper function & provide maximum benefit to the patient.


It is essential that technicians have knowledge of routine surgical procedures and related equipment, including:

  • Ovariohysterectomy*o Laparotomies*
  • Caesarian section*o Dystocias*
  • Orthopedic procedures*o Prolapsed organs *
  • Orchiectomy*o Tail docking*
  • Onychectomy*

Students must participate in ovariohysterectomy and orchiectomy.*

Patient Management

Skill: Understand and integrate all aspects of patient management for common surgical procedures.


  • Properly identify patients and surgical procedures*
  • Prepare surgical site using aseptic techniques*
  • Position for common procedures*
  • Provide surgical assistance:
  • Maintain proper operating room conduct and asepsis*
  • Assist with care of exposed tissues and organs*
  • Properly pass instruments and supplies*
  • Operate and maintain suction & cautery machines*
  • Understand principles of operation & maintenance of fiber optic equipment*
  • Keep operative records*
  • Perform basic suturing techniques

Decision-making abilities: 1) Given the patient, the veterinary technician will use medical records and patient ID methods to assure the correct patient and procedure; 2) will obtain vital signs noting abnormalities and ensure presurgical tests are completed and reported to the veterinarian; 3) select the appropriate landmarks and prepare the surgical site to reduce microbial flora on the skin to decrease the chance of surgical wound contamination; 4) position the patient to provide maximum convenience for the surgeon & maximum safety and benefit for patient; 5) understand and utilize appropriate aseptic techniques in order to provide maximum safety and benefit to the patient.


  • Coordinate pain management with the anesthesia / surgical team*
  • Provide post-operative care – pain management*, fluid therapy*, adequate nutrition*, wound management*, bandaging*, discharge instructions*, suture removal*.

Decision-making abilities: Given the patient and surgical procedure, the veterinary technician will assure perioperative and postoperative analgesia protocols are appropriate, and will understand and administer appropriate methods of postoperative care to assure maximum safety and benefit to the patient.

Procedural Management

Skill: Understand and provide the appropriate instruments, supplies and environment to maintain asepsis during surgical procedures.


  • Prepare surgical instruments and supplies*
  • Prepare gowns, masks, gloves and drapes*
  • Operate and maintain autoclaves*
  • Sterilize instruments and supplies using appropriate methods*
  • Identify and know proper use for instruments*
  • Identify common suture materials, types and sizes*
  • Provide operating room sanitation & care*
  • Maintain proper operating room conduct and asepsis*
  • Perform post-surgical clean up (e.g. equipment, instruments, room, proper disposal of hazardous waste)*

Decision-making abilities: Given the patient and surgical procedure, the veterinary technician will properly select, wrap and sterilize appropriate instruments and supplies and prepare & maintain surgical environment to assure maximum safety and benefit to the patient.


Specimen Management & Analysis

Skills: Properly package, handle and store specimens for laboratory analysis, and carryout analysis.


  • Perform CBC, blood chemistry test (BUN, glucose, common enzymes)*, coagulation tests *
  • Perform serologic tests*
  • Perform parasitologic procedures for external & internal parasites and Identify*
  • Perform cytologic tests*
  • Perform necropsy procedures (if occurs) and properly collect, store and ship samples*

Decision-making abilities: Given the patient, the veterinary technician will 1) understand and perform the appropriate methodology to carry out analytical procedures; 2) recognize accurate vs. erroneous results, and 3) work with the veterinarian to determine if additional laboratory tests will provide useful diagnostic information, to assure maximum safety and benefit to the patient.


Skill: Safely and effectively produce diagnostic radiographic and non-radiographic images.


  • Utilize radiographic equipment to expose x-ray film (dental, …)
  • Perform [positive and negative] radiographic contrast studies:* [GROUP] perform 1 of the following:
  • GI series
  • Pneumocystogram
  • Intravenous urogram*
  • Other

Decision-making abilities: Given the characteristics of the patient and the radiographic study that has been requested, the VT will properly: 1) Prepare radiographic and darkroom equipment, 2) Measure and position animals using topographic landmarks, 3) choose an appropriate radiographic technique to minimize the need for repeat exposures 4) Produce the latent image, 5) Process the exposed film, 6) Analyze the final radiograph for quality in order to provide maximum diagnostic benefit.

TEACHING METHODS: Course material will be presented by lecture, small group sessions, laboratory,TCC Blackboard academic suiteand through reading assignments. It is very important you keep up weekly. The course will follow the texts and PowerPoints, covering the basic and advanced nursing care of diseases and internal medicine. It will incorporate lessons learned from previous VT courses; review of notes and readings will prove extremely useful for success in this course. Laboratory sessions will progress through the various procedures including: anesthetics, analgesics, reactions of anesthetized patients, and surgical and diagnostic procedures. Comparisons among the various animal species and humans will be included.

Field trips: Transportation to and from field trips and any off-site locations are the student's responsibility.


EMPHASIS: It is the student who earns all points in this class. Points are earned, not taken away. Student performance and positive participation are the keys. You do not have to be perfect, however, you must demonstrate a desire to learn and put forth the effort to master topics and skills taught in this course.

ATTENDENCE -- Student attendance will be taken each class and lab period. Anticipated absences must be arranged with the instructor and/or Program Coordinator. Your participation in discussion and laboratory will contribute to your final grade. Regular class attendance is not only important from the standpoint of learning, but is a must to be successful in this course. Students are held responsible for all materials covered during their absence and any changes made in the agenda. An Excessive Absence notice will be issued after a student misses the equivalent of two class periods AND for students not maintaining a “C” average for the class. The Excessive Absence notice will automatically notify the Financial Aid office and Veterans Services, if applicable. The student may also be subject to Administrative Withdrawal (AW) for non-attendance.