Please note that we are not a rescue center and do not always have dogs needing homes.

We will add you to the list of possible homes and once we have a dog needing a home will contact you.

Contact Numbers:
Family members:
Kids (ages)
How big is your property and is it secure?
Do you have a pool, does it have a cover or is it fenced in?
Is there shelter for your dog/s when you are not home, what kind of shelter do you have available for your dog/s?
Do you own or rent the property? If rented do you have permission from the landlord to have dogs and how stable is your lease?
If you live in a complex do you have permission from the body corporate to adopt a dog? Please send us the letter of approval.
Do you currently have any dogs:
How many?
Sexes and ages?
Neutered or spayed?
Do you have cats?
Are your cats confident with dogs?
Do you want to adopt a dog (male) or a bitch (female)?
How are your dogs (if you have any) with other dogs?
Would you be open to adopting a Goldie cross breed?
Would you consider a Goldie from another province and cover the relocation costs?
What age (range) Golden are you willing to adopt?
Would you be interested in adopting two, should they have to be rehomed together?
Is there someone at home during the day?
Will the dog be allowed in the house as part of your family, including sleeping inside?
If the dog will not sleep inside where would he/she sleep?
Are you prepared to take your dog for obedience training (so you can learn how to handle your dog) and walk him/her regularly?
Would you object to us doing a home check if you adopt a dog from us?
Are you willing to pay R1000 as an adoption fee towards our rescue fund? You are more than welcome to donate a larger amount if you are willing. We greatly appreciate the help as the monies will be used for Goldies in need of fostering, veterinary care etc.
Are you sure a Golden is the dog for you? They need regular (more than once a week) brushing and combing (they shed a lot of hair even with
regular grooming) and are active intelligent dogs.

If you do adopt a dog before we place one with you please do let us know.

If you have any questions or would like some more information please do give us a call on the below details.

Contacts: -Johannesburg & National:

Liezel 011803 9146 - 082376 2885



Margaret 011888 4316


Ronel 082701 9433

Eastern Cape

Marquerite082 323 7100

Cape Town

Catherine083 949 4645


Chanelle079805 0467


Meghan 084543 2592 -


Jacqueline +264 81 264 4999-

Our banking details are:

Golden Retriever Rescue

Standard Bank

Acc. Number is 242 604 773

Branch is Fourways Crossing

Branch Code is 00 99 53