Recognition of Prior Learning- RPL Kit
Diploma of Management

© School of Volunteer Management

Version 1 – February 2009


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RPL Kit for:

Diploma of Management BSB51107

Portfolio Guidelines

Portfolio Requirements

Units of Competency

My Portfolio

Unit CodeBSBMGT502B

Unit TitleManage people performance

Unit CodeBSBWOR502A

Unit TitleEnsure team effectiveness

Unit CodeBSBOHS509A

Unit TitleEnsure a safe workplace


Unit TitleManage conflict

Unit CodeBSBFIM501A

Unit TitleManage budgets and financial plans

Unit CodeBSBRSK501A

Unit TitleManage risk

Unit CodeBSBINM501A

Unit TitleManage an information or knowledge management system

Unit CodeBSBMGT516A

Unit TitleFacilitate continuous improvement

Portfolio Guidelines

What is Recognition of Prior Learning?

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the formal acknowledgement of competencies a person has, regardless of how when or where the learning occurred. It is an integral component of the Vocational Education and Training system.

Under the Australian Quality Training Framework, competencies may be attained through:

  • formal or informal training and education
  • work experience
  • general life experience
  • any combination of the above

Recognition of Prior Learning:

  • avoids duplication of training, thereby maximising the value of vocational education and training expenditure
  • provides pathways to higher qualifications for people who may not have access to further training
  • creates a learning culture by valuing and recognising learning that has occurred in the workplace

Recognition of Prior Learning can result in a full qualification, or a Statement of Attainment for partial completion of a qualification.

In order for you to be granted Recognition for Prior Learning, you must provide reliable evidence that you are currently competent against the endorsed industry or enterprise competency standards in the form of a portfolio.

Evidence of your skills and knowledge may take a variety of forms and could include;

  • formal qualifications or statement of attainment
  • references from past employers
  • testimonial from clients
  • work samples

The assessor must ensure the evidence is authentic, valid, reliable, current and sufficient:

Authentic means that the information and evidence provided is genuine and trustworthy;

Valid means that the information and evidence is justifiable and adds weight to the RPL application;

Reliable means that the evidence can withstand scrutiny, has integrity and reasonably indicates that the applicant is able to perform a task to a specified standard with regularity and consistency;

Sufficient means that an adequate amount of evidence must be provided.

The School of Volunteer Management wishes to encourage all students who feel they are eligible for RPL to apply.

It is the practice of the School of Volunteer Management to give fair and equitable access to all clients in regard to the services it offers. In keeping with this aim, the School of Volunteer Management has an appeal and grievance procedure in relation to RPL Assessment.

Portfolio Requirements

Students may wish to apply RPL for any module or any number of modules for the certificate they are enrolling in.

A portfolio will need to be submitted to the School of Volunteer Management for approval, establishing that you have achieved the elements and performance criteria for each module(s).

Presentation of your portfolio is in the form of a ring binder folder with your name, student number and contact details, with all evidence clearly numbered and cross referenced, linking it to the following unit matrices. Some evidence may cross over several units, so there is no need to recopy the evidence, just be sure to cross reference it.

Forward your completed evidence to:

School Administration Manager

The School of Volunteer Management

Level 2, 228 Pitt Street

Sydney NSW 2000

(i)The following steps outline the procedure for compiling your portfolio
Step 1 / Fill in the RPL Application form
  1. Student details
  2. Course you are applying for RPL
  3. Education
  4. Life experience
  5. Work experience
  6. Further training

Step 2 / Gather relevant documents
The following documents may be useful to support your claim. You should obtain copies, wherever possible.
  • Your resume
  • Transcripts or other result records from relevant qualifications
  • Certificates of participation in relevant workshops and training sessions
  • Reports and other major documents prepared in the course of your work (paid or voluntary)
  • Other documents that may be relevant;
  • Eg: reports and document samples prepared in co-operation with co-workers. Clearly identify your own role in their preparation. Label all documents with the performance criteria number that it is referring to. Eg: element 3, point 3.2

Step 3 / Evidence of Elements and Performance Criteria
  1. Carefully examine the Elements and Performance Criteria for the module(s)
Your portfolio will need to demonstrate that you have addressed and achieved all criteria listed.
Identify potential referees
  1. Identify people who could verify aspects of your claim for RPL, particularly in areas where you may not have sufficient documentary evidence. Contact details for these people need to be provided.

  1. Prepare a claim for each Learning Outcome
The next step is to prepare a claim for each learning outcome, stating how you think you have already achieved this learning. Note that your claims should focus on what you have done and can currently demonstrate, not on what you know. This is an essential feature of competency based qualifications.
eg: “During my work for the Broadbeach Community Centre, I formulated a job description for a volunteer receptionist in consultation with team members, prepared an advertisement and advertised the position in the local paper and at the Broadbeach Secretarial College.
Interested volunteer applicants received a special information kit containing a job description for the volunteer receptionist’s position, a volunteer application form and information on the organisation etc.
My recruitment drive covers element 2, point 2.3
  1. Sort evidence
All documents and evidence will need to be sorted so that each of your claims is supported.
Samples for the above claims include:
“I have included a copy of the job description, advertisement and the information kit. Sally Jones, my Manager, has signed a statement verifying my involvement in the recruitment process and the successful filling of the volunteer position. She can be contacted on 1234 5678. I have also enclosed a letter from the Head of secretarial studies from the college and some feedback from the volunteer receptionist.
A verified copy of the certificate for participation in a one day course ‘Recruiting and Interviewing Skills’ delivered by the School of Volunteer Management dated September 2005 is attached.”
  1. Repeat the above steps for each of the Elements and Performance Criteria in the module(s).

Step 4 / Review and sign the portfolio
When you have completed all areas of the portfolio, and attached the necessary documentation, you should review each of the items to ensure they reflect your skills ensure each of your claims is well supported.
Sign the declaration on your application form and post to the above address.

The following pages provide examples for your portfolio.


RPL Kit - BSB51107 Dip of Management


Request for Recognition of Prior Learning for module BSBCMN404A Develop teams and individuals (Element 1)

1. Determine development needs / 1.1Learning and development needs are systematically identified and implemented in line with organisational requirements / 1.1Training needs were identified through implementing the national guidelines for volunteering and have been confirmed with the CEO and the board. Minutes of meeting is attached dated 4/3/05
1.2A learning plan to meet individual and group training and development needs is collaboratively developed, agreed to and implemented / 1.2Training objectives are those which are identified as being the baseline for volunteers to build further competencies.
1.3Individuals are encouraged to self evaluate performance and identify areas for improvement / 1.3Training is planned in consultation with staff members, reported and documented in accordance with the requirement of our funding body. For verbal evidence contact Norma Constantine 01 3450 3450
1.4 Feedback on performance of team members is collected from relevant sources and compared with established team learning needs / 1.4Results from training have been documented in attached feedback forms. The points raised were discussed in board meeting minutes (attached).


Request for Recognition of Prior Learning for AVO3VOL1A Be an effective volunteer

Learning outcome / Assessment criteria / Evidence
1. Apply knowledge of volunteering sector to a volunteer work role / Consideration and understanding of the underpinning philosophy and principles of volunteering is demonstrated in all work undertaken as a volunteer. / Letter from Manager (22/10/05) verifying involvement
Certificate of attendance at Bridge to Volunteering (School of Volunteer Management 16/05/05)
Work practices are consistent with relevant, current organisational and volunteering sector policies and legislative requirements. / Letter from Manager (22/10/05) verifying consultation
Feedback from volunteer receptionist
Work practices are consistent with the rights and responsibilities of volunteers. / Duty Statement
All work undertaken is consistent with the rights and responsibilities of the organisation. / Information kit for the volunteer receptionist position, as well as an outline stating my involvement in the production of the kit.
All work undertaken reflects an understanding of the issues facing volunteers and the volunteering sector. / Duty Statement
Letter from Manager (22/10/05) verifying duties


RPL Kit - BSB51107 Dip of Management

Units of Competency

BSB51107 Diploma of Management

The Diploma of Management is designed for people who have a minimum industry experience of two years directly managing or coordinating teams consisting of paid staff and volunteers. A Higher School Certificate is not required, provided the student can demonstrate the academic capacity to undertake the Diploma.

Students will develop the necessary skills and knowledge to undertake management and leadership roles in not-for-profit organisations, where the workplace context includes both paid and volunteer team members.

The Diploma of Management is a National Training Package qualification. The eight units selected to meet the needs of our students are:

Unit / Unit Title / Unit Code
Unit 1 / Manage people performance / BSBMGT502B
Unit 2 / Ensure team effectiveness / BSBWOR502A
Unit 3 / Ensure a safe workplace / BSBOHS509A
Unit 4 / Manage conflict / BSBATSIL503B
Unit 5 / Manage budgets and financial plans / BSBFIM501A
Unit 6 / Manage risk / BSBRSK501A
Unit 7 / Manage an information or knowledge management system / BSBINM501A
Unit 8 / Facilitate continuous improvement / BSBMGT516A


RPL Kit - BSB51107 Dip of Management

My Portfolio

Unit CodeBSBMGT502B

Unit TitleManage people performance

Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required of staff who report to them directly. Development of key result areas and key performance indicators and standards, coupled with regular and timely coaching and feedback, provide the basis for performance management.

Element / Performance Criteria / Evidence
  1. Allocate work
/ 1.1Consult relevant groups and individuals on work to be allocated and resources available
1.2Develop work plans in accordance with operational plans
1.3Allocate work in a way that is different, cost effective and outcome focused
1.4Confirm performance standards, Code of Conduct and work outputs with relevant teams and individuals
1.5Develop and agree performance indicators with relevant staff prior to commencement of work
1.6Conduct risk analysis in accordance with the organisational risk management plan and legal requirements
  1. Assessperformance
/ 2.1Design performance management and review processes to ensure consistency with organisational objectives and policies
2.2Train participants in the performance management and review process
2.3Conduct performance management in accordance with organisational protocols and timelines
2.4Monitor and evaluate performance on a continuous basis
  1. Provide feedback
/ 3.1Provide informal feedback to staff on a regular basis
3.2Advise relevant people where there is poor performance and take necessary actions
3.3Provide on-the-job coaching when necessary to improve performance and to confirm excellence in performance
3.4Document performance in accordance with the organisational performance management system
3.5Conduct formal structured sessions as necessary and in accordance with organisational policy
  1. Manage follow up
/ 4.1 Write and agree performance
improvement and development plans in
accordance with organisational plans
4.2 Seek assistance from human resources
specialists where appropriate
4.3 Reinforce excellence in performance
through recognition and continuous
4.4 Monitor and coach individuals with poor
4.5 Provide support services where
4.6 Counsel individuals who continue to
perform below expectations and
implement the disciplinary process if
4.7 Terminate staff in accordance with legal
and organisational requirements where
serious misconduct occurs or ongoing
poor-performance continues

Unit CodeBSBWOR502A

Unit TitleEnsure team effectiveness

DescriptorThis unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to facilitate all aspects of teamwork within the organisation. It involves taking a leadership role in the development of team plans, leading and facilitating teamwork and actively engaging with the management of the organisation.

Element / Performance Criteria / Evidence
  1. Establish team performance plan
/ 1.1Consult team members to establish a common understanding of team purpose, roles, responsibilities and accountabilities in accordance with organisational goals, plans and objectives
1.2Develop performance plans to establish expected outcomes, outputs, key performance indicators and goals for work team
1.3Support team members in meeting expected performance outcomes
  1. Develop and facilitate team cohesion
/ 2.1Develop strategies to ensure team members have input into planning, decision making and operational aspects of work team
2.2Develop policies and procedures to ensure team members take responsibility for own work and assist others to undertake required roles and responsibilities
2.3Provide feedback to team members to encourage, value and reward individual and team efforts and contributions
2.4Develop processes to ensure that issues, concerns and problems identified by team members are recognised and addressed
  1. Facilitate team work
/ 3.1Encourage team members and individuals to participate in and to take responsibility for team activities, including communication processes
3.2Support the team in identifying and resolving work performance problems
3.3Ensure own contribution to work team serves as a role model for others and enhances the organisation's image to all stakeholders
  1. Liaise with stakeholders
/ 4.1Establish and maintain open communication processes with all stakeholders
4.2Communicate information from line manager/management to the team
4.3Communicate unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by team members and followed up with, line manager/management and other relevant stakeholders
4.4Evaluate and take necessary corrective action regarding unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by internal or external stakeholders

Unit CodeBSBOHS509A

Unit TitleEnsure a safe workplace

DescriptorThis unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to establish, maintain and evaluate the organisation's occupational health and safety (OHS) policies, procedures and programs in the relevant work area in accordance with OHS legal requirements.

Element / Performance Criteria / Evidence
  1. Establish and maintain an OHS system
/ 1.1Locate and communicate OHS policies which clearly express the organisation's commitment to implement relevant OHS legislation in the enterprise
1.2Define OHS responsibilities for all workplace personnel in accordance with OHS policies, procedures and programs
1.3Identify and approve financial and human resources for the effective operation of the OHS system
  1. Establish and maintain participative arrangements for the management of OHS
/ 2.1 Establish and maintain participative arrangements with employees and their representatives in accordance with relevant OHS legislation
2.2 Appropriately resolve issues raised through participative arrangements and consultation
2.3 Promptly provide information about the outcomes of participation and consultation in a manner accessible to employees
  1. Establish and maintain procedures for identifying hazards, and assessing and controlling risks
/ 3.1 Develop procedures for ongoing hazard identification, and assessment and control of associated risks
3.2 Include hazard identification at the planning, design and evaluation stages of any change in the workplace to ensure that new hazards are not created by the proposed changes
3.3Develop and maintain procedures for selection and implementation of risk control measures in accordance with the hierarchy of control
3.4Identify inadequacies in existing risk control measures in accordance with the hierarchy of control and promptly provide resources to enable implementation of new measures
3.5Identify intervention points for expert OHS advice
  1. Establish and maintain a quality OHS management system
/ 4.1 Develop and provide an OHS induction and training program for all employees as part of the organisation's training program
4.2 Utilise system for OHS record keeping to allow identification of patterns of occupational injury and disease in the organisation
4.3Measure and evaluate the OHS system in line with the organisation's quality systems framework
4.4Develop and implement improvements to the OHS system to achieve organisational OHS objectives
4.5Compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety legislative framework is assessed to ensure that legal Occupational Health and Safety standards are maintained as a minimum


Unit TitleManage conflict

DescriptorThis unit covers managing conflict within the Board, the organisation and between the organisation and the community and wider community.

Element / Performance Criteria / Evidence
  1. Assess potential conflict
/ 1.1Possible causes of conflict are identified and listed
1.2Potential situations of future conflict are discussed
1.3Strategies to prevent conflict are identified and documented
  1. Consider the conflict situation
/ 2.1The implications of the conflict are identified and listed
2.2The conflict is considered and responsibilities identified
2.3Resolution strategies are developed and documented in consultation with the conflicting parties
2.4Professional advice is sought where needed
2.5The integrity of individuals and the organisation are ensured
2.6Discretion and confidentiality are respected
  1. Carry out strategies to resolve conflict
/ 3.1Strategies which respect culture are employed
3.2Strategies are implemented promptly, appropriately and impartially
3.3Time is allowed for the conflict to be resolved
3.4The process of resolution is evaluated

Unit CodeBSBFIM501A