Guidance for the EHA May 2014

This guidance is intended to support the professional undertaking the EHA which will take place in conjunction with the child [ren] and parents/family members.

Please note that facts MUST be obtained at the time of the EHA and a professional opinion can be concluded based on these facts. Subsequent meetings / reviews will be able to expand upon these facts and professional opinions.

Use your engagement and communication skills to make a complete assessment and always strive to be solutions focused, highlighting the strengths and protective factors you observe discussing areas for improvement allowing the family, children’s and your own views to be expressed in an open and honest environment.

If information concerning significant harm to a child [ren] transpires during the assessment then Child Protection procedures must be adhered to.

The EHA can only be taken forward and shared when consent has been gained from parents – this must take place at the end of the EHA.

Part of Assessment / Guidance
Early Help Key Information
Disability type
To be used in ‘D’ column of first table / ·  Complete all boxes
·  Ensure all family details are correct and current.
·  Ensure that ALL significant others are noted – they may be a protective factor or otherwise.
·  Record any changes and draw attention to any new information
·  Ensure all the information is up to date.
·  It is imperative to record exactly who was present at the time of the assessment.
·  Add the details of the assessor(s) clearly
·  Send a copy of the ‘Early Help Key Information’ to:-
Sue Nedoszytko
Direct line telephone number: 01724 296986
Via email on:
Address is: Early Help Administrator
North Lincolnshire Council, CYPS, Church Square House, 30-40 High Street, Scunthorpe, DN15 6QX
None / NONE
Mobility – getting about the house and beyond / MOB
Hand Function – holding & touching / HAND
Personal Care – eating, washing, going to the toilet, dressing etc / PC
Incontinence – controlling the passage of urine or faeces / INC
Communication – speaking and /or understand others / COMM
Learning – having special educational needs, etc. / LD
Hearing / HEAR
Vision / VIS
Behaviour – a condition entailing behavioural difficulties, includes Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) / BEH
Consciousness - seizures / CON
Diagnosed with Autism or Aspergers Syndrome – diagnosed by a qualified medical practioners as having classical Autism or Asperger syndrome. Do not include children who have merely been identified as having an Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) e.g. by their school. This can be associated with the behavior and learning categories above. / AUT
Other DDA – one or more of the child’s disabilities under the Disability discrimination Act 2005 does not fall into any of the above categories. / DDA
Ethnicity coding for key information / White British / WB / Caribbean / CA / Indian / IN / White & Black Caribbean / WBC
Chinese / CH / White Irish / WI / African / AF / Pakistani / PA
White & Black African / WBA / Traveller of Irish Heritage / TIH / Any other Black / AOB / Bangladeshi / BD
White & Asian / WA / Gypsy/Roma / GR / Any other Asian / AOA / Any other Mixed / AOM
Any other White / AOW / Other Ethnic Group / OEG / Not Given / NG
Early Help Assessment
*Important to consider
The Assessment Framework / *Important note
The assessment must be undertaken with the family and/or child/young person and the needs identified by the family and/or child/young person in the first instance the assessor can provide the analysis and identify other needs with the engagement of the family and/or child/young person
·  Please give a brief outline of the reason for the assessment
·  Using the assessment framework (see below) please identify any needs with the family
·  Add information regarding child health and development for EACH child within the family who is documented on the key information page. If there are no needs identified for the other children in the family then please be explicit and document this, or if the child is not present at the assessment and there are no parental concerns voiced then document this.
·  Equally if there ARE concerns voiced and the child is not on your caseload or within your age range then a service known to that child should have the assessment shared with them and/or be invited to the meeting.
·  A joint assessment should be undertaken if concerns about all aged children are voiced prior to the assessment.
I.  Find out about the child’s health and development - consider general health, education, emotional and behavioural difficulties, their identity (who influences them, how they think about themselves), presentation (how they appear to others), self-care, family and social relationships (friendships) and what they hope to do when they are adults.
II.  Document the Child / Young Persons View [include observations where a child is young or has difficulty expressing them verbally]: what do you think needs to change or what would you like to change e.g. everyday care and help, keeping me safe, guidance, play, encouragement and fun?
III.  Document the parent’s view, what is going well, what are the difficulties, what would they like to change?
IV.  Consider any indications of Risky Teenage Behaviours –
Smoking, Harmful alcohol use, Risky sexual behaviour and Substance misuse.
·  Add information regarding parenting capacity for EACH parent/adult/significant other in the family (where relevant).
I.  In discussion with the child, young person and parent/carer, talk about love and care for the child/children, consider commenting on safety, guidance, boundaries, home circumstances and play/ activities and any personal issues for the parent/carer that make parenting harder
II.  Document the Child / Young Persons View [include observations where a child is young or they have difficulty expressing themselves verbally]: what is going well? What do you think needs to change?
III.  Document the parent’s view, what is going well with their child/children, what do they find difficult, what would they like help with?
·  Add information regarding the family and environment
I.  In discussion with the child, young person and parent, find out about how family members get along, their home and the community where they live, their income and employment and what support they get from other people.
II.  Document the Child / Young Persons View [include observations where a child is young or they have difficulty expressing themselves verbally]: what is going well? What do you think needs to change?
III.  Document the parent’s view, what is going well with their child/children, what do they find difficult, what would they like help with?
·  Complete the assessment in conjunction with the North Lincolnshire Working Together Guidance and The North Lincolnshire Early Help Strategy.
·  Identify the strengths together with the family
·  Agree with the parent/carer the outcomes for the child/young person that need to
Early Help Plan / ·  Cut and paste agreed outcomes for the child/young person from table above
·  The plan needs to be SMART [Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound] – so consider small steps.
·  Complete clearly and professionally, represent the child’s and parents view about the changes required and the next steps.
·  Document any agencies/services currently involved and any agencies/services required to action the plan
·  Clearly state which agencies/services you wish to share the assessment information with
·  Document clearly whether this is a multi-agency meeting (within 20 working days from assessment) or a single agency Review (within 3 months of assessment)
Consent / ·  Ensure the parent (and child/young person as appropriate) has read, understood and agrees with the assessment and plan and signs to agree the sharing of the assessment information with the agencies/services documented above.
·  If the assessment sent to the EHA lead and other agencies is electronic please clearly state by typing the date the original was signed by the parent/carer/child/young person/assessor
Early Help Review / ·  Use the review form for meetings and single agency review and as above document the agreed outcomes for the child and the plan.
·  Ensure the parent/carer and child/young person signs after each review or meeting where possible.
Service User Views / ·  Ensure the child/young person completes a service user view form after every assessment, meeting or review.
·  Ensure the parent/carer completes a service user view form after every assessment, meeting or review.
Quality Assurance / ·  Send a full copy of the assessment and plan to your agencies Early Help Assessment Lead for quality assuring.
·  Send copies of the service user view forms to your agencies Early Help Assessment Lead