May 4, 2017; ver. 1.5

at the Brookhouse
Executive Committee: 8am; General Meeting: 9:15

General Meeting

I. Welcome - Agenda Items - Jack Milner

II. Attendance - Dennis Fries

III. a. Approval of Minutes – April6, 2017 Regular Meeting

IV. Treasurer’s Report - James Sheehan

Motion to approve:

b. Section 1 Summer Institute registration ( ($100- scholarship available-?)

c. Sign-up for 2017-2018 memberships – DF (Check your information and adjust if needed)

d. Billing for Chapter 5 luncheon (extra attendees - $20.00-lunch, cost of plaques - $25.00) – DF
f. 2017-18 dues (Approved: $6,135.00)… (Approved: 4/6/2017)

V. Official’s Coordinator Report–Pete Shambo

a) Incomplete game rules– DF; (information is on line)

b) Soccer assigner issue update (Can Ed Stores play a role to help us? And how much money are we

willing to spend on lawyers?

c) other -

VI. Executive Meeting - Jack Milner (Regular meeting cancelled)

A. Long Range Planning Report – Mike Giruzzi

1. Alignment updates for 2017 – 2018:

2. Any further updates for freshman and/or Modified teams –
3. Schedules to approve, if any –

4. Liaison reports:
Spring: BB, SB, Trk, B. Ten, Golf. B. Lax, G. Lax;
Fall: FB, XC, Cheer, G. Ten, G. Sw, F. Hockey, B. Soc, G. Soc, B. VB, G. VB,

Winter: GBB, BBB, Wrest, Cheer, B. Sw, Alpine Ski, Nordic Ski, Winter Trk, Hockey

5. Any combined schools request: (206-17: Webster Thomas & Penfield – B&G Alpine Ski - ??
6. Combined schools request from Batavia in Gymnastics (and ramifications)

I have received two requests, from Byron Bergen and Leroy to see if we would be interested in merging with them, I expect to get the same request from Alexander. I need to know if the league would permit us to merge in that sport. In conversation with my coach, MCPSAC co-chair, Stephani Hamilton, she indicated we would get the support of the coaches as they are looking at ways to expand the limited number of schools in that sport. Thanks, Mike Bromley

B. Administrative Reports – Jack Milner

1. Superintendent’s report – Dr. Lesli Myers or Brett Provenzano: Feedbackon liftingscrimmage restrictions:

2. H.S. Principal’s report – BB/DR

3. M.S. Principal’s report – RT
4. President’s report – JM; a) Any Chair replacements: b) Challenger tennis & baseball;
c) next year’s meeting calendar (Oct. 12thmeeting change); Christal Kent’s request for a

“Rising Junior” – current sophomore; to be a Section V “SAAC” rep. to NYSPHSAA

SAAC committee. Application on line and should be submitted to: Kristen Jadin ASAP.

5. Dave Dimbleby (our past Superintendent’s rep. and recently retired from Hlton) to make a

presentation regarding moving toward a central office position… (around noon)

1. Thanks to Nancy, Debbie and Scott for organizing and hosting our luncheon.

2. Modified report – Mike Bromley - MayModified Study Session – was cancelled

3. Section V/NYSPHSAA/SEDbusiness: (the draw)

4. FYI - AP exams and scheduling around them

5. Section V Council Reps. 2017-2018 (JM)

Superintendents Rep. – Dr. Lesli Myers; (Alternate - Brett Provenzano)

Principals Rep. - Jack Milner (Alternates –Brian Bartalo/ Rob Thomas/ Dave Richardson)

Boys Sport Rep. – Scott Barker (Alt. –Anthony Lipani and Denny Fries)

Girls sport Rep. –Sue Penepent (Alt. – Bob Crocetti, Bev Ziegler, Denny Fries and Scott Barker)

6. MCPSAC, Inc.Positions expiring 6/17:

ElectedExecutive Committee terms expiring 6/17: Executive Director (DF) [A renewal]

League President – (JM); Associate Executive Director (SB);

Treasurer – (JS)

AppointedExecutive Committee terms expiring 6/17: Boys Sport Coordinator: (BD),

Long Range Planning Chr. –(MG); Mod. Chr. (MB); Scheduling Asst.: (SM) & (BC – Asst.)

Appointed Advisory appointment expiring 6/17s: Awards (BC); Sportsmanship (PI); rSchool (GT)

Administrative Advisorsexpiring 6/17: Principal (BB); Middle School (RT)

Nominating Committee chairperson – John Pelin
Pete Shambo thanked John Pelin for the league for his generosity and caring in sending out

birthday cards and support as needed.

Article IV Officers and Elections

Section 1. The elected voting officers of the MCPSAC, Inc. shall be a President, Associate Executive Officer/Vice

President and Executive Director. Eachshall serve a term of two years.

The Presidentand Executive Directorshall be active or retiredAthletic Administrators or Secondary

School Administrators of member schools and shall be elected by a majority vote of those present at an

official meeting. (President on even yrs., E.D. on odd yrs.)

The Associate Executive Officer/Vice President will be an active MCPSAC, Inc. athletic administrator or

secondary school administrator and shall be elected by a majority vote of those present at an official meeting. (even yr.)

Section 2. The appointedvoting Executive Committeeofficers of the MCPSAC, Inc. shall be the

Treasurer (odd yrs.) ,Boys Sports Coordinator (odd yrs.), Girls Sports Coordinator (even yrs.),

Long Range Planning Coordinator (odd yrs.), Modified Sports Coordinator (odd yrs. ),

and At Large Representative (even yrs.).

Each is appointed by the President for a two-year term.

Article V Standing Committees

Section 1. Advisory appointments include: Sportsmanship Coordinator (even), Officials Coordinator (even),

Awards Chairperson (odd), Schedule Maker (even) and Citrex Manager (odd).

Each is appointed by the President for a two-year term.

7. Spring 2017 APP – DF

8. FYI - Beginning May 1st: PostponedBaseball and softball Division/League games must be played the next

available school day, unlessmutually agreed by both AD's.

9. Family ID –P. Irving – Also, a quick presentation to engage parents at pre-season meetings

10. Monroe County AD's as sport liaisons:

(From September 2009)

To facilitate discussion at our regular and scheduling meetings, each member school's

Athletic Administrator is assigned to be a liaison to a sport area. This Athletic Administrator will be considered the expert in that sport area, at all levels, and is responsible for communicating with the sport chairperson. The liaison is to assist the sport chair. and this organization on all questions concerning that sport area. These areas include, but are not limited to: schedule building, officials' draw/assign/reassign, Section V-State-NFHS information, League-Sectional and State tournament information, and leadership in the Modified level as well.
Approved appointments for 2016-2017 (Time to think about 2017-2018)

Fall Sports: Girls Golf - Sue Penepent; Boys Volleyball - Gary Tirohn;
Girls Tennis – Jim Simmons; Field Hockey – Scott Morrison;
Girls Swimming – Bev Ziegler; Cross-Country – Kim Henshaw; Boys Soccer – Mike Murray;
Girls Soccer – Josh Lacy; Football - Scott Barker; Gymnastics - Tom Stewart;
Girls Volleyball – Gary Tirohn;Cheerleading – F. Kilian

Winter Sports: Bowling – Brian Donohue; Boys Swimming – Pat Irving;
Boys Basketball - John Pelin; Girls Basketball – Sue Penepent; Cheerleading – Fritz Kilian
Alpine Skiing - Brian Donahue; Nordic Skiing – Jeff Lancy
Wrestling –Todd Hagreen; Indoor Track – Pete Shambo

Spring Sports - Track –Pete Shambo; Boys Golf – Gary Tirohn; Boys Tennis – Nate Merritt

Baseball - Mike Bromley; Softball – Bob Crocetti;
Girls Lacrosse – Ron Whitcomb; Boys Lacrosse – Fritz Kilian; Unified Basketball – Dennis Fries

Other appointments for 2017-2018

MCPSAC’s Re-Classification committee representative – Mike Bromley (Gary Tirohn-sub)

MCPSAC On-Line Scheduling liaison and rSchool – Gary Tirohn

MCPSAC’s Sportsmanship committee representative – Patrick Irving

MCPSAC’s Officials negotiating liaison – Pete Shambo

MCPSAC’s Sunshine Committee person – John Pelin

Other positions held by league directors for 2017-2018

Mike Giruzzi – NYSAAA Treasurer

Fritz Kilian – NYS COA Past President; Section V Past President

Kim Henshaw – Section V Rep. to the NYSPHSAA Central Committee & SV Safety Committee

Scott Barker – Section 5 H.S. Hockey League President; Section V Football Chair.

Scott Morrison – Section V Ice Hockey Chr.

Ron Whitcomb – Section V Girls Lacrosse Chr.

Pete Shambo – Past President NYSAAA; Section V President; NYSAAA Prof. Development Comm. Chair.;
Tom Stewart –NYS COA Executive Committee

Denny Fries – NIAAA Past President (2005); NYSAAA Liaison to the NIAAA
Jim Simmons - Chapter 5 Professional Development Chair.
Mike Murray – Chapter 5 President; NYSAAA Membership Chair.
Brian Donohue – Chapter 5 Awards Chair; NYS COA Zone Rep.
Josh Lacy – Chapter 5 Rep. & NYSAAA Leadership Training Institute Co-Chair.

Patrick Irving – MCPSAC’s rep. to the Section V Sportsmanship committee

Mike Bromley – MCPSAC’s rep. to the Section V Non-public School Reclassification and Modified Committees
Sue Penepent – MCPSAC’s Girls sport Rep. to the Section V Athletic Council

11. Going paperless (or at least less paper) Pro’s & Con’s

12. Unified Basketball

a) Modified for spring 2018 – Is it a possibility?

b) “Gus Maker” 3 on 3 June 25 & 26; who’s in to volunteer; who’s tentatively in for teams – DF (cost and

number of players)

c) Culminating event at Gates – Thursday, May 21st: who can play at 3:00?

VII. Girls Sports Report - Kim Henshaw

  1. Softball Exceptional Senior: Sunday, 6/_ (Rain date: 6/_) @ TBA

b. MCPSAC Cheerleading: Let’s set a date for the 2017 MC Cheerleading Tournament –

(at Pittsford)

VIII. Boys Sports Report–Mike Giruzzi

a. Exceptional Senior Contest – Baseball [______., 6/__ @ Frontier Field]

b. Exceptional Senior Contest – Boys Lacrosse (Tues., June ___ at ______)

IX. Other Reports


b. rSchool issues, if any –G. Tirohn

c.Non-public school reclassification committee report – Mike Bromley

d. Council of Administrators/ NYS AHPERD - Brian Donohue

e. NYSAAA – Pete Shambo: Summer Institute information

Chapter 5 – Josh Lacy

f. Concussion Management (DF) –

Requirement:Reconvene your school “Concussion Management Team”by June 12th.
g. Physically challenged games – Todd Hagreen - Brockport, Wednesday, June 8th.

Registration due by ______.

X. Committee Reports

a. Awards –Bob Crocetti

b. Sportsmanship – ______(Summit review)

XI. End of Year Picnic/Dinner/Luncheon and/or Golf outing (Turf management seminar) – JM/SM

XII. Secretaries Workshop – Friday, June 2, 2017 (Chairpersons – Gr. Odyssey, Gr. Olympia)

XIII. Summer Institute – June 25 – 28, 2017. (

  1. Round Table:

Adjourned: ______

df/April 267 2017

2017 - Section 1 Summer Institute

Once again this year Peter Shambo of Penfield, New York and Steve Young of New Rochelle, New York have organized the Section 1 Summer Institute, one of the nation’s premier professional development events for athletic administrators. This event will take place from June 25-28 at the Ocean Edge Resort in Brewster, Massachusetts.

Athletic administrators will have an opportunity to take up to six LTI offerings while enjoying a vacation at one of the Northeast’s first class vacation resorts. Course instructors include a number of NIAAA National Faculty members. In addition, the CAA exam will be offered, plus a number of social activities, including golf, a bocce tournament, and a lobster cruise.

The current scheduling of offerings includes:

Sunday, June 25 (3:00-7:00 PM)

LTC 504 – Legal Issues I (Risk Management)

LTC 610 – Athletic Technology Solutions for Productivity and Communication

LTC 703 – Student-Centered Educational Athletics

Monday, June 26 (7:30-11:30 AM)

LTC 506 – Legal Issues II (Title IX, Sexual Harassment, ADA)
LTC 626 – Student-Athlete Effects of Alcohol, Chemicals, and Nutrition on Body and Performance

LTC 715 – Appropriate Professional Boundaries

Monday, June 26 (12:30-4:30 PM)

LTC 508 – Legal Issues III (Hazing, Federal Law, and Event Security)

LTC 705 – Coach-Centered Educational Athletics

Tuesday, June 27 (7:30-11:30 AM)

LTC 510 – Legal Issues IV (Social Media, Transgender Participation, Event


LTC 630 – Interscholastic Contest Management – Planning, Preparation, and Methods

LTC 714 – Dealing with Challenging Personalities

Tuesday, June 27 (12:30-4:30 PM)

LTC 700 – Philosophy of a Developmentally Appropriate Middle School Athletic Program

LTC 622 – Sports Field Safety

Wednesday, June 28 (7:30-11:30 AM)

LTC 503 – Enhancing Organizational Management

LTC 790 – Leadership Training Instructional Methods and Techniques

Information about course fees and hotel registration can be found by accessing the NIAAA Section 1 website (). Thanks once again to Peter Shambo and Steve Young for maintaining the tradition of professional development on the Cape!




EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE:8:00 - 9:15 a.m.

WednesdayAugust 9 (If needed)@ Brookhouse

TuesdayAugust 22 (TBD)@ Geneseo HS (Mandatory Hdbk Meeting)
ThursdayAugust 24 @ Brookhouse(Scheduling clean-up)

ThursdaySeptember 7@ Brookhouse

ThursdayOctober 12@ Brookhouse

ThursdayNovember 2@ Brookhouse

ThursdayDecember 7@ Brookhouse
FridayDecember 14 (8:30) @ BH (Fall liaison & proposed alignment changes)
ThursdayJanuary 4 @ Brookhouse (possible FB discussion)

ThursdayJanuary 18 (8:30)** @ BH(AllFall Scheduling & Draw)
ThursdayFebruary 1@ Brookhouse

TuesdayFebruary 20 (8:30) @ BH (Winter liaison & Proposed alignment changes)

Thursday March 1 @ Brookhouse (Winter liaison & Proposed alignment changes)
TuesdayMarch20 (8:30) @ BH (All Winter Scheduling and draw)

Thursday April 5@ Brookhouse

ThursdayMay 3@ Brookhouse
TuesdayMay22 (8:30) @ BH (Spring liaison/chair reports and alignment changes)
ThursdayJune 7 @ Brookhouse

MondayJune18 (8:30) @ BH (All Spring Scheduling and draw)

COACHES MEETINGS:7:30 p.m. (6:45 -Chair's meeting, except Fall at 5:30 and Mod. 6:45)

FallAugust 16 (Weds.)@ Irondequoit Victor (7:00)

Fall ModifiedSeptember 5th (Tues.)@ Brighton (Unless its electronic)

WinterNovember 7 (Tues.)@ Olympia

Winter (Modified ‘B’ Sports)

(All Modified ‘B’ Sports) (Weds.) Nov. 8 or (Mon.)11/27 @ Olympia (All electronic - ?)
SpringMarch 6th (Tues.)@ Brighton(All electronic - ?)

(Note: Boys and girls Lacrosse will meet separately at Victor - TBA)

MODIFIED STUDY SESSIONS: Tuesdays, 9:00 am; Nov. 17th ; Jan. 9th; May 1st@ Brookhouse

**Officially declare Modified teams for 2018-2019.

MC Cheer Tournament: ______2017 (Tentative)


MCPSAC, INC. - STARTING DATES: 2017-2018 page 2

FALL: 2017

Football August 14 (Mon.)

All other Varsity & JV Sports (VB’s asking for the 24th)August 14 (Mon.)

Freshman and Mod. ‘A’ FootballAugust 21 (Mon.)
Modified ‘B’ Football August 23 (Weds.)

Mod. ‘A’ Cheer & Girls Mod. ‘A’ Tennis & Mod. ‘A’ SoccerSeptember 1 (Fri.)

**All other 7th & 8thSeptember 1 (Fri.)
**Note: Mod. ‘B’ sports may be built off September 1st

Motion: M. Murray moved, S. Penepent seconded to allow all modified to start on
Sept. 1st and that the schedules may be built off Sept. 1st as well – carried.


WrestlingNov. 6 (Mon.)
(weight certification is Sat., 11/__/17 & Mon., 11/__/17)

HockeyNov. 6 (Mon.)
All Varsity/JV sportsNov. 6 (Mon.)

Frosh Basketball and all Modified A Nov. 13 (Mon.)

All Mod. B (including boys pure swimming)Nov. 13 (Mon.)
Schedules first contest based on Nov. 21st start date

Modified Combined - Boys & Girls SwimmingDecember 4 (Mon.)

JV/Varsity Boys and Girls LacrosseMarch 5 (Mon.)
All other Varsity/Junior Varsity Sports March 5 (Mon.)
All non-JV/Var. lax schedules to be built off March 12th

Mod. B&G Lax All Modified on 3/19 w/schedules built off the 4/2 (SM/TL)

(Last possible date for “Senior Select” games: Fall: Nov. 17th; Winter: April 6th; Spring: June 22nd) - Tentative


ACT (3:00 pm starts)
September 9
October 28
December 9
February 10
April 14
June 9 / SAT (3:00 pm starts)
October 7
November 4
December 2
January 23
March 10
May 5
June 2 / PSAT (3:00 pm starts)
October11, 14& 18
May ???
Holiday break begins: 12/23
Feb. break: 2/17-25/17
Spring break: 4/15-4/23 / REGENTS
January 23-26, 2017-??
June 22 (Rating day), 2017
Rosh Hashanah: (Weds.) 9/20 (@ Sunset) through sunset on (Fri.) 9/22
Yom Kippur:(Fri.) 9/29 Sunset-9/30Sunset
Wrestling weight test: Nov. ___

OTHER Hockey - 2017-2018 (Tentative)

NYSPHSAA Hndbk/Sprtsmnshp update [Tues., Aug. 22nd@ TBA 8am] 10/24 - Sec. 5 HS Hoc Reg Mting @ Pitts. MS

First Aid - Fall @ Irondequoit Aug. ______; (CPR) Aug. __ 11/01 - Completed (Frozen) schedules to S. M.

**Daylight Saving Time Ends – November 5, 2017 11/07 - Coaches meeting; at Oly HS@7:30 pm

NYS Phys. Ed. Dir. COA Conf. – 11/15&16 2017 @ Turning Stone11/15-Rink supervisors’ meeting – Romeo’s

NYS AHPERD Conference - Nov. 11/16-18 2017 @ Turning Stone (Pres., Treasurer, Sites Coord.), and all Rink

NIAAA Conference - Dec. 9-12, 2017 in Phoenix, AR Supervisors. (not school supervisors).

NYSAAA Conference - Saratoga Springs March 14-16, 201711/06 - Practice may begin

Secretary/Athletic Director Luncheon - April 25, 2018 ??12/01 – Rosters are frozen

Secretaries Workshop – June 1, 2018TBA – other Coaches Mting @ Vic HS – 7:30

Special Olympics at TBD – 5/?? – Sched & post season mting @ Pitts.



(2017-2018 – Draft) August 22 – HNDBK WRKSHP @ TBA–8am

Sept. 13 - @ Eddie O’Brien September __ - E.C. Meeting @ W.Cliff

Nov. 8 - @ Burgundy Basin October 5 - Workshop @ Victor

Jan. 17 - @ Burgundy Basin February 12 - Winter Meeting @ Bristol

Mar. 7 - @ Eddie O’Brien April __ – E.C. Meeting @ Woodcliff

May 16 - @ Eddie O’Brien May 7 - Spring-Awards @ Woodcliff
df- First proposal: January 19, 2017