Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: May 8, 2014

Members Present: Paul Lewis, Janet Andersen, Joe Cermele, Evelyn Kahlow, Peter Ripperger, Sam Wear

Absent: Joel Smith, Ron Tetelman, Dan Welsh

Meeting Location: Town House

Call to Order: 4:05 pm

1)  Minutes: The minutes from the April 3, 2014 meeting were approved.

2)  Annual report & presentation: Joe went through the final draft of the annual report. The report is scheduled to be presented at the May 19 Town Board meeting. Paul asked other members of the board to be there in support of the presentation. It will be posted on the website after the presentation.

3)  Public education

a)  TV spot – Paul reviewed our plan to do a series of short segments on stormwater that could either but shown separately or combined. We reviewed who would do what topic and agreed to target a draft presentation that we could review with Henri Wolfe and see what he thought would work.

4)  Town Facilities SWPP. Update still underway.

5)  Proposal to Pave Boway. We agreed that the stormwater committee should write a letter in support of the proposal, and mention the dirt road task force findings. Jan will draft and circulate for review.

6)  Stormwater Mapping. The second year of outfall inspection for 20% of the outfalls will get started shortly, it is being done by Kellard Sessions. The results are in pdf files. Sam asked for copies of the data and will see about getting them on to the Westchester GIS system. The highway team is using the paper documents now.

7)  NYS Template Subcommittee. Jan has been invited to join a NYS DEC subcommittee to discuss a template to help MS4’s comply and pass audits on their stormwater permits. It will meet monthly. She submitted a written report of the meeting, and discussed some of the ideas that came up.

8)  Next meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for June 5, 2014.

The meeting adjourned at 5:30 pm.