Evergreen Form1
Manuscript Submission Form – to be submitted with the manuscript to
Evergreen – Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy
Article type: (Please check a box to indicate your article type. Choose one of the five options below.)
□Original Article, □Review Article, □Technical Report, □Letter, □Note to the Editor
Field: □Novel Carbon Resource Sciences, □Green Asia Strategy
Manuscript title:
Authors’ names in full:
I hereby certify that the authors of the above manuscript have all:
1Conceived, planned, and performed the work leading to the manuscript, or interpreted the evidence presented, or both;
2Written the manuscript or reviewed successive versions and shared their opinion;
3Approved the final version.
Further, I certify that:
1This work has neither been published in whole or in part elsewhere nor is under consideration elsewhere.
*If authors are not fluent in English,
2This paper has been carefully checked by a native English speaker who is familiar with the field of the work.
First Author’s Name:
First Author’s Affiliation(Department, Course, Grade):
*If the first author of this manuscript is a doctoral/master course student, his or her supervisor should endorse that author meets the above all criteria. I certify that my supervisor has approved the submission of this paper.
Supervisor’s Name:
Supervisor’s Affiliation:
Evergreen Form1
Instruction for recommendation of reviewers
1Please recommend around 3 potential reviewers who can be regarded as qualified referee of the article concerned and send the information of their names, affiliations, e-mail address and postal addresses to Evergreen Secretariat.
2You can recommend potential reviewers from either inside or outside of Kyushu University.
3If you don’t have any recommendation, please notify Evergreen Secretariat of that effect. Please note that processing of the manuscript may be delayed if list of the potential reviewersis not provided.
1Reviewers will not necessarily be chosen in accordance with your recommendation.
2Reviewers shall remain anonymous.
3Please note that we may request authors for revision of the articles on the basis of the review comments.
4Evergreen Editorial Committee may accept or reject any manuscript depending on the quality of the manuscript.
□Suggested Reviewers (please suggest at least two potential reviewers including at least one outside of Kyushu University)
- Name:
E-mail address:
Postaladdress (optional):
- Name:
E-mail address:
Postaladdress (optional):
- Name:
E-mail address:
Postaladdress (optional):
Complete list of submitted materials
□Manuscripts: written using the template for Evergreen (Microsoft Word .doc)
abstract, text, references, tables, figure captions, figure files
□Original and important aspects of the research are emphasized in the abstract
□Abbreviations are defined in full spelling at first appearance
□Same indications are not used for different tables or figures
□References are adequately indicated
□Cite relevant articles from Evergreen - Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy
□Write up is checked by a native English speaker who is familiar with the field of the work
□At least two potential reviewers (including at least one outside of Kyushu University) are suggested