What is Mendeley / Mendeley is a reference manager as well as an academic social network which works on Desktop, Web and iPad. Free for 2GB Personal Web Space and setting up for two groups. Compatible with Microsoft Word, LibreOffice and BibTeX.
1. Store and manage your references, documents and notes
2. Add these references into the text of a Word document, which will automatically create a styled citations and also bibliography at the end of their document
3. Share information and collaborate in a private group or publicly
4. Showcase your publications
Signing up your account online and installing desktop software / 1.  Go to Mendeley webpage and sign up your account at http://www.mendeley.com
2.  Download desktop software from Mendeley webpage and install onto your computer
3.  Login Mendeley Desktop program and install the MS Word plug-in under the Tools
4.  Install Web Importer into your web browser
5.  Download Harvard UTS style into Mendeley Desktop:
View->Citation Style->More Style->Get More Style
Download from the following URL:
6.  Add more fields into Show Fields for different type of documents (Tools->Options->Document Details), e.g. Genre, Date Accessed
Creating your library and adding references / 1.  Find articles from Literature Search within Mendeley Desk or Papers of Mendeley Web and directly add them into your library
2.  Find articles from database website (e.g. WorldCat, PubMed) and use Web Importer to add them into Mendeley including PDFs if available
Tips: Get rid of Date Accessed if not online only documents
3.  Add PDFs to your Mendeley Desktop program: drag in or Add from Watch Folders
Tips: if metadata is not complete, you can click on “Search by Title” to lookup document details
Or lookup details from DOI, PMID and Arxiv
4.  Direct import articles to Mendeley Desktop from databases (including Google Scholar) in RIS Format or via Export to Reference Manager
Tips: Save a RIS file from ProQuest first, then choose Mendeley for the default program to open RIS files
5.  Import references including PDF files to Desktop from EndNotes in XML file
6.  Import references in Bib Tex file
7.  Type in manually
§  Select reference type
§  Authors each on separate lines
§  Put a comma at the end of an institutional author
§  For online sources, add Date Accessed and URL into the fields
Tips: Check if the document details are correct!!!
1.  By DOI, Arxiv ID or PMID
2.  Manually
§  Add description information into Genre field, e.g. PhD thesis, weblog, TV Program, report number
§  Keep Date Accessed field empty if not an online source
Managing your documents and references / 1.  Create Folders for different projects
Folders can be created and deleted. If a Folder is deleted, the references will still be kept in All Documents.
2.  Merge duplicate author names, tags or publications (Filter by )
3.  Check and merge duplicates
4.  Search and mark documents
5.  Annotate PDFs
6.  Set File Organizer (Tools->Options)
7.  Set PDF sync options and sync cross Desktop and Web account ( Edit Setting)
Editing library SFX link for Papers in Mendeley online / 1.  Sign in your Mendeley Web account
2.  Go to Papers tag
3.  Click a paper title ->Find this paper at-> Edit Library Access Links
4.  Click “Choose library from list”, find “University of Technology, Sydney” and then click on Add.
Notice: this setting not for the items in “My Library”
Citing references for Word document / 1.  Insert references:
Ø  Put the cursor in the place you want to cite the references, find Mendeley toolbar under References tab on MS Word, then click on “Insert Citation”
Ø  Click “Go to Mendeley” button to select a/more references within Mendeley Library, then click on “Cite”
Or Search a/more references, then click on OK
2.  Select/change the reference style
3.  Edit Citation: High light the in-text citation, then click on “Edit Citation” on toolbar
4.  Insert Bibliography
5.  Refresh: Reformat all citations after made changes for references
6.  Export: Compatible with OpenOffice / Without Mendeley field
Citing references and exporting BibTex for Latex / Copy Latex Citation Command
1.  Select one reference or more references in Mendeley Desktop
2.  Choose Edit->Copy AS-> Latex Citation Command
3.  Paste the Citation Command into the Latex document
Exporting BibTex for Latex
1.  Select folder/references in Mendeley Desktop
2.  Go to file->export, Save it as a BibTex file.
Notice: The citation keys are automatically generated in the format {AuthorYear}(Author is first author surname) and is unique within all your Mendeley documents.
Citing references for Google Docs / 1.  Choose the reference style in Mendeley Desktop
2.  Select the papers you want to cite and click on “Edit-> Copy”
3.  Paste them into the document
Sharing Documents and References / 1.  Create a Group
Private Groups
Public Invite-only Groups
Public Open Groups
2.  Add members and documents
3.  Use Groups
Reference Styles / 1.  Mendeley uses Citation Style Language (CSL) styles http://citationstyles.org/
2.  More than 7000 CSL citation styles available
View ->Citation Style-> More Styles
3.  Customise a reference styles with Citation Editing Tool

More information http://www.mendeley.com

UTS CRICOS Provider Code: 00099F