CFF Queries in MedeAnalytics
Five patient level queries have been created in MedeAnalytics to support practices with some of the information required for CFF. The queries will contain patient level information for your practice only. The queries are:-
The data is approximately 5/6 week old so the queries will contain data up until this point.
New data will be added to the queries on a monthly basis usually within the first week of the month.
Multiple AE Attenders within the last 60 days
Click on the + button next to the NHS Number Pseudonym to view individual records for the patient including attendance dates, outcome of A&E attendance, investigations and treatments.
Click on Show PID to reveal the NHS Number(s) for the patient(s) that you have selected.
AE Attenders for 0-18 age group within the last 90 days
This will contain individual patient A&E attendance records for 0-18 year olds.
Emergency Admissions for 0-18 age group within the last 90 days
This will contain individual patient Emergency Admission records for 0-18 year olds.
High Risk of Admission (Top 2%)
Please login using your .pas login for this query. This query shows the top 2% of patients who are at risk of an Emergency admission within the next 6 months. The report will summarise a patient’s hospital activity showing the earliest and latest dates, display the long term conditions that have been diagnosed in an acute setting and also summarise community, social care and mental health activity.
High Risk of Admission (Next 20 Patients outside of Top 2%)
This report will also require a .pas login and will show the next 20 patients who are on the fringe of the top 2%. The format of the report is identical to the top 2%.
Emergency Admissions for 0-18yrs with a Mental Health Diagnosis within the last 90 days (Primary or Other)
The hospital diagnoses (primary or other) are listed. Click on the spell number in the blue row to open the details. Click on the Show PID button to reveal the NHS numbers.
Frequent UTI Emergency Admissions - Last 12 Months
Frequent Pneumonia Emergency Admissions - Last 12 Months
For patients with a count of 3 or more emergency admissions, click on the + button on the UTI and Pneumonia reports next to the NHS Number Pseudonym to view individual records for the patient including admission dates, hospital diagnosis and length of hospital stay.
Click on Show PID to reveal the NHS Number(s) for the patient(s) that you have selected.
Additional queries can be created if required and stored in the CFF queries folder in MedeAnalytics.