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Bridlewood Homeowners Association, Inc.

Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting

April 17th, 2014

Date: April 17th, 2014

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Location: East Lake Fire Rescue Station 57

1. Call to order

David Wandel, who acted as Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2. Roll Call of Directors present

The roll was called and Directors present were Dave Wandel, Dave Hayes, Dave Roby and

Mike Oddo. Joan Fissella, LCAM of Management and

Associates acted as Recording Secretary.

3. Proof of Notice of Meeting or Waiver of Notice – Notice of the meeting was posted.

4. Reading/Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting

Those being the minutes of the February 24th, 2014 Board of Directors Meeting and it was,

ON MOTION: Duly made by David Hayes, seconded by David Roby and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED: To waive the reading and approve the minutes of the February 24th, 2014 Board of Directors meeting.

5. Officers/Manager’s Reports

A.  PRESIDENT’S Report – None

B.  VICE-PRESIDENT’S Report – None


1.  Joan gave the Treasurer’s report as follows – Joan advised that as of April 17th, 2014, there was $52,041.28 in the operating account with $41,482.41 in the checking account; $30,893.24 in the reserve account and delinquencies for a total of $8,973.84, with three (3) liens and (1) bankruptcy.

2.  After reviewing the delinquency report, It was,

ON MOTION: Duly made by Dave Wandel, seconded by David Hayes and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED: To waive the $25.00 late fee from 2521 and 2504 Appaloosa Trail.

6. Committee’s Reports – None

7. Unfinished Business

1. The shore repair will be done when the water goes down; hopefully next week if it does not


2. David Wandel is going to prepare a letter to be delivered to all the homeowners requesting volunteers for the Board and for committees.

8. New Business

1. The Board has reviewed the estimates that we have received with regard to repairing the leaning fence and it was,

ON MOTION: Duly made by David Wandel, seconded by David Hayes and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED: To accept the proposal from Duracraft Fence Co., Inc. in the sum of $201.05 to repair the leaning vinyl fence.

2. The Board has put the plants at the front entrance on hold until we receive further


3. The Board discussed the rust off tank and put it on hold until we receive further information.

4. The Board reviewed the application from John & Dawn O’Laughlin, 5471 Stallion Lake Drive, to put a new asphalt shingle roof (Cobblestone Gray) on the home, and it was approved by the Board.

9. Open Forum

The abandoned home at 2528 Appaloosa Trail was discussed and the Board approved having the pressure washing done like it was done several years ago and Joan will contact code enforcement about the unsecured pool in the backyard.

10. Announcements – None

11. Date and Time of next meeting

The next Board meeting will be on Thursday, May 15th, 2014 at the Eastlake Lake Fire

Rescue Station 57 at 7:00 p.m.

12. Adjournment – There being no further business to come before the Board, it was

ON MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m.

Submitted by: Approved by:


Joan A. Fissella, LCAM Dave Wandel, President