Emergency Lockdown Procedure/Shelter in place
The following is a guideline for Shelter in place/Lockdown Procedures. It should be modified to suit the needs of your school, staff and students.
Scenario A: During Lesson time
· A distinct siren/bell system should sound. (In schools with deaf staff/students a light signal should also be implemented). Staff and students should have had training as to what this means and know how to respond.
· Any students or staff in corridors should go to the nearest classroom or room.
· All windows and doors should be shut and locked.
· All window blinds should be drawn.
· One teacher should carry out a head count and take names of extra staff/pupils in room. E-mail to a central point using the MLE or normal e-mail system.
· Use a card notification system to alert first responders and/or school officials of the status in each room. The universal colors of green, yellow and red are used. The card is usually at least 6”x 9” or larger. During a lockdown the card is either slid under the door or taped to the door window:
1) Green to signify all students present;
2) Red to signify missing students;
3) Yellow to signify that the teacher has additional students or staff under his/her supervision.
The key is not to put anyone in jeopardy when using the card notification procedure.
· All in the room should take either sit at desk or take cover underneath.
· Students should be encouraged to be quiet. Reading books, magazines etc encouraged. NO MOBILE PHONES TO BE USED OR OUT during a lockdown.
· An agreed “All Clear” signal or password should be transmitted to let staff know that the threat has been dealt with. Students should not be let out of the room before this has been given.
· A member of staff should contact Police with an “All Clear” password in the event of a false alarm or drill.
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Scenario B: During Lunch or break
· A distinct siren/bell system should sound. (In schools with deaf staff/students a light signal should also be implemented). Staff and students should have had training as to what this means and know how to respond.
· If the threat is known to be in a certain area of the school then students and staff should move away from this area and move to canteen or hall. Staff should move to these doors to direct students to these areas.
· Staff on duty on the field should have walkie-talkie/radio as well as loud hailers to direct students where to go.
· Do NOT approach an intruder, but use communications system to update others of the location.
Regular drills will take place to test these procedures. Only a limited number of staff should know when the drill is taking place to add realism.