Parks Commission Minutes

October 20, 2014

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I. Call to Order: Chair Hauble called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Vice Chair Eder (arrived late), Commissioner Bye, City Administrator Johnson, Public Works Director Kegley, Arborist Widin, and Commission Liaison McComber. Absent: Commissioner Krieger.

II. Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Bye, seconded by Chair Hauble, moved to approve the Agenda. Carried 2-0.

III. Approval of Parks Commission Minutes – September 15, 2014: Chair Hauble, seconded by Commissioner Bye, moved to approve the Minutes. Carried 2-0.

IV. Department/Commission Liaison Reports:

A.  Arborist: Arborist Widin reported that she sent a fall tree removal and pruning list to contractors and received three quotes back. She reported the work would be completed by mid-December. She also reported she was working on a list of winter boulevard tree pruning. She urged residents to water any new trees and evergreens before the ground would freeze.

City Administrator Johnson reported that the City received four responses back from the RFP for arborist services. He said before the responses were reviewed, the City Council wanted to discuss the scope of the position, and he suspected the discussion would come back to the Parks Commission.

B. Public Works Director: Public Works Director Kegley reported that the grill was installed at Oak Park Crossing Park. He also reported that the park shelters had now been closed and portable toilets were placed at the parks. Kegley stated that the City was advertising for rink attendant positions, and applications were available on the City’s website or at City Hall.

C. Other / Commission Liaison Reports: Commission Liaison McComber reported that the City Council voted to set Party in the Park for National Night Out in 2015.

Chair Hauble, seconded by Commissioner Bye, moved to accept the Department / Commission Liaison Reports. Carried 3-0.

V. Visitors/Public Comment: None.

VI. Public Hearings: None

VII. New Business:

A.  Schedule Fall Parks Walkthrough: Public Works Director Kegley provided the Parks Commissioners with a list of comments from the spring walkthrough.

Chair Hauble, seconded by Vice Chair Eder, moved that the Parks Commissioners do the walkthroughs on their own within the next 30 days and provide comments to Public Works Director Kegley for discussion at the next Parks Commission meeting. Carried 3-0.

B.  Consider Resident’s Suggestion for an Event: Commission Liaison McComber reported that she received a suggestion from a resident on decorating part of the trail for a haunted trail idea. She said it was a little late to do something like that this year, but maybe the Parks Commission could create a committee for next year.

Vice Chair Eder, seconded by Commissioner Bye, moved to shat staff publish a notice in the newsletter and the website seeking interest in starting a Halloween style event for 2015 or if there were any non-profit groups that were interested in partnering with the City for an event in the park. Carried 3-0.

VIII. Old Business:

A.  Oak Park Crossing Park Design RFP: City Administrator Johnson reported that the City received four responses to the RFP. The Parks Commissioners wanted more time to review the bids.

Chair Hauble, seconded by Commissioner Bye, set a Special Parks Commission Meeting for October 27 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the task at hand. Carried 3-0.

B.  Oak Park Crossing Park Sign: City Administrator Johnson reported that Xcel Energy had worked out the situation with MNDOT on the slope where the Parks Commission wanted to have the sign installed. He stated the City would have the sign installed when they were able after the slope was graded.

C.  Set Oak Park Crossing Park Ribbon Cutting: Chair Hauble, seconded by Vice Chair Eder, moved to set the Oak Park Crossing ribbon cutting to coordinate with the Playful City Day in June. Carried 3-0.

IX. Informational:

A.  Next Meetings: Monday, October 27, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall and Monday, November 17, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall

B.  Council Representative: Tuesday, October 28 – Vice Chair Eder

C.  Splash Pad Informational Piece

X. Adjournment:

Chair Hauble, seconded by Vice Chair Eder, moved to adjourn the meeting. Carried 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Jennifer Pinski

Deputy Clerk