The first month of school is over and due to Reorganization some changes have occurred. After the Board’s review of our enrollment, one of our classes exceeded the Ministry’s class size requirements for junior grades. As a result, some students moved to another classroom to balance class size, with Ms. Davey’s class becoming a 4/5 split. Thank you, parents, for your cooperation in ensuring a smooth transition for those students who changed classes. In addition, as a result of the reorganization process, Mrs. Berthe has transferred from a part-time teaching position at our school to a full-time position in Grade 2 at Ingleborough Public School. We welcome Mr. Andrew Tyers, an experienced occasional teacher, who has been hired for the Grade 4 class classroom until a permanent teacher is in place.

Mrs. Berthe began her career as a teacher at Ray Underhill and has been with us at RUPS for the past 10 years. During that time she has taught Grade 4, Kindergarten and Planning Time. We have been fortunate to have her at Ray Underhill and will miss her professionalism and dedication. We wish Mrs. Berthe all the best as she moves to her new school and classroom. The Ray Underhill learning community will miss our valued teacher, colleague and friend.

We are piloting a new format for our Meet-the-Teacher Night on October 3rd. Teachers will be providing a formal presentation to parents regarding the grade level curriculum, academic learning skills and work habit expectations, as well as classroom routines concerning agendas, book orders, school supplies, homework, etc. The presentation begins at 7:00 and again at 7:30 and lasts approximately 20 minutes. At 7:25 an announcement will be made asking parents to transition to a second classroom. Parents are welcome to arrive at a classroom at either times and to remain for the entire presentation. Meet-the-Teacher Night is an opportunity for parents to meet their child’s teacher and for the teacher to communicate information about the curriculum and classroom procedures, and is not the time to discuss individual children’s progress. Parents are encouraged to contact the teacher and set up an meeting if they wish to review their child’s academic progress or other items.

Please see the October calendar for all the events happening this month: School Council meeting, Character Assembly, Photo Day, Soccer Tournament, field trips, Grade 4-5 Poetry Cafe, Bus Driver Appreciation, Hallowe’en Parade and Meet-the-Teacher Night. Due to the use of our library as a classroom during construction, we will not be hosting a Book Fair at this time.


Our learning community encourages academic excellence and personal growth. Students, staff, parents and the community work in partnership to provide a safe and caring environment. This will prepare students

to be respectful citizens and life-long learners.


Due to the large number of eligible bus riders this year, only a limited number of students (grades K to 2) have been offered Courtesy Seats. Please call Mrs. Churchill if you have any questions regarding this process.


Order forms for our milk, pizza and Lunch Moms programs were sent home to all students in grades 1 to 5. (Kindergartens received forms for pizza only.) The milk program begins on Monday, September 30; our first Lunch Moms date is Wednesday, October 2; and our pizza lunch program begins on Friday, October 4. Please note that there is NO PIZZA DAY the following week, as Friday, October 8 is a P.A. Day.


Thank you to the parents who submitted a nomination form to become a member of the School Council. All parents are welcome to attend the first Council meeting on Wednesday, October 2 at 7:00 p.m. Agenda items will include the election and appointment of officers, and confirming the schedule of meetings for this year. (Dates can be flexible to suit the availability of Council members.) Parental input is valued at Ray Underhill ... every voice counts!!


Our school is participating in International Walk to School Day on Wednesday, October 9th. On this day, students are encouraged to walk, bike, blade, scooter, skip or hop to school ... but don’t drive! This program is part of the Active & Safe Routes to School program. Visit for more information.


The first World Teachers’ Day took place in 1994 and was developed by the United Nations to commemorate the work of teachers and their contributions to society. During the week of October 5th, take the time to thank your child’s teachers and let them know how much they are appreciated!!


October 16th has been designated by the Peel Board to pay tribute to bus drivers, who safely transport over 36,000 students to and from school each day. If your child takes the bus to school, take this opportunity to thank his/her bus driver for the important job they do each day!


A copy of your child’s OSOR (Ontario School Office Record) was recently sent home for updating. If you have not already done so, please update and return this form as soon as possible. It is important that we are able to reach a parent or a designated contact should an emergency arise at school. Please call the office at any time during the school year to further update your child’s record as the need arises.


We wish our grade 4/5 soccer team the best of luck on October 4th at the Dixie P.S. soccer tournament. Thanks to Mrs. Henshaw for coaching the RUPS team!


We hold monthly Character Assemblies to recognize students who display positive character traits such as caring, cooperation, compassion, self-discipline, etc. The assemblies also provide an opportunity for each class to plan and host an assembly, and to share student activities through skits, songs or other classroom presentations. Similar to last year, our school will hold 2 assemblies on the same day: Classes KF1, KF2, KF3, KF4, 1-D, 1-W and PGL will attend each month at 9:10 a.m.; classes 2-C, 2-S, 3-B, 3-H, 4-B, 45C, 45D and 5-H will attend each month at 9:50 a.m. The dates will be published in our newsletters. Parents of students winning awards will receive a personal invitation to attend. All parents are welcome to attend any school assemblies. Our first Character Assemblies will be held on Tuesday, October 22nd at 9:10 and 9:50 a.m.

We also have a “Spirit Day” once a month to coincide with our assembly day. Each Spirit Day will have a theme such as “Pyjama Day”, “Beach Day”, etc. and students will be encouraged to show their spirit, be creative, and have fun! We look forward to SPORTS LOGO / SPORTS WEAR DAY on October 22nd.

Use dual-language books to boost your child’s literacy

For parents of students in primary and junior grades

Is English your second language? Learn about the many benefits of dual-language books. Find out how you can use your first language to boost your child’s English reading and comprehension.

How does knowledge of first language help my child learn English?

• continued development of the first language supports linguistic and cognitive development in English; some experts warn that students who stop developing their first language before they have become fluent in the second may not have enough proficiency in either language to perform academic tasks

• it allows students to think, talk, read and write at a higher level than if they were limited to using English only

• students who already have knowledge of one language have a useful tool when learning a new language

If my child continues to use his/her first language, will that affect his/her identity?

• students’ first language is an important part of their identity and a source of cultural pride

• cultural identity may be lost if students are encouraged to move away from their first language and culture and be more a part of the dominant culture

• self esteem may be affected if they are encouraged to use English only

How can I use my first language to help with my child’s education?

• parents can help by creating a rich first-language home environment e.g. telling stories and reading to children in the first

• language, participating in first-language community events, watching and discussing current affairs programs on TV, reading first language newspapers

• enroll children in international language classes

• discuss homework and/or explain subject matter in first language if that helps your child better understand what he/she is expected to do/learn

Why should I read dual language texts books with my child?

• children who can already read in their first language do not need to rediscover the principles of reading when they learn another language e.g. concepts of rhyme, figurative language, verb tenses, etc.

• it expands your child’s knowledge of the first language, which helps the learning of English

• it enhances your child’s self-esteem and their status as they demonstrate their skills and show their talents

• by helping your child create his/her own dual-language stories, you are able to take an active role in your child’s education

• children may be able to show their understanding of an age appropriate story more clearly than if he/she were limited to English only books

How do I use dual-language books with my child?

• together with your child, choose books that are high interest, and that reflect your cultural values

• if your child cannot yet read then you can read both versions of the story to promote both languages

• if your child cannot fluently read in the first language, then he/she can read the English version and you read the first language version

• ensure they are understanding the story by asking questions and discussing the story in your first language during and after you read

• use dual language books, as you would use English only books, to support the reading program established by the classroom teacher

Where can I find more dual language resources?

• many Canadian publishers create dual-language books which are available at your school or public library

• the following are some websites that showcase dual language books/projects:

Multilingual Matters is an international independent publishing house, with lists in the areas of bilingualism, second/foreign language learning, sociolinguistics, interpreting and books for parents. They also publish peer-reviewed translation, academic journals, and a newsletter for parents, The Bilingual Family Newsletter.