Classical Association of Virginia

2010 Latin Tournament

General directions: COMPLETELY fill in the space on the answer sheet corresponding to the letter of the correct answer for each question.

I. Vocabulary: Select the correct English meaning for each Latin word:

1. rīpaa. crackb. riverbankc. seizured. flood

2. mālōa. hateb. preferc. chewd. entrust

3. dolusa. griefb. giftc. trickd. fruit

4. ignāvusa. carefulb. unbornc. ignorantd. lazy

5. praedaa. battleb. triumphc. priced. spoils

6. vītōa. liveb. forbidc. avoidd. cultivate

7. nonduma. rarelyb. no longerc. not yetd. nonetheless

8. lēvisa. heavyb. smoothc. kindd. slow

9. nēmōa. no one b. grovec. princed. divinity

10. spēsa. hopeb. breathc. cloudd. appearance

11. exīstimōa. existb. stand outc. supposed. extinguish

12. apuda. amongb. withoutc. underd. across

13. mūniōa. warnb. awardc. remaind. fortify

14. cupidusa. youngb. pointedc. desirous d. mischievous

15. os (gen. ossis)a. boneb. shorec. mouthd. egg

II. Derivatives: Using your knowledge of Latin roots, select the BEST English meaning for each underlined derivative.

16. a voluble personality

a. irascibleb. loquaciousc. contemptibled. generous

17. a pejorative nickname

a. derogatoryb. complimentaryc. ill-conceivedd. charming

18. gravity of the situation

a. imminenceb. seriousness c. inevitability d. frivolity

19. perspicacious assessment

a. hyper-critical b. discerning c. short-sightedd. cursory

20. lacking cohesion

a. unityb. endorsementc. complianced. variety

21. ancient edifice

a. learningb. inscriptionc. ruinsd. structure

22. egregious mistake

a. outrageousb. honorablec. slightd. common

23. salient features

a. minorb. notablec. invisibled. healthy

24. exacerbate the problem

a. solveb. pardonc. worsend. explicate

25. infinite wisdom

a. endlessb. obviousc. underminingd. ancient

26. incipient signs

a. coalescingb. perishingc. decisived. beginning

27. repeated exhortations

a. slanderb. delaysc. incitementsd. praise

28. unprecedented accomplishment

a. ill-conceivedb. impressivec. first-timed. forgotten

29. dolorous melody

a. exuberantb. mournfulc. subduedd. facetious

30. abdicated the throne

a. ascendedb. despisedc. honoredd. renounced

III. Grammar and Forms: Choose the letter of the correct answer for each question below and mark your choice on the answer sheet:

31. This book was written by my favorite author.

a. scrībunturb. scrīpsitc. scrīptus eratd. scrīptus est

32. My friend thinks that our country is the greatest.

a. maximab. maximamc. maximēd. maximae

33. After he had said these things, the orator heard the crowd roar.

a. cum loquēbaturb. loquēnsc. locutus d. postea locutus erat

34. The master did not realize that the slaves had fled.

a. fūgerantb. fugerec. fūgissed. fugientēs

35. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.

a. conāreb. conāturc. conāted. conāris

36. I just need more time.

a. tempusb. temporac. temporisd. tempore

37. This is the same river in which Midas washed away the golden touch.

a. idem flumenb. quoddam flumenc. eadem flumend. quīdam flumen

38. Where are you going (to), mother?

a. Ubīb. Quandōc. Unded. Quō

39. Atalanta ran much faster than Hippomenes.

a. multum b. multōc. magis d. multā

40. The consul whose army was annihilated was exiled.

a. quīb.cuic.cuiusd. quō

41. Actaeon saw Diana while she was bathing.

a. sē lavānsb. sē lavantemc. sē lavanted. ubi sē lavāns

42. Nostrī in proeliōfortiter pugnābant.

a. braveb. bravestc. braverd. bravely

43. Tē _____, Catilīna urbem nōn incendet.

a. consulb. consulīc. consulemd. consule

44. I am making a three milejourney to visit you.

a. tres mille passuumb. tria mīlia passuumc. tres mille passūsd. tria mīlia passūs

45. Marius septiens(seven times) ______creātus est.

a. consulb. consulemc. consulesd. consuli

46. Don’t speak without raising your hand and being acknowledged.

a. nolī loquiminib. nolī loquīc. nē loquerisd. nōn loquēre

47. He is said to have been able to speak ten different languages fluently.

a. posseb. positum essec. potuissed. posuisse

48. You will be led through the forum by an experienced guide.

a. dūcerisb. dūcēsc. dūcērisd. duxeris

49. I want to go home.

a. domīb. domumc. domusd. domō

50. Licetne _____ ad lūdōs īre?

a. nostrīb. nōsc. nōbīsd. nostrum

51. No one writes better than you.

a. maiorb. meliorc. meliusd. magis

52. We will arrive in Romeon the fifth day.

a. quinta diēsb. quinque diēc. quintus diēsd. quintō diē

53. The emperor himself will visit us tomorrow.

a. sēb. istec. isd. ipse

54. Horace erected a monument more lasting than bronze.

a. quam aereb. aeric. aered. quam aeri

55. We were about to attack the camp of the enemy.

a. oppugnātūrī eramus

b. oppugnātī sumus

c. oppugnātī eramus

d. oppugnātūrī erimus

IV. Read through the following passage for comprehension. You do NOT need to write a translation. Then choose the letter of the correct answer for each question.

1Incustōditae bovēs memorantur in Pyliōs agrōs prōcesisse. Vīdit hās fīlius Maiae et abactās

2arte suā in silvīs occultāvit. Hoc furtum nēmō sēnserat nisi senex in illō rure nōtus quem

3Battum vīcīnia tōta vocābant. Hic herbōsa pascua dīvitis Nēleī nōbiliumque equārum gregēs

4custōs servābat. Hunc timuit, et blandā manū sēdūxit et illī “quisquis es,” inquit, “sī quis forte

5pecus requīret, negā tē vīdisse. prō praemiō capenitidam vaccam.” et dedit. senex, eī quendam

6lapidem ostendēns, respondit “hospes, tūtus eās. Lapis iste tua furta loquētur priusquam ego.”

7simulat fīlius Iōvis abīre; mox rediit et versā figurā pariter cum vōce, “rūstice, sī bovēs hōc limite

8euntēs vīdistī, fer opem furtōque silentia dēme. Iuncta suō taurō dabitur tibi vacca nitida.”

9Mercēde geminatā, Battus “sub illīs montibus” inquit “erunt.” et erant sub montibus illīs. Rīsit

10Atlantides et “mē mihi, sceleste, prōdis? mē mihi prodis?” haec locutus, periūra pectora vertit in

11durum silicem, quī etiam nunc dīcitur ‘index.’

Pylius, -a, -um: of Pylosabigo, -ere, -ēgi, -actum: to drive off

furtum, -i: theftpascua: pastures

blandus, -a, -um: coaxing, flatteringquis=aliquis

eas=may you godēmo, -ere: to take away, remove

mercēs, mercēdis: price, pay, compensationsilex, silicis: flint

56. Why had the cows wandered into Pylos (line 1)?

a. they were forgetfulb. they were unguarded

c. they were youngd. they were undomesticated

57. Which of the following words does NOT refer to the same thing as the others (line 1)?

a. Maiae

b. hās

c. abactās

d. Incustoditae

58. What is the best translation of arte suā (line 2)?

a. by means of his own craftb. because of her own skill

c. in their own artd. away from his own craft

59. Which of the following is NOT true about Battus (line 2-4)?

a. He was well-known in the countryside.

b. He worked in Neleus’ fields.

c. He was the guardian of some mares.

d. He was afraid of Hermes.

60. What is the case and grammatical function of illī (line 4)?

a. nominative, subjectb. genitive, possession

c. dative, indirect objectd. dative, possession

61. What does Hermes request of Battus (lines 4-5)?

a. that he deny seeing anything

b. a reward of a white cow from his herds

c. that he refuse to receive payment for the cows

d. that he not look for the cows with anyone

62. What word is understood inlapis iste tua furta loquētur priusquam ego (line 6)?

a. erob. loquarc. sumd. loquēbar

63. What is the best translation of Iuncta suō taurō dabitur tibi vacca nitida (line 8)?

a. A shining white cow joined to its own bull will be granted to you.

b. A cow will be given to you joined with a shining white yoke.

c. A shining white cow connected to you will be given to its own bull.

d. A shining white cow will be given to you by a yoked bull.

64. What is the gender, number, and case of haec (line 10)?

a. neuter plural nominative

b. feminine singular nominative

c. neuter plural accusative

d. feminine plural nominative

65. What does Hermes NOT do in this passage?

a. alter his voice b. transform someone c. transform himself d. take back a gift

66. Which of the following does NOT occur in the passage?

a. ablative absolute

b. indirect statement

c. partitive genitive

d. present active participle

V. Read through the following passage for comprehension. You do NOT need to write a translation. Then choose the letter of the correct answer for each question.

1 Tempore magnī perīculī deī et virī mortuī in viās ipsās vēnisse dictī sunt. Post pugnam

2Rēgillēnsem Castor Polluxque in Forum vēnisse nūntiābantur. Caesare interfectō, virī

3mortuī et novissima animālia in viīs vidēbantur –ōmina gravissima, quae mōnstravērunt

4fortūnam inimicīs Caesaris dūram futūram esse.

5 Eō tempore fortūnam graviōrem et sacriōrem esse crēdēbant quam nunc. Virī quibushaec

6diū bona fuerat grātiōres deīs erant (ita putābant) quam eī quibus inimīca fuerat.

7Omnēs mīlitēs fortius et ācrius sub duce quī fortūnae grātus erat pugnabant –et ob eam

8causam saepius vincēbant.

Rēgillēnsis, -is, -e: of Regillus

67. What happened at a time of danger (line 1)?

a. gods and men diedb. the gods themselves were called into the streets

c. dead men became gods d. dead men were said to come into the streets

68. When did strange animals appear in the streets (lines 2-3)

a. when Caesar was bornb. after Caesar’s murder

c. when men diedd. after the battle of Regillus

69. How was the appearance of strange animals in the streets interpreted? (lines 3-4)

a. Everything in the future would be very serious.

b. Everyone would have bad luck with Caesar’s enemies.

c. The luck of Caesar’s enemies would be harsh.

d. Caesar’s fortune would be unfriendly in the future.

70. What is the best translation of futuram esse (line 4)?

a. would be

b. had been

c. to be the future

d. was the future

71. To whom or what does haec (line 5) refer?

a. fortunam

b. viri

c. ōmina

d. no specific word; it is used substantively

72. What is the best translation of acrius (line 7)?

a. fierce

b. fiercest

c. more fiercely

d. fiercely

73. What case and construction is fortunae (line 7)?

a. dative, indirect objectb. objective genitive

c. dative with a special adjectived. genitive, possession

74. According to the passage, why did some soldiers win more often (lines 7-8)?

a. they gave their general good luck

b. their general was pleasing to them

c. they had better luck

d. they fought harder

75. Which of the following is NOT something the Romans believed about luck according to the passage?

a. It was more sacred to them than it is to us now.

b. Good and bad luck were determined by the gods.

c. Those with good luck were more pleasing to the gods than those with bad luck.

d. Someone’s luck could be indicated by the appearance of strange things.

VI. SIGHT TRANSLATION: On the back of the scantron, translate the following passage as literally as good English allows.

Dē Philoctēte multa narrantur. Poētae dīcunt eum Herculis armigerum fuisse et ab hōc sagittās venēnātō sanguine Hydraetinctās accēpisse. Pēs autem eius aut sagittā cadente aut serpentis dente vulnerātus est. Ex hōc vulnere odor gravissimus ortus est, itaque Graecī, iter Troiam faciēns, eum in insulā Lemnō relīquērunt. Hīc dīu sōlus vīvēbat.

Philoctētēs, Philoctētis: Philoctetesarmiger, armigeri: armor bearer venenatus,-a,-um: poisonous Hydra, -ae: the Hydra, a monster

tingo, -ere, tinxi, tinctus:to stain, soak