Painting Tour: Paris and Brittany 2-16 September 2013

Monday 2 Sept [Paris]

Meet at hotel 10am

Visit the Pompidou Centre, galleries nearby, lunch at the creperie next to the Stravinsky fountain of Niki de St Phalle. Late afternoon tour of Paris by boat on the Seine.

Tues 3 September Paris

Musee Rodin, sketching at Rodin museum. Explore Paris.

Emmy at Musee Rodin Notre Dame, Paris

Wed 4 September [Paris]

Life drawing class at Academie Charpentier. 6pm Louvre

Thurs 5 September [Paris]

Orangerie to see Monet’s water lilies and Impressionist gallery. 6pm evening at Musee d’Orsay

Fri 6 September

Visit Giverny stay at La Roche Guyon

Pick up bus. Leave Paris and drive to Giverny, Monet’s garden. Lunch at Giverny. Spend afternoon at Monet’s garden and nearby Musee des Impressionismes. Stay in nearby village on the Seine River at hotel ‘Au Bords de la Seine.’

Giverny Sketching at Giverny

Sat 7 September

Long drive to Brittany to Granville [3 1/2 hours via Caen]

La Roche Guyon to Caen: 2 hours to lunch stop at Caen. Explore Caen and lunch. mid afternoon head to Granville. Stay in hotel in Granville, explore village and beach.

Musee d’Art Moderne Richard Anacreon and Dior Museum at Granville. Old city.

Granville Mont St Michel

Sunday 8 September [Cancale]

The next week will be spent with a mixture of exploring Brittany and painting, drawing, sketching.

Granville to Mont St Michel [45 mins] Spend day at Mont St Michel. Painting views of Mont St. Michel at low tide, colours reflected in the mud and in the fishing port.

Enormous tides, the 1km causeway to Mont St Michel. Guided tour of the Abbey.

Night at Cancale –[50 mins from Mont St Michel] A sheltered bay famous for its oysters and fishing port.


Mon 9 September [Cancale]

Stay at idyllic Cancale as a base to visit St Malo [15kms/ 25 mins] and Dinard

Boat trip from St Malo to Dinard and its beautiful beach.

St Malo , 12th century walled city. Fortifications by Vauban.

St Malo

Tues 10 September [Roscoff]

Drive from Cancale to Roscoff. Visit Dinan , set high above the River Rance, narrow cobblestone streets and half timbered houses, en route to Roscoff [2 hours]


Wed 11 September [Roscoff]

16th century granite houses, pretty port surrounded by farms of vegetables, particularly onions. Creperies and seafood. A ferry trip to the Isle de Batz and its luxuriant gardens. Isolated beaches nearby.

Painting on beaches and/ or in the port.


Thursday 12 [Camaret sur Mer]

from Roscoff to Camaret [1 hr 40 mins] Drive through the forest of “Parc Regional d’Armorique”

Camaret sur mer

A classic fishing village with abandoned fishing boat carcasses in the harbor. Lots of art galleries. A beautiful village for painting and wandering along the beach and rock pools.

Friday 13 September [Concarneau]

Camaret to Locronan [50 mins] and Douarnenez [12 mins] to

Concarneau [50 mins]

Locronan: granite houses, cobblestone roads, Polanski’s ‘Tess’ was filmed here.

Douarnenez: sardine town!

Pointe du Raz- famous peninsular with spectacular views. Sunset painting at Pointe du Raz.

Arrive Concarneau evening.

Locronan Locronan

Pointe du Raz at sunset

Sat 14 Concarneau

Visit the 14th century Citadelle of Concarneau, fish markets, large fishing port.

Base to visit Pont Aven 15 kms

Musee de Pont Aven has paintings by major artists, including Gauguin. Also see Le Centre International d’Art Contemporain. Pont Aven School - artist colony emerging 1850's,led by artist Paul Gaugin developed a style called Synthetism.


Pont Aven Pont Aven by Gauguin

Sunday 15 September [Chartres]

Concarneau to Rennes 2hrs 10mins


Rennes for lunch and stay for about 3 hours, explore medieval city and half timbered houses, markets, Musee de Beaux Arts. Drive to Chartres 3 hours. Display of our artworks at Chartres.

Monday 16

Chartres to Paris 1 hr 15 mins

Our mill at Chartres.

Arrive Paris midday. Tour finishes.