
Cooper 8 EnglishJanuary 15, 2011



shrinepilgrimspalmerprodigious profane


1.The devoted follower of the faith refused to FORSWEAR his beliefs even though he suffered great persecution as a result.

2.As he listened to the complaints of his evil brother, the man felt his CHOLER rising, but he did his best to keep his anger under control.

3.The faithful gathered in the church to celebrate the SOLEMNITY, an important yet festive holiday on their religious calendar.

4.The young girl was uncomfortable as she heard the DISPARAGEMENT spoken by her brother about their grandfather; she could not believe her brother could speak so disrespectfully.

5.The guest of honor’s unexpected and UNTIMELY arrival at his own surprise party was the result of his boss letting him go home early on his birthday.

6.The PILGRIMS made their way toward the religious shrine; many had traveled thousands of miles to be there that day.

7.The campers poured water over their fire and made sure they QUENCHed the remaining hot embers.

8.The mother scolded her IDLE children who spent their afternoon lazily playing video games rather than completing their chores.

9.We were dazzled by the PRODIGIOUS creations of the artist who seemed capable of producing one work of genius and wonder after another.

10.The survivor was able to ENDURE the challenging hardships of the deserted island by remaining focused on his goal, being reunited with his family and friends.

11.Of all the vegetables, the boyLOATHEDbrussel sprouts to the point that the mere sight of them filled him with revulsion and disgust.

12.For centuries, pilgrims had made their way to the SHRINE, the most sacred place of their faith and a place to demonstrate their devotion.

13.The PALMERS returned to his home with branches from a palm tree he saw in the Holy Land.

14.The cruel girl treated all her peers with SCORN and contempt, believing herself to be their superior.

15.The KNAVES were known to be dishonest and thieving, so all honest citizens kept their distance from these young men.

16. Though my sister makes me incredibly angry whenever she takes my computer to her room, I must, PERFORCE, control my temper due to the demands of my mother.

17.TheVILE young man delighted in the trouble he caused others, and he never missed a chance to be hurtful and despicable.

18.The navigator kept a firm hand upon the ship’sSTEERAGE, guiding the ship safely across the ocean and through the busy harbor.

19.The PROFANE act of destroying an original copy of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address was seen as an attack on one of the sacred textsof our history.