19thSEPTEMBER 2011



STATUS Service Delivery


To advise Members of the progress being made in the implementation of a sub regional Choice Based Lettings (CBL) scheme for Dorset – Dorset Home Choice.


Members are requested: -

2.1to note the contents of the report

2.2to make any final observations and comments prior to the cabinet making the decision to approve this authority:

2.2.1entering into a partnership agreement with North Dorset District Council for the provision of a Choice Based Lettings housing register and homeless system.

2.2.2entering into a partnership agreement with North DorsetDistrict Council as lead organisation for the project and the contract.

2.2.3agreeing a new Borough of Poole Allocations Policy within a Dorset Common Allocations Policy Framework.


3.1The Dorset Home Choice CBL Partnership, is made up of 6 partners:

Borough of Poole

Bournemouth Borough Council

North Dorset District Council

Purbeck District Council

West Dorset District Council

Weymouth & Portland Borough Council,

and was formed in the autumn of 2008. The partnership submitted a bid to the government for funding towards the establishment of a sub regional CBL scheme.

3.2The bid was successful and the partnership was awarded £125,000 of grant funding. The Borough of Poole was the lead partner at this stage. In addition the Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole Strategic Housing Group also provided £100,000 of funding towards the creation of the scheme and the purchase of an IT system to allow all partners to deliver CBL across Dorset.

3.3In addition to this funding commitment, the delivery of a sub regional pan Dorset CBL scheme was included within the Local Area Agreement and Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA) targets for all partners. Following the change of government and demise of the Audit Commission, the Dorset Strategic Partnership reaffirmed its intention to continue to deliver the improvements set out in the CAA improvement plan including the Sub-regional CBL scheme

3.4The partnership worked on a common allocations framework throughout 2009 and 2010 and began the process of agreeing an IT specification for the procurement of the system. The common allocation framework was published for consultation to registered housing providers and housing register applicants in the autumn of 2010. Throughout 2010 there were various delays to the project due to a range of complex issues.

3.5After a restricted European procurement process for the IT system, two suppliers submitted tenders to the partnership. These have been fully evaluated and the partnership is now in a position to appoint a preferred supplier.

3.6One of the partnership’s aims was specifically to procure a better, single common IT platform for housing services to enable better joint working and collaboration between partners which would be fit for the future having an internet based, more user driven self help approach so that housing staff can better provide a support and advice service for those who most need it.

3.7The Council allocates/nominates social rented homes which become available for re-letting via a basic Choice Based Lettings Scheme. This was developed in the early days of the national move towards a choice based approach. The current system is no longer fit for purpose and does not allow those who are able to, to access the system online.

The present allocations policy also needed reviewing to ensure it was fit for the future and took into account the increasing shortages of affordable rented homes and the most recent guidance and policy. It became apparent that the current policy was one of very few left nationally where time was the dominant factor and local connection had less importance.


The project is split into two parts:

1)Allocations policy

2)A new IT system


4.1.1The Government’s approach to housing places considerable emphasis on the themes of choice and responsibility whilst still allowing local issues to be taken into account within housing allocations policies.

4.1.2The partnership has worked towards the creation of a common framework allocations policy that provides the partnership with a shared structure for an allocations policy whilst allowing individual partners to have specific issues addressed within the policy.

4.1.3Members previously on this committee or who attended as part of the all member invite to the session on 20 September last year may recall that the new common framework is a needs based approach with time as a factor within each needs band. There are 3 main bands (bronze, silver and gold) with an emergency band for very serious or urgent cases. The most recent draft of the proposed policy being recommended to members for adoption by cabinet on 11/10/11 is attached as appendix A.

4.1.4Along with the discussion and consultation held on 20/9/10 there was a detailed programme of consultation with partner organisations and customers. A newsletter and questionnaire went to all applicants on the current Housing Register, a partners’ stakeholder event was held on 13/10/10, and 2 special sessions of the Housing Strategy Panel (made up of tenants and leaseholders) were held on 8 September and 13 October 2010. An open consultation session for applicants was held on 27/10/10.

Feedback from members, officers, tenants, applicants and partners was used to inform subsequent iterations of the draft policy and directly influenced the version members have at this scrutiny meeting.

4.1.5The principal difference discussed as part of the consultation exercises was the move to a predominantly needs based banding system with time as a factor within bands.

4.1.6Each partner local authority will adopt its own allocations policy within the framework of the agreed Dorset Common Allocations Policy.


4.2.1As described in Section 3. above, the partnership has undertaken a procurement process to obtain an IT system. A report was submitted in May 2011 and the Dorset Chief Executives Group where it was approved.

The partnership is currently working on the implementation plan for 17 system and each local authority will have a specific set of actions and timetable to adhere to.


The proposed arrangements have several benefits. These include:

-a common approach across Dorset making it easier for housing applicants to apply for housing, check properties being advertised and check results both for their own case in general on the outcome of properties advertised through the system. This will enhance transparency and provide useful information to applicants about supply and demand in the area.

-an online application and updating approach which will mean applicants with access to the internet via their own pc or at the library or internet cafe for example will be able to complete all their information online via the interactive forms.

-an automatic provisional banding and assessment process which will give applicants an early indication of the likely band for their application. Officers will still need to assess medical, welfare and social type needs and verify proof of circumstances etc. but overcrowding calculators for example can be automated.

-an interactive bidding process for vacant properties via the internet, telephone or SMS (text).

-higher quality adverts with capacity to hold more detail about vacant properties e.g. photos, floor plans etc. where available. Landlords will be able to submit information directly onto the system. This will help improve the information available for applicants and should improve refusal rates.

-The new allocations policy gives greater priority to applicants in housing need and with a local connection to the Borough of Poole.


The implementation of the project is due to commence immediately upon the approval of cabinet to allow as much preparation as possible. The provisional commencement date for the new policy and the new IT system will be set for April 2012.

There will be a considerable amount of work to undertake within Housing and Community Services, for example converting from one system to another, notifying applicants of the changes and dealing with queries. There will be an early process to contact applicants and refresh the information held on their circumstances.

Officers in ICT, Communications and Legal Services teams will also be involved with the project as it progresses.


The purchase, year one support of the CBL and housing module can be funded by the partnership project budget.

The remaining costs in year one (for the homelessness module) and the running costs in subsequent years will be met from within the HCS unit’s budget.


Cabinet will be requested to give approval for the Head of Legal Services to enter into an agreement with North Dorset District Council (the lead partner authority) for the purchase and provision of the Choice Based Lettings System and to enter into the partnership agreement.


There is a robust risk management assessment schedule which is regularly updated by the Partnership Board. There is a monthly highlight report provided to partner authorities by the Project Manager.


The Framework Allocations Policy includes a specific appendix which details the equalities impact assessment.

In addition there will be a specific exercise to contact all applicants to refresh their information and to collect details of special needs, equalities issues etc.

Report Author: Cally Antill (Ext: 3440)

Contact officer:Cally Antill (Ext: 3440); Ben Tomlin (Ext: 3414)

Background Papers: Report to Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee 20/9/10

\\artemis\genhsg\Cally\Notes, Reports and Meetings\Revised CBL partnership report 10-9-11.docx