Proposed Terms of Reference:

ANZAED Past Presidents’ Committee

  1. TITLE

Past Presidents’ Committee


The Past Presidents’ Committee is designed to play an advisory role to the ANZAED Office Bearers and Executive, and to assist in making connections with other eating disorder organisations, professionals and academic institutions, both national and international. The committee shall:

(i)Act as a source of institutional memory for ANZAED.

(ii)Use experience in other national and international professional and eating disorder organisations to provide advice to the current ANZAED Office Bearers and Executive.

(iii)Use their contacts and connections to facilitate communication and partnerships between ANZAED and other national and international eating disorder organisations, professional organisations, non-government organisations and Government bodies.


3.1The ANZAED Past President will be Chair of the Past Presidents’ Committee.

3.2Membership of the Past Presidents’ Committeewill be open to Past ANZAED Presidents. Expressions of interest will be sought on an annual basis. Membership of the committee will be at the invitation of the Committee Chair following approval of the ANZAED Executive Committee.

3.3The term of appointment of the chairwill be 2 years.


4.1The Past Presidents’ Committeewill meet on a 3 monthly teleconference or face to face at the annual ANZAED conference.

4.2The members of the Past Presidents’ Committee will be available for consultation with the ANZAED Office Bearers and Executive in between scheduled meetings.

4.3In the event of a member of the Committee having a current, past or potential conflict of interest with any matter being considered or reviewed be the Committee, that member will immediately notify the Chair and will not participate in any such consideration, review or decisions in relation to that matter. At the discretion of the Chair, that member may also be requested to be absent from the meeting during the course of such discussions.

4.4Minutes of all meetings will be circulated to members within 2 weeks of the meeting and members will be asked to provide any comments within a further 5 business days. A copy of minutes will then be provided to the members of the ANZAED ExecutiveCommittee.

4.5The Minutes of any meeting of the Past Presidents’ Committeewill be formally approved at the next meeting of the Committee.

4.6The Chair of the Past Presidents’ Committeewill report on the activities, decisions and recommendations of the Committee to the ANZAED ExecutiveCommittee.


5.1The terms of reference of the Past Presidents’ Committeeare subject to the approval of the ANZAED ExecutiveCommittee and will be reviewed as determined by the ANZAED ExecutiveCommittee.