PRI-Personal Reading Inventory-8th

Name ______

Due Date: November 05

Number of Pages: Level: 250

PAP: 325

Reading List—October 8-November 5

Any of the LONE STAR BOOKS from 2015-2016, OR a novel approved by the teacher,

OR a novel by one of the following authors:

Ben Mikaelsen; Joan Bauer; Walter Dean Myers; Will Hobbs; Todd Strasser; Avi;

Rachel Cohn; Lois Lowry; Joan Lowery Nixon; Caroline Cooney; Carl Hiaasen;

Scott Westerfield

For every five (5) pages of a graphic novel you read, you will receive one (1) page of credit.

For every three (3) pages of a magazine or newspaper you read, you will receive one (1) page of credit.

Name of Novel/Magazine/Newspaper Author # of Pages



* For each assignment ONE of the books that you must read should come from one of the authors on the Reading List or one approved by your teacher.

*Your PRI represents a Major grade. If you read the number of pages assigned you will receive a 100. For every 100 pages under the assigned number of pages you complete, fifteen (15) points will be deducted from your grade. For example: if you are assigned 500 pages and you read between 400 and 499 pages, your final grade will be an 85. If you start a book during one reading period, but do not complete it, you may put the number of pages you have read ending at the due date and then put the remaining pages on the next PRI.

*You do NOT have to write summaries of all of the books that you have read. However, you will need to complete the following for the book you read from the Reading List, worth fifteen (15) points. WRITE IN COMPLETE SENTENCES.

I. Title of Book ______

II. Author’s Purpose- An author writes for many reasons. An author may want to inform you; give you facts or true information about a subject. Some authors write fiction stories or stories that are not true. They write these stories to entertain you. Other authors may write to persuade or to try to get you to do something.

What is the author’s purpose in this novel?______

III. Brief Summary-Give a brief summary of the plot and explain how it was resolved. Is there any use of foreshadowing (the use of hints or clues to suggest what will happen later) or flashback (action that interrupts to show an event that happened at an earlier time which is necessary to better understanding) ?

______IV. Point of View-

First Person
The narrator is a character in the story who can reveal only personal thoughts and feelings and what he or she sees and is told by other characters. He/She can’t tell us thoughts of other characters.

Third-Person Objective
The narrator is an outsider who can report only what he or she sees and hears. This narrator can tell us what is happening, but he can’t tell us the thoughts of the characters.

Third-Person Limited (omniscient)
The narrator is an outsider who sees into the mind of one of the characters.

What is the story’s point of view?


V. Mood-general atmosphere of the story or overall feeling

What is the mood of the novel?
