Flotilla 014-02-06, Monmouth Beach NJ
F26 Website:

Minutes for February 16, 2017 Meeting

Meeting called to order at 1900

Guest:BM1 Tom Franz

Attendance: Dan Smuro, Bob McNamara, Bob Hook, Vince Mancino, Catherine Dudley, Ralph Dudley and Ben Schneider.We have 15 members.

FC –highlights from the Division meeting were presented. There are still flotilla offices open:MS, CM, PB and MA are vacant.If interested, contact the FC. If you are interested in Auxiliary license plates, email Dan for the contact person.They are looking for marchers in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, March 17th. Contact Dan for information.

Hero Day” at the Village School, Holmdel, 2 MAR, in the AM usually 0830-1030.Read to K though 5thGrade, Service Dress Blues for both active duty and auxiliary participants.If interested email Vince Labbate.

Four Division staff positions are still open, SO-PE, SO-MS, temporarily covered by Glenn Mason and SO-PB and SO-PA, temporarily covered by Vince Labbate.

Division Change of Watch – Saturday, March 18, Shore Casino. The invitation has been resent. Please get in your check.Let Dan Smuro know if you are planning to attend so he can arrange a flotilla table.Remember – this is also our Change of Watch.

Comments by BM1 Franz the Operations officer:

·  CWO Hunt is trying to get more connection with STASH for operations.He is working so in the future, patrols will report to STASH not SECTNY.This will make contact quicker, particularly in the rivers, where they find it difficult to cover.

·  He would also like to see more new CG people out on the Auxiliary facilities.This would help them get familiar with the area, and smaller boats.

·  The 110 and an 87 will come back in early spring.The piers are in, but some concrete pads have cracks that need to be repaired.

·  The new station will be much bigger with berthing for the various positions, office space and training areas.It will be a multi-mission station.

VFC– No report

FSO-FNreport submitted electronically.Motion to accept made and passed.

FSO-SR– Motion to accept minutes from the last meeting made and passed. The only correction was for the year – 2017 not 2014.

FSO-CMBen’s phone number will be added to the website for a contact number.

FSO-PE– The class at George Harms Construction Company was completed with 27 attending.All passed the exam.There was one girl who was under the age of 17.The others were the construction workers.The company does work on bridges and uses barges.Boats are needed to get to them, and thus the company wanted all to have the certificate. The cards were delivered to the company, along with information on stationary barges that they asked about.

The classes at MAST have also ended.There were 54 students in this session. All have been entered with the state by Monica.

There is a new course on paddle boarding.Also, a new Chapter 7 has been sent out to all instructors that reorders the chapter and includes more on paddle craft.This should be used in future classes.

FSO-OP– nothing at this time.The patrols start on May 1. People are encouraged to do their shore side sign offs.

FSO-MT– no training going on right now, Division has training for new members.

FSO-IS– all in entered.Get your hours in by the end of the month.

FSO-VE– Bob Hook has gotten the decals.The event will be set up at the Molly Pitcher Inn, and also one at PPYC, as was done last year.There is a big push for safety on paddlecraft.It is considered a vessel if not in the surf, and must at least have a life jacket.

VE’s are encouraged to work with the Power Squadron.They have use of the Power Squadron simulator if it is available.There is one in Division 4, Perth Amboy. The paddlecraft committee will be Bob Hook and Ben Schneider.

FSO-PV– information is being passed out in the State Office Building in Asbury.It is also restocked at the Motor Vehicles in Eatontown.

FSO-PA– Bill Szilasi has taken this office.The station is very interested in the financial program that he put on in the past.

FSO-NS– There are only 5 in the Division, we have 2 of them. Division would like to get more involved in the program.There is a new system for training.

New/Old Business:

The Division COW will also be our Change of Watch. We have invited the 3 people from MAST, and Tyler Wilson and guest.

The flotilla website,www.flotilla26nj.comcould be posted on the USCG Auxiliary Facebook page.

Safe Boating week is May 20-26.Ben is working on getting some proclamations from various towns.

The Division asks:What can you do for the Auxiliary?What kind of training would you like.

Meeting adjourned 2100, Next meeting, Thursday, 16 March 2017