Decoding ‘The Matrix’ (the movie)

Like ‘The Lord of the Rings’ and ‘Star Wars’, the conception and development of this movie is promoted subconsciously by powers controlling our Planet at ‘Heavens level 2’.

‘The Lord of the Rings’ was inspired before World War II and presented the noble Westernesse (Atlantic) powers contesting control of the Planet with the evil Eastern powers, Caligastia (Sauron) the Planetary Prince. ‘Star Wars’ favors Caligastia (reptilian Yoda) and the ‘Matrix’ none. [All three allude to a common villain: Thoth-Hermes, as Saruman, Darth Sidious or the Merovingian. This is the message that the Grays want to pass across.]

Of course, inspiration is based on the writer’s background: his education, religious beliefs, the books he has read and, for the more gifted, remote-psychic viewing. (The Matrix scenario has some very proficient psychic viewing behind it). Once he is chosen by the subconscious agents for passing their message across, a lot of other material is slipped into the creation that even the writer is not aware of. (And the Grays are not the only ones that can do this. There are even subtler sources that take the opportunity to pass messages to their own recipients. Some of these can be spotted only by the very few for whom they are intended. Notice that the allusion to Hermes in these characters is not clearly seen by many. It is however too obvious for CI, (the Counselor’s Incarnate), for whom this message is particularly intended.)

When Tolkien was asked whether he used allegory in his writings, he said “No” but added that his writings were subject to applicability. Applicability is an allegory not intended by the author but seen by the reader (or the viewer in case of a movie). Hence, there can be a great number of allegories seen by various readers and, though these may not be intended by the author, they may be intended by the subconscious agents, at more than one level.

Books that the Wachowski brothers (or Sophia Stewart) obviously read:

  1. The title (and not only) tells us that they must have read the ‘Matrix’ book series. Orpheus, (Orpheus’ re-incarnation behind Val Valerian), the author of the book said: “the movie misinterpreted my book”. No, it did not. Though the book gave the writers ideas, like Virtual Reality creations in OBE experiences, remote-psychic viewing and simultaneous incarnations or multiple transcriptions (like agent Smith), the movie is not based solely on Orpheus’ book.
  2. The writers must have also been familiar with Monroe’s Institute and his writings as well as the writings of his followers, like Courtney Brown. [It is from C. Brown’s book ‘Cosmic Voyage’, chapter 22, that they got the idea that the Machines (actually, the Grays) are the supreme Authority on the Planet and that their mainframe is the ‘Source’ or the ‘God-above-all others’.]
  3. They must have also read ‘Simulacra and Simulation’, as we see where Neo keeps his hacker disks, and from terms like ‘the construct’ and ‘the desert of the real’. According to this book, what the movie presents as an ‘out of body dream world’, digitally generated by a master computer, is actually a hood pulled over the minds of somnambulant humans; (as Morpheus says: “the World pulled over your eyes”), so that they see or believe an ‘artificiality’ that has no relation to reality. All convictions, including scientific and religious ones, promoted through childhood subconscious programming, Education and the Mass Media, are false. The Matrix however presents the non-incarnate or the out-of-body world and the falsehood in OBE, created either by those experiencing it or by more proficient creators. The Grays are experts in this. (Baudrillard, the name of the author of ‘Simulacra and Simulation’, is broken up into the names of councilor Dillard and Captain Ballard).
  4. They must have also read Hindu, Egyptian and Greek Mythology as well as the Bible and must have been familiar with the work of philosophers Hamann and Soren, both names used for important individuals in connection with Zion in the movie.
  5. They have also definitely read the fiction books ‘the Da-Vinci Code’, ‘the Priory of Zion’ and ‘the blood of Jesus and the Holy Grail’ with the myth that the French Merovingian kings were direct descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene!

[Notice that in all Sci-Fi movies produced in America, the heroes that are finally vindicated and save the day are those who disobey rules and regulations. Disobeying rules and regulations, with each individual following his good judgment of what is right or wrong is the sure way to continuous wars and, with higher technology, the destruction of humanity, as every individual is right in his own eyes, each a different right. [Freeing from the Matrix people with a mentality of disobedience, (like Morpheus’ in the movie), would spell total destruction of humanity]. Another way in which humanity on Earth is being systematically corroded is to misinterpret love as an attachment emotion, even carnal lust, in order to keep humans preoccupied with their passions. Agape-love is non-associative and indiscriminate and it is directly opposite to Erotic Love, which is the basis of all associative emotions, not only carnal lust. Agape-love is ‘Outwardness’ (h-Alpha), the fundamental property of unbound space, the Universal Father (Atman), the Cause of the Creation of all unformed contents of the Universe: Mind (Logos), Energy, Matter and all subjective characteristics of Life. Eros is the Nodal Attraction Principle, the Holy Spirit (w-Omega), responsible for shaping the contents of the Universe and for all designing. (See ‘Cosmogony clarified’).

The movie shows Babylon, (a sweaty sensuous dump), and calls it Zion.

The out-of-body world is very real. It is only the sentient being that lives. The biological body is just a machine (the hardware), capable of certain functions associated with Life. The body functions provide the sentient being with energy. Even a crystal connected to a power source and capable of transformations to provide energy for the sentient being, can serve as a body for the sentient being. (Crystals were our first bodies).]

In presenting their views in the form of a movie, the producers face the following problems:

·  How can they present astral travel and remote viewing? It is easier to present this as a digitally generated dream world, with grown humans hardwired to a super computer and freed humans ‘jacked in’.

·  The same difficulty is faced when trying to present the hood over the minds of somnambulant humans in the flesh. The computer-generated dream world solves this problem also. Anyway, this is the method they have chosen.

·  The AI-and-machines theme makes the movie more Sci-Fi and shortens its timeline.

(If the Machines grew humans just for their own energy needs, then why the Matrix?)

Having laid the foundation for understanding the movie, we are going to analyze its allegories, especially those intended by the Grays, who wish to convince us that they are the supreme Authority on the Planet or the ‘Source’, the ‘Deus-über-alles’.

Let us first establish the identity of the Machines with the Grays:

·  Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the spawning of the Machines are less than 200 years old in the movie and, according to Morpheus, they have been trying to destroy Zion “for the last 100 years”. Therefore, the Machines could not possibly be the ‘Source’ that set up the Matrix, if its timeline is to cover Jesus’/Neo’s lifetime up to his death, reviving and ascension (Matrix I), and that of the much older king of the Underworld or be responsible for the destruction and rebuilding of Zion five times since the Matrix was set up. (Architect: “The Matrix is older than you know”).

·  In C. Brown’s book ‘Cosmic Voyage’ chapter 22, Courtney is given an unknown target by his Monitor to investigate. In his first remote contact with the target, he hears machine noises and senses smoke and engine oil, like the fluid in which the Grays incubate their clones in their laboratories on the Moon. Then, as soon as he notices the tall Gray that watches him during all his investigations of the Grays, the scene changes abruptly and he is given a view of the future of the Grays, evolving into beings all of them as perfect as Jesus. When he later asked his Monitor what the target was, the latter said: “The target was God”. Though not aggressive, the Grays are very persistent and are experts in Virtual creations and subliminal control. They believe that, due to their predator greed, humans will eventually destroy themselves if they are trusted with or acquire higher technology. Their intention is to leave small human communities in isolated forest pockets, as a DNA bank for their own needs. (Their own DNA has degenerated due to the incompatibilities accumulated by the ‘cut-and-paste’ methods they use in their genetic engineering). In our neighborhood, there are about 1500 incarnate Grays and 20 billion thought-forms, including one assigned to every human being on Earth, as sentient hacker control programs.

·  The code in which the Matrix is written is that of the Grays’; (Lazar on Roswell).

·  The EMP caused by nuclear tests is what brought down the Grays’ spaceships in Roswell in 1947 and in Nevada later. (See the Grays’ project in ‘Projects’).

·  The electric pads used in the Zion hovercrafts hint to the coil pads used by the Grays in gravity propulsion; a technology already passed on to NASA at Area 51.

·  The Grays are behind all Fire technology, including the machine technology that supports life in Zion. (They have “the power to give life and the power to end it”).

·  So, the Machines in the movie are not actually machines but the Grays and they have been here since just after the destruction of Atlantis. (See ‘The Life project’).

The Wachowskis say that the names were deliberately chosen. Let us have a look at some of these names, as they are a part of the message intended (or not) by the Wachowskis:

  1. Morpheus is the ‘bringer of divine dreams’, from Greek Mythology.
  2. Niobe is the Phrygian/Theban mother of 12, symbolizing Rhea Cybele of Phrygia mourning for her murdered children, the children of Zion/Ionia.
  3. Thomas is the non-believer that trusts only his own experiences. ‘Anderson’ means ‘Andrew’s Son’; ‘Son-of-Man’ (Jesus). ‘Matrix I’ ends with Jesus’ death, reviving and ascension. Smith is destroyed (?) and the Matrix crashes. In the sequels, Smith reappears, with Neo’s software copied onto him. Smith is the Christ of the Shambala reptilian hierarchy, Jesus’ symbyote-overself, who left Jesus’ body just before the crucifixion, with a copy of Jesus’ software. Jesus visits Lucifer, (the Architect), to receive the Apocalypse, right after his ascension; while still incarnate (‘still human’). After his visit, Zion is destroyed for the 6th time. After Jesus finally dies, he is bound in limbo (at the movie’s train station) for the rest of the Christian era. [The visit to Lucifer is two visits in one; the second is by the Counselor at the end of Matrix III; (instead of visiting the Machine city). The Counselor outranks Lucifer. The latter recognized the Counselor’s authority and abdicated his throne on his call in 2003. It is the Counselor (the new Neo) that will bring the final restoration. “The One was never meant to end anything”. Niobe says she never believed in the One: “I believe in him”; Neo, the Counselor’s Incarnate (CI). ‘Neo’/New is an anagram of ‘One’.]
  4. The One is the return of a man born in the Matrix when it was first set up. He could change things according to his choosing and it was he that freed the first humans from the Matrix. ‘Matrix I’ is about the life of Jesus, the return of this liberator. The only man to whom Lucifer granted authority to make such changes, (under his supervision), was Rwanem (Cthulhu), the first Adamite high priest (Adam). The writers could not know of him; the Grays do. He came shortly after the Grays, (around 9000 BCE), to rectify the situation created by the failure of the Atlantis project but he was closely watched by Lucifer, who appointed Satan as Rwanem’s attaché in order to supervise the progress of the ‘Life project’ and Rwanem’s plans. (Jesus-888 said that Rwanem-999 is the root of the tree of which he is the fruit).
  5. Trinity alludes to the Trinity, the triune Universal deity. Neo’s introduction is in appt 303 and so are his death and reviving. Her role is to introduce, protect and guide Neo. (It is a religious misconception in Lucifer’s system that the Trinity is a deity. CI’s guide is Athena, the warrior Virgin of Wisdom; not the Trinity. As for Neo’s sexual love with Trinity, like guns and martial arts, this is a movie thing.)
  6. The Merovingian is supposed to be the direct descendant of Jesus. He is presented as the cynical ‘king of the Underworld’, with Persephone as his queen. He controls the gates of Hades and the traffic between the world of the somnambulant humans and the ‘Netherworld’. (The trainman is the ferryman of the souls). The Merovingian represents Thoth-Hermes. He is the one that established Christianity, (as well as Judaism, Islam, Druidism and Freemasonry), and, also, the one associated with the Underworld. Further, as a herald, Hermes is a ‘trafficker of information’. [Hermes appointed his Christ in Shambala as Jesus’ symbiote-overself, who left Jesus’ body just before the crucifixion with a copy of Jesus’ software. With Jesus bound in limbo by witchcraft, (through the perpetual crucifixion of his image), Christ established his Sith Empire, through conquering, rapine, genocide, slavery and colonization.] The writers’ (and the Grays’) opinion of Christianity is seen in their portrayal of the Merovingian: both a cynic and a debauchee.