IGTC Committee Meeting November 24th 2007 at 5pm

Present: Kent Barker (Chair), Rohan Barnett, Laurel Stoughton,

Belinda Jeffries, Donal Brady (Sec)

To start the meeting Kent handed round copies of an agenda for the meeting as follows:-

  1. Apologies

Steve Scheurreggar andPenny Cunningham expressed their apologies for not being able to attend

2. Minutes of last meeting

These were agreed by all. Kent signed them and handed them to Donal for the records.

3. Matters arising

After 5 years of unstinting commitment as a member of the committee Laurel has decided to step down as Junior’s Secretary. Laurel has found someone to take her place namely Amanda Petch who is not presently a member. In this respect she has been emailed by Kent to invite her to join, but as yet no reply has been received.

Rachel Michell who is a junior member and is currently ranked number 14 in Kent has requested to use a portable lighting unit for a period in the early morning for solo practice at the wall. She proposes doing this through the winter months. There will be a small extra use of electricity in consequence but nonetheless this was given general approval by the committee.

4. Treasurer’s Report

Belinda handed an updated balance sheet to Donal for the records. The club now has a running balance of £13,755.35. Charles Trollope will be approached by Belinda to audit the accounts in time for the AGM. Although this is a seemingly healthy figure we still are bound to have maintenance and other costs to meet. Such expenses were listed in the minutes of the meeting held in September and will be discussed at the AGM for approval/disapproval.

5. Summer Activities Report

The fun day which was organised by Laurel and Penny was held last August (and not last June as recorded incorrectly from the last meeting).

6. Floodlights: Progress Report.

Penny is still researching the possibility of securing grants from Tunbridge Wells Borough Council and the LTA. A meeting was planned to visit Mayfield to inspect their lighting system but this will have to be re-scheduled due to pressure of other work. A sub-committee meeting is to be arranged by Rohan and Penny to discuss further action and progress.

7. Website

This is up and running but with no feed-back from members to date. However there are a few trouble spots that our computer programmer (Lauren) is still fixing. She has yet to submit her final invoice for work done to date. On another front the court booking facility is to be studied by a colleague of Kent’s. In an effort to keep club costs down Kent has requested assistance from any members who might have suitable computer experience. No response has yet been forthcoming.

8. Winter Social plans and venue

The club Christmas party is to be held on Saturday 8th December at Kent Barker’s residence.

After considerable discussion it was decided to reduce the entry fee from £7.50 to £5 and, in order to encourage younger members, anyone under 21 may attend free.

Committee members have offered their services for the event as follows:-

Each will phone about 16 member addresses to advertise the party and endeavour to obtain a promise of attendance. The numbers expecting to attend will be forwarded to Belinda.

Kent will purchase a case each of red and white wine. He will also purchase some beer, the amount will be assessed from the numbers expected resulting from the phone-around. If extra wine is required it will be purchased on a sale or return basis locally.

Rohan will prepare a chilli dish. Belinda and Laurel will prepare rice. Donal will purchase mince pies and cream. Kent will also purchase some bread for the occasion.

Any Other Business


It was decided to hold the AGM on Saturday March 1st at 6.30pm. Donal will make a booking for the Iden Green Pavilion. An agenda for the meeting will be forwarded to members in plenty of time before the meeting.Members were reminded by Kent that they should make a special effort to search out some suitable club members to take an active role on the committee.


The tournaments are still in a very poor state. Members were again requested to make enquiries to find a suitable candidate to act as Tournament Secretary.

Court Security

The combination lock on the 2nd gate has now been installed.

Date of next meeting

A date for the next committee meeting will be decided after the AGM but whenever it should be close to about 2 weeks after that event.

The meeting was closed at approx 6.20pm

D Brady (Sec)

2 12 07


Kent Barker (Chairman)