G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur
(an Autonomous Institute under UGC act 1956)
Department of Electronics Engineering
Report On
International Workshop on
Human-Machine Systems, Cyborgs and Enhancing Devices
12th to 13th October 2013
I Shubhangi Giripunje, Asst. Professor, Department of Electronics Engineering, G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur has presented paper on Ph.D Track of International Workshop on Human-Machine Systems, Cyborgs and Enhancing Devices (HUMASCEND), at media city, Manchester, UK on 12th to 13th October 2013. There were 2 tutorial sessions are arranged. Tutorial 1 was given by Prof. Paolo Fiorini, University of Verona, Italy on ‘Robotic Surgery’ and Tutorial 2 was given by Prof. Kenji Suzuki, University of Tsukuba, Japan on ‘Understanding Human Intension-Rehabilitation Robotics and Robot Assisted Activities’ and 9 Ph.D young researcher’ presentations and discussions were conducted. The paper title ‘A Design & Implementation of Facial Action Tracking and Emotion Recognition based on Non-Intrusive Parameters’ has presented by Shubhangi Giripunje in this Ph.D Track on 12th Oct 2013. After all the presentation and discussions the laboratory visit was arranged at University of Salford, Manchester, UK.
Tutorial 1 given by Prof. Paolo Fiorini Tutorial 2 given by Prof. Kenji Suzuki
Ph.D track presentation given by Shubhangi Giripunje on 12th Oct 2013
On 13th Oct 2013, HUMASCEND workshop has arranged at Radisson Blu Enderwesson, Manchester, UK. The Organizers of workshop were welcome to Prof Kenji Suzuki, Chair of programme and Adrian Stoica, Program chair. The workshop was followed by 3 keynotes, 4 invited talks and 8 different sessions. The keynotes are given by
1. Prof. Kerstin Dautenhahn, University of Hertfortshire, UK on ‘Human–Machine systems: challenges and opportunities.
2. Prof. Riccardo Poli, University of Essex, UK on ‘Collaborative Brain-computer interfaces: A step towards super-human cognition, decision making and action or just more of the same?’
3. Dr. Hannah Masien, Uehiro center for practical ethics, University of oxford, UK on ‘Moral enhancement and artificial intelligence: Moral AI?’
The invited talks are given by
1. Prof. Bram Vanderborght, Vrije University Brussel, Belgium on ‘Variable Impedance actuators: A review
2. Dr. Sukhan Lee, Dean of the graduate School of Sungkyunkwan Unversity, Korea on “Homemate –A Social robot for elderly care”
3. Prof. Kenji Suzuki, University of Tsukuba, Japan on ‘Smiles may facilitate social positive behaviour’
4. Prof. Paolo Fiorini, University of Verona, Italy on ‘Rethinking robotic surgery’
Finally Prof .Andrian Stoica has given the concluding remark.
Presentation on HUMASCEND workshop by different speaker
Report On
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2013)
14th to 16th October 2013
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2013) has organized at Manchester, UK from 14th to 16th Oct 2013. This IEEE SMC annual conference promotes the theme of “Cyber Systems Enabling Knowledge Integration: The Smart response to emerging societal challenge”. Through this conference, participants were facilitated the interactions among members in the field of the three tracks and enhanced the sharing of individual experience and expertise.
The SMC 2013 was constructed by 3 tutorials, followed by 3 days of main conference activities consisting of 66 regular sessions and 54 special sessions and a panel session.SMC2013 program presents four keynote speeches which showcase research frontier of SMC society.
Inauguration & registration of IEEE SMC 2013
“Cyber-Physical and Biological systems: The Next Challenge”, by Radu Grosu, Vienna University of technology, Austria
Kenwood H. Hall, Rockwell Automation, USA was delivered the industrial keynote of SMC.
“Building Prognostic Models for cancer from medical images”, by Lawrence O. Hall, the 2012 SMC Norbert Wiener award winner from the University of south Florida, USA
“Predict, assist and assess human movements”, by Robert Riener, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
The technical program brings together a representative collection of recent research contributions by leading researchers and should be of interest to both theoreticians and practitioners, and it is a multi-have resource for researchers.
Paper presented by Shubhangi Giripunje
I have presented the paper in Human Centered Transportation Systems –H05-02 sessions on 16th Oct 2013. The session chairs of this session were Koji Murai and Tadatsugi Okazaki. The paer title is “Emotion and Gesture Recognition with Soft Computing Tool for Drivers Assistance System in Human Centered Transportation”.
Prof. S.D. Giripunje
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