Contestant Number ______JUNIOR OR SENIOR (CIRCLE ONE)

Contestant Name ______


Write the number of the animal that is the best answer in the space provided.

_____ 1 Which ewe has the most "classic" Suffolk shape to her head and ear?

_____ 2. Which ewe is roundest and least maternal in her appearance?

_____ 3. Which ewe is the broodiest appearing and deepest-bodied?

_____ 4 Which ewe is the most open and cottony in her fleece?

_____ 5. Which ewe is the strongest topped and levelest about her dock?

_____ 6. Which ewe is the most ewe-necked?

_____ 7. Yes/No? The ewe with the lowest genetic potential for lambing percent was born as a single.

_____ 8.Which ewe could potentially produce lambs that have low resistance to scrapie?

_____ 9.Yes/No? At least one of these ewes is sickle hocked.

_____ 10.Which ewe is the least growth-oriented in the class?

Contestant Number ______JUNIOR OR SENIOR (CIRCLE ONE)

Contestant Name ______


Write the number of the animal that is the best answer in the space provided.

_____ 1. Which is the highest volume and broodiest gilt in the class?

_____ 2. Yes/No? The best-performing litter was produced by the highest-performing sow.

_____ 3. Which gilt is the lightest muscled?

_____ 4. Which gilt is the straightest in her shoulder and stiffest in her movement?

_____ 5. Which gilt is most likely to have Landrace in her background?

_____ 6. Which gilt is the fattest today?

_____ 7. Which gilt is the shallowest in her body and tightest in her middle?

_____ 8. Which gilt has the poorest-performing dam?

_____ 9. Yes/No? The littermates are the two fastest-growing gilts in the class.

_____ 10. Which gilt has the poorest set of performance values across the board?