Mr. Robert Strickland

Brandon Middle School

408 S. College St.

Brandon, MS 39042



Remind 101:

August 8, 2016

Dear Parents,

I would like to take this time to thank you for the opportunity to teach your student for this new class year! I look forward to teaching your child and hope to make this year as exciting, challenging, and adventurous. In order for the newyear to run smoothly, I would greatly appreciate your help and support. I have sent your child (1) copy of the classroom guidelines, procedures, expectations, and consequences. This copy will be reviewed and signed by you and your child to be sent back. If at any time you need to contact me, please feel free to do so. Once again, I hope that this year will be a great year; and any help that you give will be greatly appreciated.


Robert Strickland



  • one 1 1/2-inch binder
  • #2 pencils
  • plenty of loose-leaf paper
  • highlighters

Mr. Strickland’s classroom policies

  1. Class Rules

1.Follow Directions. Student must be able to follow directions. It’s important to listen carefully to be able to follow through with classroom or homework assignments.

Ways that you can help you follow directions is to also be prepared:

1. Bring paper and pencil EVERY DAY to class.

2. Bring completed homework to class, ready to go over it and correct any mistakes.

3. Study for tests or quizzes

4. A planner can be helpful in writing down homework assignments.

2. Respect others and their property. Students must follow the Golden Rule- “Do to others as you would have them to do to you”.

Ways to respect others and their property:

  1. Do not talk about others.
  2. Care about what you say- it can be harmful
  3. If it doesn’t belong to you, don’t pick it up or go through it.

3. Listen to others. When I am speaking (or another is speaking), do not speak over them.

Ways to listen:

  1. Before you say something, make sure you raise your hand.
  2. Listening must be learned. Listen to other’s ideas

4. Work Quietly. When working on classroom assignments, work quietly.

Ways to work quietly:

  1. Focus on the assignment.
  2. Don’t distract others.
  3. If you have finished, work on your homework.


5. Keep to your own space. Students must keep to their own space and not touch others.

Ways to keep to your own space

  1. Don’t be compelled to touch someone in front of you or behind you.
  2. Pass your paper across the row rather than behind you.
  3. Don’t take someone else’s notes or textbook.

  1. IF YOU CHOOSE to break a rule:

Punishments depend on the severity of the misbehavior. There

are behaviors, though, that will result in an immediate referral to

the principal’s office. It is the choice of the student to follow

these rules and procedures, which makes them accountable for

the choices they make.

1st offense – warning and name recorded

2nd offense – (1st check)

3rd offense –call to parents(2nd Check)

4th offense- Before-school detention

5th offense- sent to principal-possible ISS

PARENTS: Students may also be referred to BSD for continually failing to bring homework or assignments or after having 3 tardies.- see Student Handbook

  1. Tardies:

-A student is TARDY if he or she is not inside the classroom when the bell stops ringing and does not have a pass. After 3tardies, student has BSD(see Student Handbook).

  1. Academic Honesty:

- Cheating will likely result in zero; will ALWAYS require parent notification.

  1. Attendance

-If a student has an excused absence from class, he or she is responsible for the assignments/homework that were missed. It is up to the students to inquire about missing work or tests. Zeros willbe given if a student fails to make up work within an acceptable time frame(over a week). Unexcused absences void makeup privileges.

  1. Late Work

-Homework assignments may be turned in late; but with a minimum score of a 70. Papers and projects may be turned in late with a penalty of one letter grade for each day late.

Makeup Tests

-If a student has an excused absence for a test day, he may make up the test in the morning on Remedial Days (Tuesday- Thursdays). Arranging a makeup requires written confirmation with the teacher. A missed makeup without notice will result in a zero. Quizzes can be made up unless it is after students have already taken the test on that material.


Though I will make sure the students understand the importance of the rules and procedures in the classroom, I would be very grateful if you would also go over these policies with your child. It is my hope that you and I will be able to work together to make this a successful school year for your child!

Please sign below showing you have read and understand class policies, and send backthe copy with your child to turn in for extra points. Your child should keep this in the front of his/her binder at all times.

Parent Signature______Student Signature ______