Session Date: 04/06/2016 / Start time: 9:00 AM End time: 4:30 PM
Product Module: Financials / Tyler Resource: Katie Chapdelaine
Session Title: Project Ledger Setup Training
Required Attendees
·  Project Ledger Functional Leader(s)
·  Project Ledger Core User(s)
Required Classroom Setup
·  Workstation for the Tyler Consultant, with access to Munis Live and Train
·  Internet access
·  Projector or Smartboard
·  White board or flip chart with markers
·  Telephone
·  Ideally, one computer per class attendee, with access to Munis Train
Tyler eLearning Resources
·  Project Ledger vs. Project Accounting
·  PL Funding Source Setup
·  Project Ledger Expense Strings
·  Using the Munis Ribbon
·  Getting Started with Tyler Dashboard
Client Responsibilities
·  Optional for district that may have something coming soon that will need to utilize the project ledger. Bring sample data – Examples of different types of current or future projects/grants and project/grant reports
Session Topics
·  Project Settings
·  Design Discussion
·  Project Journal Number Control
·  Project Segment Codes
·  Project Ledger Miscellaneous Codes
o  Discuss Expense Type and impact on Revenue Allocation process
·  Grant Master
·  Project Master
o  Expense Strings
o  Revenue Sources
§  AR Customer Setup
§  AR Charge Code Setup
·  User Defined Fields
·  User Defined Codes
·  Project Builder
·  Workflow Business Rules
·  Role-Based Security
Session Wrap-Up
·  Review of day’s accomplishments, tasks assigned and any open items requiring followup by the Implementation Consultant or decisions pending with the client.
·  Your Implementation Consultant will use the last 15 minutes of the training session to document the days activities and any open issues that need followup on the site report. The site report will be uploaded to the client sharepoint.

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