1. Brainstorming
  2. Singleplayer Multitouch Table Dice
  3. First Iteration
  4. Second Iteration
  5. Two-Player Multitouch Table Dice
  6. Third Iteration
  7. Fourth Iteration
  8. Star Dice
  9. Fifth Iteration
  10. Sixth Iteration
  11. Seventh Iteration
  12. Eighth Iteration
  13. Cost Analysis
  14. Final Rules
  15. Introduction
  16. Materials Included
  17. One-Time Installation
  18. Running Star Dice
  19. Rules of Play


Objectives to prompt brainstorming:

  1. Create a more involved battle system for a war game, a la Axis & Allies.
  2. Combine dice with the game jam.
  3. Take advantage of physical properties of dice.
  4. Make a dice game that isn't about numbers.

Brainstorm: How to create a more involved battle system for a war game, a la Axis & Allies:

  1. Spaceships for units.
  2. Could use ship types from Twilight Imperium.
  3. Sea ships for units.
  4. Sizes of rolled dice have an effect on the battle, not just the numbers that they roll.
  5. Sizes multiply damage.
  6. Sizes are different types of weapons. (lasers, torpedoes, etc...)
  7. Die size indicates the kind of ship that it damages.
  8. Die size indicates ship size. Affects priority order of damaging ships.
  9. Different units can combine attacks.
  10. Dice are the units themselves.
  11. Number used to indicate hit points of unit.
  12. But is this really a dice game?
  13. Each unit rolls its die, number rolled is attack value.
  14. Type of unit/die indicates type of damage.
  15. Or priority for matching against enemy unit.
  16. Number rolled indicates some special ability activated by the unit.
  17. Players take bets on results of battle.
  18. Players can load resources onto transports of whichever player they feel the most confident about.

Brainstorm: How to combine dice with the game jam:

  1. Networked video game where players roll real dice.
  2. How to integrate real dice into game? Players may cheat.
  3. A game about trust.
  4. Use camera to detect dice.
  5. Players roll dice on multitouch table. Can detect where dice land.
  6. Throw dice from a distance.
  7. Drop dice.
  8. Different dice will drop differently. Conveniently, the d4 bounces the least but is also worth the least.
  9. Players take turns rolling dice onto table.
  10. Dice near each other get bonuses.
  11. Draw lines between dice to create shapes.
  12. Rolled number gives points, but shapes give point multipliers.
  13. Can knock other player's dice out of shapes.
  14. Can drop dice into shapes for extra bonuses.
  15. Since we have video projection, can add a lot of visual flair not normally available in pure dice games.
  16. Cool video in background.
  17. Use shaders to alter colors of background near dice.
  18. Use red/blue colors to indicate whose turn it is.
  19. Retro style graphics.
  20. Track which dice are the farthest down the table.
  21. A marbles-type game.
  22. Dice can land on virtual areas which have special effects.
  23. Point multipliers.
  24. Lose a turn.
  25. Extra turn.
  26. Remove an opponent's die.
  27. Lose your own die.
  28. Allow access to larger dice.
  29. Roll dice on motion floor.
  30. One player rolls dice, the other can move the floor to affect results.
  31. Tape of sections of floor -- where die lands affects the outcome of the game.
  32. Different sections are worth different multipliers.
  33. Some sections cause certain motions, potentially dislodging other dice.
  34. Enter results of rolled dice into computer, which then does some sort of calculation that couldn't be done by hand.
  35. How is this more compelling than without a computer?
  36. Some sort of chaos theory / butterfly effect kind of thing.

Brainstorm: How to take advantage of physical properties of dice:

  1. Stack them in towers.
  2. How high can they be stacked?
  3. Once tower finally falls, sum results and that's your score.
  4. Marbles but with dice?
  5. Only dice in circle contribute to score.
  6. Throw dice at people!
  7. How does the value rolled affect the game?
  8. Each person has a number of hit points. If the die hits, it does that much damage.

Brainstorm: How to make a dice game that isn't about numbers:

  1. Use blank dice and draw symbols on the sides.
  2. Charades.
  3. Use dice to combine nouns/adjectives/verbs.
  4. Use dice to pick beginning/middle/end of a story that must then be acted out.
  5. Players use dry-erase markers to add symbols to dice as the game progresses.
  6. Could also add numbers, even though that's not the initial objective of this brainstorm.
  7. Like H.O.R.S.E., but players add actions to die.
  8. What actions? What sport?
  9. Basketball!
  10. Gymnastics.
  11. Exercises (jumping jacks, push-ups, etc...)
  12. Dice tell player several things to do at the same time, such as hop while rubbing tummy while singing.
  13. Players make up rules and add them to sides of dice. Kind of like Calvinball.

Brainstorming reflection:
I definitely feel most inspired by the multitouch table dice game, and not just because it's a way to combine this dice game assignment with the game jam. It strikes me as a wholly unique interaction and new kind of platform. Also, I came up with the most game ideas for that platform, and they all excite me. I think my favorite of those ideas is the one where dropped dice generate shapes that award bonuses. It seems the most organic and the one with the most emergent gameplay.
The whole general goal of creating a war game battle system doesn't really inspire me. I think I have some interesting ideas here that could be interesting within an actual war game, but they don't seem to lend themselves to creating a dice game. That being said, I do like the idea of taking bets on the outcome of a battle.
While I like the general idea of taking advantage of the physical properties of dice (like the spinning dice game Jesse described), none of these ideas strike me as particularly great. Throwing dice at people sounds fun, but it's likely to be impractical. Stacking the dice into towers is probably my favorite idea for that objective, but ultimately it doesn't sound very deep.
I'm definitely intrigued by a dice game without numbers, especially one in which the players add rules of actions to the sides of dice. I can see there being a lot of emergent gameplay with those kinds of games. The particular ideas about combining actions as instructed by the rolls of dice strike me as probably either too easy or too hard.
Ultimately, I feel the most inspired and the most confident about the multitouch table dice game. I'll start by prototyping my favorite idea (dice create shapes), and then iterating from there unless it proves unworkable, in which case I'll try one of the other multitouch table ideas.
Process going forward:
I am going to prototype two variants of the multitouch table dice game with dice connecting to make shapes.
The first will be a single-player variant. This will enable me to get the technology working and work out kinks in the software. It will allow me to playtest some interactions that will apply to my second variant as well.
The second will be a multiplayer variant, which will build off the single-player variant.
With the multitouch table I have the ability to add visual and acoustic feedback to make the game more fun and juicy. However, I will add these near the end of the playtesting process so that I can concentrate on getting the pure gameplay working.

Singleplayer Multitouch Table Dice

First Iteration

Intended audience:

  • People who like cool new technology.
  • People who like games with a little bit about strategy.
  • People who like games requiring a little bit of physical skill.


  • 1 multitouch table, about 12" by 9".
  • 1 of each of the common die sizes: 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, 1d12, 1d20


  1. Start the multitouch table. Remove any dice or other objects from the table.
  2. Hold all six dice in your hand or in your pocket.

Rules of play:

  1. Choose one of your dice-in-hand and roll it onto the table.
  2. If the die lands within the table, it will be recognized by the software and marked with a circle.
  3. If the die does not land within the table, you may pick it back up and re-throw it.
  4. Choose another one of your dice-in-hand and roll it also onto the table.
  5. If the die lands within the table, it will be recognized by the software and marked with a circle.
  6. If the die lands near another die already on the table, the software will draw a connection to that die unless it already has two connections of its own.
  7. If the die does not land within the table, you may pick it back up and re-throw it.
  8. It is perfectly okay to knock dice around. This is part of the strategy.
  9. Repeat step 2 until you are out of dice-in-hand.
  10. Calculate your score using the following rules:
  11. Any single dice or dice that are not part of a closed shape composed of 3 or more total dice are worth their rolled face values.
  12. Any dice that are part of a closed shape composed of 3 total dice are worth twice their rolled face values. For each additional die composing the shape, increase the multiplier by 1. For example, a 4-die shape would triple the values of the dice in that shape, and a 5-die shape would quadruple the values of the dice in that shape.

Objective: Achieve the highest score possible at the end of the match.
Software design:
The software must:

  • Visually recognize the position of dice on the table by drawing a circle around each die.
  • Visually connect dice that are "close enough" to each other, except for dice that already have two connections.
  • For testing purposes, let's start with "close enough" being about a quarter of the screen.
  • Respond to changes in dice positions as they occur.

Sat. Jan. 30, 2010, 1:15pm
Walt Destler (me)

Questions to answer by playtesting (and answers discovered after playtesting):

  1. If the "close enough" distance for connecting dice too low, too high, or right on?
  2. Seems about right. Maybe a tad low, but I'll leave it the same for now.
  3. Is the number of dice given to the player at the beginning too few, too many, or right on?
  4. Again, seems about right.
  5. How do the different value ranges of the dice affect strategy?
  6. The objective wasn't concrete enough (see "what didn't work" below), so I didn't really pay much attention to the actual values rolled. However, I did find myself thinking about trying to get the biggest dice into shapes. I would sometimes try to knock a lower-sided die away from a shape and replace it with a higher-sided die.
  7. Do the physical properties of the dice affect strategy?
  8. Not quite as much as I was hoping, but still a little. The smaller dice position more predictably than the larger dice, which is a nice trade-off.
  9. How does the general difficulty feel?
  10. About right. Definitely not too easy, but I always felt like I had a chance of pulling a move off.
  11. Does the balance between strategy, skill, and chance feel good?
  12. Again, about right, though there's maybe too much chance involved. I wish that the die positions were a little more predictable and a little less up to blind luck. But skill will probably improve this.

What worked:

  • Trying to get dice to connect into closed shapes is pretty challenging and pretty engaging.
  • The software and multitouch technology essentially work surprisingly well, it a tad bit finicky.

What didn't work (and possible solution ideas):

  • There's a bug in the software that allows dice to make more than two connections.
  • Should be an easy bug fix.
  • It can be hard to tell whether dice are part of an open or closed shape if they are too close together.
  • I will color the closed shapes differently from the open shapes.
  • It can be hard to tell which shape a die is a part of.
  • I will color the shapes differently from each other.
  • The start of the game seems really open, not enough strategy yet.
  • Start with some sort of die already on the table? Perhaps a die worth zero? Maybe it is dropped from overhead.
  • The objective isn't very compelling. Need a more concrete goal. I didn't even bothering summing my results most of the time.
  • Start with a set of "objective dice" already on the table. Their score is the score to beat.
  • Computer-assigned objectives.
  • Keep trying for an ever-increasing score until failure. Maybe 10 points per iteration?
  • Allow jumping to higher levels with enough points.
  • Dice that are just barely close enough to make a connection tend to flicker between connected and not connected.
  • Will fix in software.
  • No difference between connected (but not closed) dice and single dice. It feels like connecting dice should get you something.
  • Single dice worth nothing, while connected dice worth face values.
  • Single dice worth 1, while connected dice worth face values.

Questions that need answering (and possible answers):

  • What's to prevent the player from simply placing a die where he wants it? What does it mean to "roll" the die? How close can he get to the table? Can the dice be dropped from overhead?
  • Die must hit frame of table before rolling onto touch surface.
  • What happens if the player accidentally occludes the IR with his hand? Is that a foul? If so, what is the penalty?
  • Lose a die-in-hand.
  • Sometimes a die isn't detected by the software, particularly when they're near the edges. Are these dice counted?
  • They count as single, unconnected dice.
  • Sometimes dice are close together and identified as a single die by the software. How are these dice counted?
  • Their values are summed and then both are treated as a single die for the purposes of shapes.

Playtest reflections:
Overall, things worked surprisingly well. Definitely need a better objective -- something to drive the game forward and provide a more concrete goal. Lots of issues to fix, but the fixes should generally be pretty straightforward. I'm really quite pleased though. For a first playtest, things worked quite well and parts were actually fun.
Process going forward:
Will make all of the above fixes and rules changes. I will playtest two different rules versions to try out a couple different new objectives. I'm not sure which will work better, so I want to test both.

Second Iteration

For this second iteration, I am testing two different objectives, each of which requires changes to various rules. Such changes that only apply to one objective are prepended with (Objective 1) or (Objective 2).
Changes to intended audience: None
Changes to materials:

  • (Objective 1) An additional blank d6.
  • (Objective 2) A set of red dice matching the player's set of white dice.

Changes to setup:

  • (Objective 1) Drop the blank d6 from directly over the table onto the table.
  • (Objective 2) Roll all the red dice at once onto the table.

Changes to rules of play:

  • (Objective 1) The blank d6 is treated as a die that is always worth 0. (But it still counts for making shapes.)
  • (Objective 2) The white and red dice may mix within the same shape.
  • (Objective 2) After calculating the score of your own white dice, calculate the score of the red dice in exactly the same manner.
  • Single dice are worth 1 each, while connected dice not in a closed shape are worth their face values.
  • In the event that a die on the touch surface is not detected by the software, it is treated as a single unconnected die.
  • In the event that two or more dice are so close together that they are detected as a single die, then they are treated as a single die whose value is their sum.
  • When rolling a die, the die must touch at least once the table frame before rolling onto the touch surface. Failure to do so as a foul.
  • Accidentally occluding the IR emitters thus resetting the software is a foul.
  • Fouls: When a play incurs a foul, he must immediately discard one die of his choice from his hand. If he has no dice left, then he automatically loses the game.

Changes to objective:

  • (Objective 1) Play a number of rounds. First round you need to beat 10 points. Second round 20 points, third round 30 points, and so on. See you far you can get before failing.
  • (Objective 2) You win if your total score exceeds the total score of the red dice.

Changes to software design: