DATE OF ISSUE OF RFP / :19.06.2017
DATE OF PRE-BID MEETING / : 27.06.2017
(TECHNICAL BID) / :10.07.2017

Vijaya Bank

General Administration Department,

Head Office,

Bangalore -560 001

1 / Notice inviting RFP
2 / DATA sheet
3 / General Information and Instructions
4 / General Terms and Conditions
5 / Tender Offer
6 / Technical Specifications
7 / Guidelines on Note Authentication & Fitness Sorting Parameters
8 / Test Procedures
9 / Details of the Bidder
10 / Manufacturer’s Authorization Form
11 / Letter of Authorization to Bid
12 / Agreement Format – Annexure 1
13 / Format of Bank Guarantee in lieu of EMD – Annexure 2
14 / Format of Bank Guarantee for Performance Guarantee – Annexure 3
15 / Format of Annual Maintenance Contract – Annexure 4
16 / Format of Bank Guarantee for AMC – Annexure 5
17 / Price Bid
18 / List of Currency Chests
19 / Business Rules for Reverse Auction
20 / Matrix
21 / Pre Contract Integrity Pact
22 / Agreement on-line Bidding Process



All Eligible Tenderers

Sub: Invitation of RFP for supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance of Note Sorting Machines for supply to various Currency Chests of Vijaya Bank all over India.

This Request for Proposal (RFP) is a part of an All India tender for supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance of 8 Nos. of Note Sorting Machines (4+1) with capability to detect Forged Currency Notes as per the enclosed description, from manufacturers / authorized dealers

The above Note Sorting Machines are to be supplied, installed, commissioned and maintained, including imparting training to the staff, at various Currency Chests of VIJAYA Bank.

The bidders are requested to go through the tender enquiry document carefully and submit the tenders in separate sealed covers, duly signed

The Technical Bids will be opened at 4 P.M. on 10.07.2017 at the 3th floor, GAD, VIJAYA Bank, Head Office, Bangalore, Karnataka State.

The Price Bids should mention the Basic Price of machine including taxes (excluding VAT/CST and octroi/entry tax) and Annual Maintenance Contract charges (excluding Service Tax).

The bidders are expected to furnish all the information asked for, sign all the pages and submit the RFP i.e. Technical Bid in separate envelope super scribing on the envelope “Technical Bid for NSM (4+1 ) Pocket”.

Similarly, the Price Bid to be submitted in separate envelope super scribing on the envelope “Commercial Indicative Price Bid for NSM (4+1) pocket”.

Tender document will be available on the website from 19.06.2017 to 09.07.2017 for downloading.

The evaluation of the bids involve the following process.

i.  Technical Evaluation of Bids

ii.  Testing of Machines of technically qualified bidders for its suitability

iii.  Opening of Indicative Price Bid of the short listed bidders.

iv.  Final bid will be through e-procurement reverse auction process through internet and finalizing the status/ranking of bidders. The L-1 bidder will be decided on the basis of techno-commercial bidding. The tenderers, whose machines have successfully qualified in the Technical bids and stress Tests in Stage - I & Stage - II and found suitable for the Bank by the committee constituted by the Bank shall only be called for participating in the commercial bidding through the e-procurement reverse auction process. Such vendors will be given due weightage and allotted marks based on the profile, certain specific technical features/ parameters, stress test in stage I & II. There will be 100 marks and the marks scored by the vendors will be converted into 60%.

V) The Financial score of each vendor will be arrived at including final RAL

- 1 vendor. The Financial score obtained by each vendor will be

equalized by giving 40% weightage.

VI) The weightage of marks allotted in Technical Bid and that for the Commercial Bid will be in the ratio of 60: 40. The vendor securing highest mark taking into consideration both Technical and Commercial Bids will be declared as L-1. Second highest mark will be L-2, the third highest mark will be L-3 and likewise.


1. / RFP Notice No. / GAD/05/16-17 Dated 19.06.2017
2. / Name of the work / Supply, Installation, Commissioning & Maintenance of
08 Nos. of Heavy Duty Note Sorting Machines(4+1)
Pockets for Vijaya Bank.
3. / Location / Currency Chests of Vijaya Bank at identified locations
4. / Owner / Vijaya Bank
5. / Earnest Money / Rs.3 lakh (Rupees Three lakh only) (by way of
Deposit / Demand Draft in favour of Vijaya Bank payable at
Bangalore/ Bank Guarantee having validity upto 18
months from the date of opening of Technical Bid)
6. / Cost of Tender / Tender form fee – Rs.5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only)
Documents / by DD in favour of Vijaya Bank, payable at
Bangalore. For Tender forms which are downloaded
from our web site, tender fee shall be submitted along
with Technical Bid.
7 / Pre bid meeting / At 11.30 AM on 27.06.2017 at 3rd floor, GAD,
Vijaya Bank, Head Office, Bangalore.
8 / Tender Forms / From 19.06.2017 to 09.07.2017
available from: / From Vijaya Bank, General Administration
Department, Head Office, Bangalore -560 001
or from the Bank’s website -
9. / Last date of / 09.07.2017 up to 3.00 PM
submission of tender
10 / Tender to be / The General Manager, General Administration Dept.
submitted to: / 3rd floor, Vijaya Bank, Head office, Bangalore -560 001.
11. / Bid System / COVER No.1 - Technical Bids
COVER No.2 – Commercial Indicative Price Bids
12. / Opening of Technical / At 4 PM on 10.07.2017 at 3rd floor, GAD,
Vijaya Bank, Head Office, Bangalore.
Opening of Commercial Indicative Price Bids / Commercial Indicative Price Bids will be opened on a subsequent date, which will be communicated to such tenderers who have successfully qualified in technical evaluation. Final bid will be through e-procurement reverse auction process.
14. / Warranty / 36 months (Please see para 8 of General Terms and
Conditions for details)
15. / Mode of payment: / 100% of the value of Machine, on delivery, installation,
successful commissioning and Training at site subject to
submission of 20% of the contract value as Performance
Guarantee (refer Point no.16 as below) .
16 / Liquidated damages / 0.5% of the cost of machine/s per week or part thereof
for delayed supply / for delayed delivery subject to maximum of 10% of the
cost of the machine/s, for which there is delay. (Please
see para 6 of General Terms and Conditions for details)
17. / Performance / 10% of the contract amount (Basic Price of the Number of
Guarantee / machines proposed to be purchased) valid till 6 months
beyond the completion of warranty period, along with the
unconditional letter of acceptance within 15 days of the
date of letter of indent. If the supplier fails to submit the
Bank Guarantee along with the unconditional letter of
acceptance within the stipulated period, VIijaya Bank
reserves the right to invoke the Bank Guarantee for the
Earnest Money Deposit and cancel the purchase
Contract. (Please see para 4 of General Terms and
Conditions for details)
18 / AMC / For 3 years after warranty.
19 / Escalation of price / No escalation permitted. Prices shall be firm
20 / Tender Validity / 1 year from the date of opening of Price Bid
21. / Delivery Period / 15 days maximum & as per delivery schedule clause
No.6 of General Terms & Conditions.



1.  This Request for proposal is a part of an All India tender for supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance of following Note Sorting Machines as per the specification given in Technical Specifications from the manufacturers / authorized dealers, who satisfy the Pre-Qualification Criteria

(a)  08 Nos of Heavy Duty Note Sorting Machines (4+1 pockets),

2.  Cost of Tender Document: Tender documents may be obtained from Vijaya Bank, General Administration Department, Head Office, Bangalore 576 001 on payment of a non-refundable Tender Document Fee of`Rs.5000./-(Rupees Five Thousand only) in the form of DD favouring Vijaya Bank payable at Bangalore). Tender document can also be downloaded from our web site in which case , tender document fee in the form of DD, favouring Vijaya Bank payable at Bangalore, shall be enclosed in a separate cover and stapled to the cover containing Technical Bid, from outside, otherwise the bid is liable for rejection.

3.  Earnest Money Deposit (EMD):

EMD will be as mentioned in point No.5 of Data Sheet.

The EMD shall be made by way of Demand Draft favouring Vijaya Bank, payable at Bangalore or by an irrevocable Bank Guarantee (as per Bank’s format in Annexure 2) having validity upto 18 months from the date of opening of Technical Bid, issued by any Scheduled Commercial Bank (other than Vijaya Bank) or Foreign Bank in India favouring Vijaya Bank . The EMD shall be enclosed in the cover containing the Technical Bid. Bids without EMD shall not be considered. (Please also see Para 3 of General Terms and Conditions)

4.  Performance Guaranty: As mentioned in point No.17 of Data Sheet. (Please also see para 4 of General Terms and Conditions).

5.  Authority to submit Bids:

(a)  Only authorized personnel of the firm or organization shall sign the BID. The proposal must be accompanied with an undertaking letter

duly signed by the designated personnel providing a Bid commitment. The letter should also indicate the complete name and designation of the designated personnel. Necessary resolutions/authority/ Power of Attorney available shall be enclosed. In case the principal vendors authorizes their business partners or authorized distributors to bid on their behalf, a separate authorization letter as per format (Letter of Authorization to bid) enclosed, along with a commitment to fulfill the terms of tender should be submitted.

The certified photocopy of Resolutions/Authority/ Power of Attorney having authority to authorize the person to submit Bid documents, on behalf of the company shall be enclosed. The proposal must be accompanied with an undertaking letter duly signed by the designated personnel providing a Bid commitment. The letter should also indicate the complete name and designation of the designated personnel

(b)  One firm or organization cannot quote on behalf of multiple manufacturers.

(c)  If the Bidder is not the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) but only an authorized dealer, it should have a valid authorization letter from the OEM to deal/market the machine in India.

(d)  For a machine, either the manufacturer or its authorized dealer can bid but not both

6.  Minimum Pre-Qualification Criteria:

1)  The bidder should have at least three years experience in supplying Note Sorting Machines to Public Sector Banks / Scheduled Commercial Banks in India / Reserve Bank of India (RBI) as on 31.03.2017.

2)  The bidder should be a profit making company/ firm for any two out of the last three financial years ending on 31.03.2017 and the net worth should be positive as on 31.03.2017.

3)  The bidder should have supplied Heavy Duty Note Sorting Machines (4+1 pockets) of the quoted model during last three financial years to Public Sector Banks/Scheduled Commercial Banks in India / Reserve Bank of India(RBI).

4)  The bidder submitting the bid should be a Registered Company/Firm having minimum average annual turn over of Rs.50crore (Rupees Fifty crore only) during the last three financial years ending on 31.03.2017 on sale of Note Sorting Machines.

The Bidder should enclose proof in support of all Pre-Qualification Criteria while submitting the Bid Proposals. For item No.3 above, the bidder should submit a letter from the purchaser confirming the supply of the machines with date of supply. Mere submission of the purchase order is not sufficient. Bidders not meeting the eligibility criteria and not submitting proof of the same will not be considered for further Technical Evaluation and the Bid may be considered as technically non-responsive. Bank will not entertain any correspondence on this issue and Bank’s decision will be final.

7.  Submission of Bids: Tenderers should quote for only one time tested make and model which is in use in India (for which proof shall be furnished) for the last one year conforming to the technical specifications. Bids are to be submitted in separate sealed covers, duly signed and super scribed as:

Cover No. 1 Technical Bid for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance of Heavy Duty Note Sorting Machines (4 + 1 Pockets).

Cover No. 2 Indicative Price Bid for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance of Heavy Duty Note Sorting Machines (4 + 1 Pockets). Final bid will be through e-procurement reverse auction process.

The name and address of the bidder shall necessarily be written on all the covers. The sealed covers should be addressed and delivered to the General Manager, Vijaya Bank, General Administration Department, Head Office, Bangalore, Karnataka– 560 001 so as to reach him by 3.00 PM on 09.06.2017. Late tenders shall not be entertained. To avoid any possible delay in delivery by postal authorities/couriers, the bidders are advised to hand over the tenders personally.

8.  Documents to be submitted with bids:

1.  Documents required in Technical Bid :

  This Tender Document.

  DD towards the cost of tender document, if downloaded from website.

  DD/Irrevocable Bank Guarantee in lieu of DD towards EMD

  Supporting documents in respect of pre-qualification criteria as mentioned in the tender documents.* (see Note 1 below)

  Any other document indicating the features of the product such as user manual, technical specifications sheets etc..