MARCH 28, 2012

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Township of Haddon Shade Tree Commission held on Wednesday, March 28, 2012 in the Haddon Township Environmental and Historical Center at 143 E. Ormond Avenue, Haddon Township, New Jersey.

Chapter 231, Public Law 1975 requires adequate notice of this meeting be provided specifying time, place, and agenda. This has been done by placing an Annual Notice in the Courier-Post and Retrospect Newspapers, and by posting on two bulletin boards in the Municipal Building.


Robert Herbstritt Present

Chris Squazzo Present

Catherine Turcich Present

Marge Howley Present

Derrick Maley Present

John Nystedt Present

Ryan Linhart Present

Betty Brookes Present

Meeting called to order by Robert (Bob) Herbstritt at 7:00 p.m. Betty Brookes read Sunshine Law and took roll.


Todd Wyckoff, Assistant Regional Forester, Community Forestry Program, New Jersey Dept. of Environmental Protection

Alexander McCartney, Forester, Community Forestry Program, New Jersey Dept. of Environmental Protection


Chris Squazzo requested tree pruning and wood are added to the agenda. It was decided to discuss the wood at the May meeting and request Jim Stevenson to attend. Bob noted the attendees from the public would be addressed first.


Derrick Maley motioned to approve Minutes from the January 25th, 2012 meeting. Marge seconded. Minutes approved.

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March 28, 2012

Marge motioned to approve Minutes from the February 22nd meeting. Chris seconded. Minutes approved.


Resident Jeff Hamilton, 10 Cooper Street, attended the meeting. Jeff complimented on the quick response from the Dept. of Public Works in removing the tree in front of his residence due to hurricane Irene. Unfortunately, it was a large tree and not replaceable. He wants new trees planted. Chris confirmed his residence is on the fall 2012 planting list and will try to have at least two new trees planted. Jeff offered his assistance and volunteered for the Arbor Day celebration on April 27th.

Resident Charles Palaia and Janelle, 319 Westmont Avenue, attended the meeting. Charles’s residence is at the corner of Westmont Avenue and Stoy Avenue was chosen for six trees for the Arbor Day celebration planting. Charles requested that no trees be planted. 316 Westmont Avenue was removed from the planting list.


Arbor Day Celebration April 27th: Catherine Turcich, STC Project Manager for Arbor Day, reported that the timeline for donations has been changed. Catherine will send Betty the updated timeline. Due to time, the trees purchased through donations will be potted trees. The number of trees ordered will be based on the amount of donations. The State will be ordering approximately 72 to 75 trees from Tuckahoe Nurseries. Bob will determine the size and number of trees to be ordered once donations are finalized. Catherine requested that all STC Commissioners complete their business follow-up calls for donations.

Marge Howley was contacted by Elaine Howley, Strawbridge Elementary School PTA. The first grade class at Strawbridge will be collecting monies for Arbor Day. Marge will invite the class to the Arbor Day Celebration. The number of students and adult volunteers will be given to Todd Wyckoff.

Alec McCartney reviewed the details of the ceremony and requested correct spelling of names for brochure.

Catherine reiterated that Wegman’s donated 16 cases of water for the event. The Haddon Township Business District will be providing refreshments. The boxed lunches will be from Sverino’s. Sverino’s will also provide a refrigerated truck for the lunches. The State will provide five tables for the drinks and food.

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March 28, 2012

Todd Wyckoff stated the volunteers will all sign-in for insurance purposes at 8:30 am. Each group of volunteers will be assigned a tree planting expert and given instructions on proper tree planting techniques and mulching.

Space Shuttle Tree: The space shuttle white pine will be planted on May 12th, 2012 at the Haddon Township Environmental and Historical Center. A plaque will be placed at the location at a later date.

April 25, 2012: At the April 25th Shade Tree meeting, all final details for the Arbor Day Celebration will be reviewed.


110 Holly Avenue: The tree at 110 Holly Avenue shows no signs of movement. At this time the assessment rating will be changed. Bob will communicate with Jim Stevenson.


John motioned to adjourn. Chris seconded. Meeting adjourned.