Computability Theory

Decision Problems

A decision problem is a problem which requires ‘yes’/‘no’ answer.


1) Hamiltnian Circuit Problem: Given a graph G, determine whether or not it has a Hamiltonian circuit (i.e., a circuit (tour) that passes through every vertex of G exactly once).  a decidable decision problem (there is a nondeterministic polynomial time algorithm to solve this problem).

2) Hilbert’s tenth problem: Given a polynomial p(x1,…,xn) whose coefficients are integers, determine whether or not p(x1,…,xn)=0 has a nontrivial integral solution (i.e., an integral solution other than (0,…,0)).  an undecidable decision problem (there is no algorithm to solve this problem).

3) Halting problem for TMs: Given a TM M and input x, determine whether or not M halts eventually on input x.  an undecidable decision problem.

4) Travelling salesman problem: Given a weighted complete graph (a graph in which there is an edge between any two vertices and each edge has an integer as a label), find a tour whose sum of weights is minimum.  this is not a decision roblem.

5) Compute the gcd of two integers.  non-decision problem.

Why are Turing machines algorithms ?

Note: Correspondence between recursively enumerable sets of strings and recursively enumerable sets of integers

A set, say S, of natural numbers is said to be recursively enumerable (r.e.)if it is the domain of a partial recursive function, say f (equivalently, if it is the range of some partial recursive function). Thus f is an enumerator of the elements in S (some elements appear repeatedly in the enumeration): S = {f(0), f(1), f(2), …}.

A set S of natural numbers is said to be recursive if it is the range of a monotonically increasing (i.e., if xy then f(x)f(y)) recursive function f (or equivalently, S is recursive if and only if there is a recursive function g such that g(x)=1 if xS and g(x)=0 if xS (g is called the characteristic function of S). Thus g can be regarded as an algorithm that determines whether or not a given x is a member of S.

Recall that a language L is r.e. if and only if L is accepted by a TM (or equivalently, if there is a TM that enumerates all the elements of L). Also recall that L is recursive if and only if L is accepted by a halting TM, say M. Then M can be regarded as an algorithm to determine whether or not a given x is a member of L (that is, xL if M halts on input x in an accepting state, and xL if M halts in a nonaccepting state).


1. Show that L (or S) is recursive if and only if both L (or S) and its complements are r.e. (It is known that there is a r.e. set which is not recursive. Thus the class of r.e. sets/languages (= the class of type 0 languages) is not closed under complementation.)

2. If L is recursive, so is its complement.

Coding of Objects

Let  be a set of objects and  a finite alphabet. An encoding of  over  is a one-to-one function  from  to *. (x) is called the code of x (under ). When  is understood (or not necessary to be specified), we write x instead of (x).

Each decision problem, say P, can be represented by a language over some alphabet by using an appropriate encoding (we denote the language by P, and call it the code of P).


1)Encodings of natural numbers:

Tally representation: nN  1n{1}*

Binary represetation: nN  n{0,1}*

2)Hamiltonian circuit problem (HCP)

Suppose G=(V,E) be a (directed or undirected) graph, where V={v1, …, vn}, E={e1, …, em}. Let ={0,1,#} be an alphabet.

Define the code of vertiex vi and edge ej =(vs,vt) to be vi = # i and ej = vs vt, respectively. Then define the code of G as follows: G = n ## e1… em.

The HCP is represented by the following language (the code of HCP under the above encoding):

HCP = { G | G is a graph that has a Hamiltonian circuit }.

Any graph G (or equivalently its code G) is called an instance of HCP. In general, an instance of a decision problem is a concrete object for which the decision is to be made.

If M is a TM that accepts HCP, then we can determine whether or not a given graph G has a Hamiltonian circuit as follows: Let G be the code of G. Then check if M accepts it. That is to say, G has a Hamiltonian circuit  M accepts G, i.e., GL(M). Thus M can be regarded as an algorithm that determines whether or not a given graph has a Hamiltonian circuit.

3) Halting problem for TMs (HTM)

Instances of HTM are TMs. We may assume the following without loss of generality:

i)Tape symbols of any TM are from a1, a2, a3, a4, …, where a1=B, a2=0, a3=1.

ii)Symbols to represent states of any TM are from q1, q2, q3, …

iii)The initial state of any TM is q1, and there is exactly one accepting state, q2.

iv)Input symbols of any TM can be encoded as strings over {0,1}. Thus we consider only those TMs whose input alphabet is {0,1}.

Suppose M=(Q,{0,1},,,q1,{q2}) be an arbitrary DTM. M can be regarded as the set  = {(p,a,q,b,d) | (p,a)=(q,b,d)}. Each element, say (qi,as,qj,at,d), of  is encoded as string (qi,as,qj,at,d) = 1i01s01j01t01D, where D=1 if d=L, D=2 if d=N, and D=3 if d=R. Finally, define the code of M to be M = 000100200…00k000, where ={1,2,…,k}.

The halting problem for TMs is represented by the following language:

HTM = {Mx | The computation by M on input x{0,1}* halts eventually}.

Solvable and Unsolvable Problems

Let P be a decision problem and x an instance of P. P is defined to be decidable (computable, recursively solvable) if P, the code of P (under an appropriate encoding), is a recursive set. If P is a recursive set, then a TM, say M, that accepts it (i.e., L(M)=P) can beregarded as an algorithm to solve the problem: Given any instance x of P,

the answer for x is ‘yes’ (‘no’, resp.)  xP (xP, resp.)

 M accepts x (M rejects x, resp.).

THEOREM There is a nonrecursive set. Thus the decision problem represented by the language is not recursively solvable (i.e., there is no algorithm to solve it).

Proof. Let LD = {x{0,1}* | xL(Mx)}, where Mx is the TM whose code is x. (We regard a string over {0,1} which is the code of a TM as an integer. There are strings over {0,1} that are not the code of any TM. In that case, we regard them as TMs that accept the empty set.) Assuming that LD is r.e., there exists a TM Mx that accepts LD. Then we have xLD xL(Mx)=LD, a contradiction. Hence LD is not a r.e. set and therefore nonrecursive either.

The following problems are known to be recursively unsolvable:

  1. HTM (the halting problem for TMs)
  2. Hilbert’s tenth problem
  3. Given a TM, determine whether or not L(M)=.
  4. Given a TM, determine whether or not L(M) is infinite.
  5. Given TMs M and M’, determine whether or not L(M)=L(M‘).
  6. PCP (Post’s correspondence problem): Let  be an alphabet and P a finite subset of **. Suppose P={(x1,y1), …, (xn,yn)}. If xi1xi2…xik=yi1yi2…yik, then (i1, i2, …, ik) is called a solution of P. Given any instance of PCP (i.e.,  and a finite subset of **), determine whether or not P has a solution.
  7. Given CFGs G and G’, determine whether not L(G)=L(G’).
  8. Given a CFG G, determine whether or not L(G) is a regular set.

Let P be a property. We denote by [P] the class of r.e. sets/languages that satisfies P:

[P] = {L(M) | M is a TM and L(M) satisfies P}.

Thus [P] represents a “property about r.e.sets/languages”. For example, “being finite” is represented by the set {L | L is a finite r.e.set/language}. P is called trivial if either [P]= or [P]=the class of all r.e. sets/languages.

THEOREM (Rice’s Theorem) P is recursively solvable if and only if [P] is trivial.

Reduction among decision problems

Let L and L’ be languages (or problems). L is many-one reducible to L’,

L m L’ in symbols,

if there is a DTM (transudecer) M such that for any x, xL  M(x)L’, where a transducer is a DTM such that |M(x)|1 (i.e., there is at most one output) for any input x.

We assume that there is no move from any accepting ID (thus M(x) is uniquely determined).

Lemma If L m L’ and L is not recursive, so is not L’ either.

Proof. Suppose L m L’ via M and assume that L’ is recursive. Then there exists a halting TM M’ that accepts L’. Define TM N as follows. On input x, N calls M to compute M(x), the output of M on input x. Then N transmit M(x) to M’ as its input. If M’ accepts M(x) then N accepts x. If M’ rejects M(x) then N rejects x. Thus we have

xL  M(x)L’, since L m L’ via M,

 M’ accepts M(x), since L’=L(M’), and note that M’ is a halting TM,

 N accepts x,

which means that N is a hlating TM that accepts L, a contradiction.


1) The membership problem for r.e. sets (RE-MEMBER: Given a string xand a TM M, determine whether or not x is in L(M)) is knownto be recursive unsolvable. Namely, the code language of the problem, RE-MEMBER={Mx |xL(M)} is notrecursive but r.e.

In general, the membership problem for a class of sets/languagesℒis the problem to determine whether or not xL for any given x and Lℒ. Thus the recursive sets/languages are those sets/languages whose membership problemsare solvable.

Reduction of RE-MEMBER to HTM:

Given an arbitrary x and an arbitraryTM M, we construct a TM N such that xL(M) iff N halts on input x. Formally, RE-MEMBERm HTM via A, where A is an algorithm (= a halting TM) to obtain N from x, that is, A(x)=Nx). The algorithm is as follows. Define N as follows. On input x, N simulates M on input x. If M accepts x, then N halts. If M rejects x (i.e., M enters a nonaccepting state and halts), then N enters an inifinite loop (and thus never halts). If M does not halts on x (thus x is not accepted by M), then so doesn’tN. Then xL(M), i.e., MxRE-MEMBERN halts on x, i.e., A(x)=NxHTM.

2) LDmHTM (HTM is r.e., while LD is not. Prove that if L m L’ and L’ is r.e., so is L.)

3)PCP m(the problem to determine whetheror not LL’=for CFLs L and L’):

From a PCP instance P={(x1,y1), …, (xn,yn)} over alphabet , construct CFGs Gx: S1Sx1R |…| nSxnR | , and Gy: S1Sy1R |…| nSynR |  over alphabet{1,…,n}.Then P has a solution iff L(Gx)L(Gy).

