2nd Announcement

2nd Announcement: The 5th WFDB General Assembly and 11th Helen Keller World Conference.

2nd Announcement

The 5th General Assembly of The World Federation of the Deafblind (WFDB) and the 11th Helen Keller World Conference (HKWC) will be held at Gran Hotel Bali in Benidorm, Spain, 19th to 27th of June 2018.

Hosting organization

FASOCIDE –Federación de Asociaciones de Personas Sordociegas de España

(Spanish Federation of Associations of Deafblind People).

Dates and programme

-18-19th of June: Arrival and regional meetings

-19th of June at the evening: Reception dinner

-20th – 21std of June: WFDB GA

-22nd of June NOLB

-23rd of June: Excursion day

-24th – 26th of June: HKWC

-27th of June: International Deafblind Day celebration and 50th Helen Keller Anniversary

-28th of June: Departure

Conference fee

There are three different conference fees depending on the length for participation.

  • The conference fee for the whole Conference, 19th-27th will be:

- 300 € per person for all participants

The fee will include welcome dinner on the 19th, Gala dinner the 27th, coffee/tea breaks during the meeting days, water during the conference, excursions the 23rd

and conference material

  • The conference fee only for the Helen Keller Conference, 24th-26th will be:

- 150 € per person.

The fee will include coffee/tea breaks during the meeting days, water during the conference and conference material.

The conference feesdo not include lunches and dinners, airport transfers, Visa, vaccination or other personal expenses.Room reservations including breakfast, lunch, dinner andeventual airport transportationsmust be made separate by the participants. See more information in the part Venue later in this document.

  • The cost for one-day participation will be

- 50 € including lunch, coffee/tea breaks and water.

Family members who do not participate in the conference have to pay their own costs.

Separate registration and reservation forms are available for download at our website


The Venue for the Conference and accommodation, is Gran Hotel Bali in Benidorm

The offer from the hotel is:

- 85 € for single rooms including breakfast, lunch and dinner.

- 60 € per person in twin/double room including breakfast, lunch and dinner.

- 78 € for single rooms including breakfast and lunch.

- 53 € person in twin/double room including breakfast and lunch.

- 50 % discount for kids sharing twin room.

- 30 % discount for third person sharing twin room.

The prices are on per day. Booking must be made on a separate reservation form to the Hotel in. Information will be available at our website

Airport transfer between Alicante Airport and Hotel Gran Bali is available for the price of 12 € one way, and may be booked using the hotel reservation form when booking rooms at the hotel.

Sponsored Participants

The WFDB is happy to announce that there willsome funds available tosupport participants from member organizationsinthe Global Souththrough donors. Maximum one participant with deafblindnessincluding interpreter/assistant per country may be supported. If you need support, please contact the conference secretariat at: soon as possible. Please ensure to state the names of both yourself and your assistants/interpreter-guide(s), your country of origin and your support needs in your request.


Spain is a part of the Schengen area in Europe. Passport holders from many countries need Visa to entry the country. At the website “Schengen Visa services” you can see which countries inhabitants that need to apply for Visa. There is also information about the Visa procedure and what is needed to get a Visa. Be aware of that the Visa process can take up to three months in some embassies. You also will need an invitation letter to the conference, so please let us know as soon as possible if you need an invitation letter.

Conference theme

With the main topic: “Our rights; Our Voice; We lead the Way” the 11th HKWC 2018 will focus on strengthening human rights, democracy and equality through full and equal inclusion of persons with deafblindness in all aspects of the global, regional, national and local society in which we live.

A “Call for application” have been sent out to all organizations and is also possible to read at our website.

Welcome to the 5th WFDB General Assemblyand the11th HKWC2018

On behalf of MrGeir Jensen, WFDB President,

Christer Nilsson, Treasurer WFDB

Questions regarding the conference shall be sent to
