Collierville, Tennessee 38017


We declare and establish this Constitution and its Bylaws, to preserve and secure the principles of our faith and to govern the body of First Baptist Church, Collierville, Tennessee, in a proper and orderly manner.

“But all things must be done properly and in an orderly manner.” (1 Corinthians 14:40, NASB)

This document will preserve the liberties of each individual church member and the freedom of action of this body in its relation to other churches.


This body shall be known legally as First Baptist Church, Collierville, Tennessee, although

it is often referred to as Collierville First Baptist Church (CFBC), and will be throughout this document.


Collierville First Baptist Church will assemble as follows:

·  Sunday morning and evening worship

·  Wednesday evening worship

·  Sunday morning Bible study classes for all ages, except on certain holidays or other special occasions

·  Discipleship training will be offered throughout the year at various times, as determined by the needs of the church body. The ministerial staff will determine courses of study, their leadership, and meeting times.

·  All organizations and other groups will meet as determined by the ministerial staff.


The objectives of Collierville First Baptist Church shall be, as a spiritual body of believers: to worship God; to proclaim the message of salvation to all, beginning at home and extending to all nations; to disciple each member toward full Christian maturity; and to minister to all in love, meeting needs in Christ’s name and following His pattern.


The Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God and is the basis for any statement of faith. The church subscribes to the doctrinal statement of The Baptist Faith and Message as adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in the year 2000. We band ourselves together as a body of baptized believers in Jesus Christ, personally committed to sharing the good news of salvation to lost mankind.


The ordinances of this church are Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.



Section 1: The government of this church is vested in the body of believers that compose it. This church is subject to no other ecclesiastical body, but it recognizes and sustains the obligations of mutual counsel and cooperation common among Southern Baptist Convention Churches.

Section 2: This church shall be in friendly cooperation with the aims and purposes of the Mid-South Baptist Association, the Tennessee Baptist Convention and the Southern Baptist Convention, as set forth in the constitutions of those autonomous bodies. Through duly elected messengers, this church will participate in their deliberative assemblies and shall, as we are able, support the missionary, benevolent, and educational programs of each.

Section 3: There will be the offices of Senior Pastor, Ministerial Staff, Deacons, Treasurer, Church Clerk, and Trustees. (See Article 3, Section 1)

Section 4: There will be ministries of Bible study, discipleship, and missions, as the church pleases. The Bible will be the textbook for all Bible study and mission work. All curriculum material to be used must be approved by the church ministerial staff and the church ministry directors for their respective areas of supervision.

Section 5: The regular business meeting will be held quarterly. Robert’s Rules of Order will prevail at all business meetings. The meeting time will be immediately following the designated Sunday’s evening worship service. Members present will constitute a quorum. Notice of this meeting will be given the Sunday prior to the meeting date. Any person wishing to present a motion at a business meeting must notify the moderator of his/her intention to do so no later than the Wednesday before the business meeting. A copy of the motion must be given to the moderator at that time. A copy must also be given to the committee responsible for governing that particular motion and to the Finance Committee if the motion involves the spending of money. In the case of an extreme emergency, the business-meeting moderator may render such notice impracticable.

Section 6: Specially called business meetings: Notice of specially called business meetings will be given by announcement in at least one Sunday’s regular morning worship service(s) unless the Senior Pastor or Deacon Body determines that an extreme urgency, such as the health and welfare of an individual or the care of church property, would render such notice impracticable. Notice of a specially called meeting should appear in the weekly Sunday morning worship bulletin. All announcements and notices concerning specially called business meetings must contain the date, hour, and place of the meeting and a statement of the purpose of the meeting. Only those matters included in the meeting’s purpose statement shall receive action.

Section 7: The Senior Pastor (or his designee), Deacon Chairman, or Deacon Vice-Chairman, in that order, will preside as moderator of all business meetings. Should none of these be available, the Church Clerk may call the assembly together to elect a moderator who would then brief the assembly on the procedure of business. The order of business shall be: call to order with prayer; reading and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting; reports from organizations and committees; old business; new business; adjournment with prayer.

Section 8: The church’s fiscal year will begin on April 01 and end on March 31 each year. The “church year” for committee appointments, Deacon rotation and the like will begin on October 01 and end on September 30 each year.

Section 9: No items of church property will be removed from the church buildings or grounds, without the approval of the Trustees, or their designee, the church administrator. All items so removed will be signed out and in by the church administrator or his designee.

Section 10: Weddings may be scheduled but may not interrupt or in any way disturb regular church services. Persons not members of this church must secure approval of the Senior Pastor, or his designee. The Senior Pastor, or his designee, will officiate at all weddings. Fees established by the Trustees for proper care and cleaning of the church will be collected at the time of scheduling. The Trustees will establish rules for the use of the church. Alcoholic beverages and dancing are not allowed on church property, and no smoking is allowed inside church buildings.

Section 11: The Lord’s Supper will be served at least one Sunday of each calendar quarter, or more often if desired, varying between the morning and evening services.

Section 12: Baptism will be observed as often as the need arises. This ordinance will be performed by the Senior Pastor or another ordained church staff member. Any exception to this principle must be approved by the Senior Pastor or his designee.

Section 13: Amendment and maintenance of this Constitution and Bylaws:

A.  This Constitution and Bylaws shall be adopted if two-thirds of the members voting at the business meeting vote in favor of adoption.

B.  Any part of this Constitution and Bylaws may be amended as follows: All proposed changes must be submitted in writing and made available to the church at a regular business meeting at least one meeting prior to the time a vote is taken on the change(s). A two-thirds majority of members voting is required to adopt the change(s).

C.  All previous Constitutions and Bylaws that have been in force prior to adoption of this Constitution and these Bylaws, which are not readopted here, are invalid.

D.  A printed copy of this Constitution and Bylaws shall be kept at all times with the records of the Church Clerk, and both a printed and an electronic copy shall be kept in the church office.

E.  This Constitution and Bylaws and any amendments thereto shall be signed and dated by the Church Clerk and Deacon Chairman as indicated below, and submitted, along with the business meeting minutes, to the church office to be filed appropriately.

Date submitted in writing to the church: ______

Date discussed by the church in business session: ______

Date approved by the church in business session: ______

Deacon Chairman (printed): ______

Deacon Chairman (signature): ______

Church Clerk (printed): ______

Church Clerk (signature): ______

Section 14: Voting by Secret Ballot: Only members present at the time of a secret ballot may vote, regardless of the issue at hand. No absentee votes will be allowed. When a secret ballot vote is taken, the moderator of the business meeting will appoint an appropriate number of counters to count the votes. The votes shall be counted in a timely manner and the results shall be announced to the church at the next church service.



Section 1: The membership of this church will be all whose names are included in the Official Church Roll maintained by the Church Clerk and by the appropriate ministry assistant. The membership reserves the right to determine who shall be members and the conditions of membership.

Section 2: Reception: Any person may offer himself as a candidate for membership at any of the regular worship services, at the membership class or after consultation with a ministerial staff member. At that time, it must be confirmed that the candidate seeks to join under one of the following conditions:

A.  By profession of faith in Christ and followed by New Testament baptism by immersion. Candidate must acknowledge that New Testament baptism is a symbolic act of immersion after repentance and is not a requirement for salvation.

B.  By promise of a letter of confirmation and recommendation from another Southern Baptist church of like faith and order.

C.  By statement of prior conversion and subsequent New Testament baptism by immersion in a Baptist church of like faith and order when no letter (see 2.B) is available.

D.  By statement of prior conversion and subsequent New Testament baptism by immersion and upon the recommendation of the Senior Pastor and the Deacon Body.

E.  By proxy in one of the above mentioned ways when physically unable to attend worship services or a membership class.

Should there be a dissent or a question as to any candidate’s qualifications for membership and acceptance by the church, such dissent or question will be deferred without debate to the Senior Pastor and Deacon Body for investigation and recommendation to the church within one month. Should the church, upon hearing their report, regard the objection as invalid or unscriptural, the applicant may be received by a two-thirds majority vote of the members voting.

Section 3: Termination: Membership will be terminated:

·  At the request of the terminating member.

·  At the death of the member.

·  Upon the member’s joining another church.

·  Upon the member’s affiliation with another denomination.

·  Upon disciplinary action (see Sections 4 and 5 below) of the church to exclude the person from membership.

Section 4: Discipline: Should the need arise for disciplinary action with a church member, Matthew 18:15-17 will serve as the church’s guide. If a member becomes an offense to the church because of immoral or unchristian conduct, persistent breach of his covenant vows, or non-support of the church, the member may be referred to the Senior Pastor and the Deacon Body for prayerful consultation and counseling. Should the matter fail to be resolved, the Deacon Body may make a recommendation to the church regarding the person’s continued membership.

Upon recommendation by the Deacon Body, the church may terminate the person’s membership by a two-thirds vote of church members voting.

Section 5: Restoration: Any person whose membership has been terminated through disciplinary action may be restored to membership:

·  Upon evidence of his/her repentance and reformation, and...

·  Upon recommendation by the Senior Pastor and the Deacon Body, and...

·  By a two-thirds vote of church members voting.

Article 3


Section 1: There will be the offices of Senior Pastor, Ministerial Staff, Deacons, Treasurer, Church Clerk, and Trustees. (Ref. Article 1, Section 3)

Section 2: Senior Pastor

A.  Duties: The Senior Pastor is responsible for providing the church with spiritual and administrative leadership. He must be a man of prayer and a student of God’s Word. He shall give himself to the ministry of God’s Word and shall routinely preach at the regular and special worship services of the church. He may occasionally delegate his preaching duty to other church ministerial staff members or laymen he deems qualified. He will proclaim the Gospel, and ensure its proclamation by the church’s staff and lay leadership, and lead all church members in proclaiming the Gospel to our community and throughout the world. The Senior Pastor or his designee will ensure that candidates for baptism are examined concerning their conversion, and instructed on the duties and privileges of membership. He shall provide a counseling ministry, visit the sick, and offer consolation to those who may be in sorrow or distress. He shall strive for the spiritual development of the entire church membership. The Senior Pastor shall provide supervision of the church staff and all activities of the church and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. He shall cooperate with associational, state and denominational leaders in matters of mutual interest.