AGENDA, JULY 24, 2014

Call to order and attendance. June minutes for approval.

Correspondence and updates:

Annual renewal for NJ Highlands Coalition membership: Non-voting membership @ $20.

Letter of support for amphibian underpass on Waterloo: EC asked Council to send or approve; Council will hear presentation from MacKenzie Hall in September.

Applying to be Tree City USA: Application submitted to NJ Community Forestry, Alexander McCartney, on July 16, 2014. No response yet.

National Trails Day, June 7: Salt Shakers picked up 12 full garbage bags and six full pick-up truck loads, including several mattresses and box springs and multiple toilets, etc. Provided photos, which Margaret will use at Byram’s County Fair display.

EC pix: Margaret needs photos having to do with our trails for the County Fair display. Please email by Friday 7/25 or Monday 7/28.

Natural Heritage Data request: Margaret obtained for Block 186 Lot 1 on Cranberry Lake; cost $70. Needs EC approval.

More studies/remediation at spill sites: NJDOT garage; Shell Station; Gellers.

Article about community solar gardens: permitted in Massachusetts by 2008 legislation; being built in c.17 states.

Article about Bloomingdale EC very critical of Sustainable Jersey.


Soil ordinance: Discussion. ANJEC sample ordinances from Ramsey, Englewood, South Brunswick.

Easement monitoring pilot project: EC volunteers to continue to reorganize and identify plats in storage room—more dates? Working on educational materials, for EC review.

Recycling partnership with Patti Poff: Make plans for Byram Day and for drafting two mailings: letter/postcard promoting 50% recycling rate by Earth Day 2015 (or end of school year); joint EC-Board of Health postcard about what can be recycled (discuss further at joint EC/BoH meeting in June—see next item). Who can draft?

Other plans: post ReCommunity flyers at local community clubs; ask ShopRite to hand out flyers at check-out.

Planning Board:

·  C-1 regulations at Cranberry Lake: Planning Board engineer is reviewing but no discussion with Planning Board yet. Effect on the three recent approvals of additions?

·  Highlands Lake Management Plan Guidance. Touches on points the EC has been making.


·  Park/trail signage: Janet Meisner and Margaret working with Sign-Art on design of C.O. Johnson Park sign.

·  Nine new small trail-head signs: Preparing files to send to Fossil Graphics.

·  Work on sign posts at Township garage: John, James, Margaret shaped the tops on July 16 evening. Margaret will ask DPW to install, after new signs are received from Fossil Graphics. Stain posts green after installation?

·  EC advocacy for Cutoff trail: Letters of support from Warren County Board of Recreation Commissioners, NY-NJ Trial Conference, Hopatcong EC. 2007 Byram Township Council resolution supporting Cut-off trail. Margaret emailed Knowlton EC again, after speaking to Knowlton mayor. Set a date for a meeting?

Musconetcong River: Michelle.

Protecting/planting milkweed for monarchs: Margaret reserved plants/seeds for August, on recommendation of Toadshade Wildflower Farm, Frenchtown—to be picked up.

New business:

Quarry inspection July 17: Dave and James attended.
