ANSWERS: Semester Exam Study Guide

W. History/Hazard—Exam Mon 12/15/14

Intro to History

  1. Advanced state of human development, includes: writing, government, religion, architecture, art, technology.
  2. Civ & pre-history: Civilizations have cities, a constant food source, writing, technology, gov’t. Prehistory- man were hunters & gatherers, no cities, no writing
  3. Prehistory: before writing was invented/time before 3500 BC. Paleolithic and Neolithic are both prehistoric time periods.
  4. Culture
  5. Hunter and gatherer-search for food on a daily basis, follow food source, do not have permanent homes (they are nomadic)
  6. When an animal, god or object is given human characteristics
  7. Hominid: any member of the bipedal primate family. This includes modern humans, apes and the ancestors of both
  8. Nomad: a person/group that does not have a permanent residence; has nothing to do with food.

Hunter and gatherers: search for food and they are nomadic. But nomads aren’t always hunters and gatherers.

  1. Dig up (excavate) and study remains, fossils, artifacts from the past
  2. Read, write and interpret the past
  3. Lucy: the earliest known hominid found, 3-4 million years old, discovered in the 1970’s in Africa.
  4. Fire, tools and speaking
  5. Farming and domestication of animals
  6. Having crops to tend to and animals to take care meant that man did not have to hunt and gather for food daily; they needed to stay in one place in order to take care of crops/animals. This leads to houses being built, which turn into small communities—then villages—then towns---and eventually cities.


  1. RVC: the original 4 civilizations that all developed on/near rivers. These civilizations set the foundation for the development of mankind
  2. Mesopotamia: writing, wheel, sail. Egypt: paper from papyrus, pyramids, mummification

Harappans: indoor plumbing, sewers, paved gridded roads in their cities. China: modern paper, compass, printing press, process for silkmaking, gunpowder

  1. Mesopotamia
  2. Sumerians
  3. Sumerians, cuneiform
  4. The job of reading and writing in the ancient world; only males could have this job & only scribes could read and write
  5. Mesopotamia
  6. Writing, wheel, sail, first epic,
  7. Wrote the first set of laws in the history of mankind
  8. Assyrians
  9. Where man controls the flow/direction of water
  10. Monotheism: belief in one god. Polytheism: belief in multiple gods


  1. Desert: east and west. Cataracts: south. Delta: north.
  2. Where one family stays in power for multiple generations
  3. Lungs/liver/stomach/intestines—stored in canopic jars. Brain disposed of. Heart remained in the body.
  4. To bury their pharaohs
  5. Because his tomb is the only one found that had not been robbed—showed the world how the Ancient Egyptians buried their pharaohs
  6. To keep their bodies intact for the afterlife
  7. Place where Ancient Egypt buried their pharaohs, it was hidden, it was built in response to the pyramids being robbed after they were first invaded
  8. Mummification , embalming and the underworld


  1. Plumbing, sewers, paved roads, system of weights and measurements
  2. Does not have a name because it has not been translated
  3. Harappan city, discovered by archeologist, in present day Pakistan
  4. Hinduism
  5. Main god
  6. Complex social class system/born into/part of Hinduism. Yes, India still has the caste system in place today.
  7. Hinduism, caste system, algebra, Hindu-Arabic numeral system
  8. Reincarnation
  9. Untouchables/dalit
  10. Aryans
  11. Siddhartha
  12. Suffering


  1. Yellow and Yangtze
  2. Compass, printing press, paper, gunpowder
  3. People are born evil, need to be controlled by force
  4. Palace for Chinese emperors
  5. To protect the north from invaders and to possibly keep people in
  6. United China, began the Great Wall of China, had the Terra Cotta soldiers built
  7. Silk making, kite, umbrella
  8. Desert north, mountains west, Pacific Ocean east, jungles south
  9. The Silk Road


  1. AD: Anno Domini (year of our Lord), BC: before Christ, BCE: before common era, CE: common era
  2. Ancient Times: 3500 BC to 500 AD

Middle Ages: 500 AD-1500 AD

Modern Times: 1500 AD-present

  1. 10,000 BC
  2. Roughly 8000 BC—4000 BC
  3. Gregorian calendar

Birth of Christ

10,000 BCE 5000 BC 3000 BC 500BC 500 AD 1000 CE 1300 AD 2014
