61) People should undertake risky action only after they have carefully considered its consequences.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.

I am in favour of the claim that people should consider the consequences thoroughly before taking risky action. Because under the circumstance like adventure, if one is not fully prepared, one may get hurt by the hazard environment or even worse, one may die from the lack of food and water. Also, when one is going to conduct some financial investments such as purchasing a stock, one need to review the financial statements of the company to which the stock belongs and use sophisticated models to calculate the risk. Otherwise one will suffer great loss if the market change. However, the statement may not be true under emergency situation when people take risky action out of instinct. Outlined below is my explanation.

Adventures like walking through the desert is well known not only for its marvelous experience, but also for the high death rate: every year about 30% of the desert explorers die in the desert. The reason why they died is because they didn’t have explicit plans and bring essential survival tools such as GPS and water purifiers. Such tragedy happened just five months ago when two Chinese students walked across the Badain Jaran Desert without informing their parents and the local guides. When the search team found them, one was dead and another was in coma because of the lack of water. If they had considered every possible situation and danger and the according methods, this tragedy could be avoided. You can see, for the veteran, they would search numerous information about the desert, such as its topographical features, routes. After the preparation, they would also contact the local tourism administration and a medical team before setting out to minimize the risk.

It is also true that people need to assess the risk of the financial investments. Apparently, the financial market is mutable, especially the price of stock fluctuating every day. To predict a stock is profitable or not, you need to scrutinize its financial statement to get a whole picture of its operation. And if you have a knack in mathematics, you can also create a model to simulate the tendency to see it will be raise or fall. People who become impecunious in a night are always those neglecting the risk of the market and wishing for earning money by venture.

Nevertheless, when confronted the emergency, it is hard to analyse the consequences because people take the risky action out of instinct. Being in danger, the risky action can help the human body to release endorphins which is helpful for people to perform physical act that are not possible under normal situation. For instance, a man lifted the car when his children was pinned under the car, but after that he could never do it again. Such action may save people's life.

In conclusion, it is indispensable to consider the consequences before taking risky actions like walking through the desert and conducting financial investment. But when something emergent happen, people will do whatever they can without considering the results.