LOJ #124: ‘Overtaken Pt. 1’

Andover Baptist Church-Date


A. Text for today is Luke 11:14-18and our sermon is titled

‘Overtaken: Pt 1’

B. Scripture NET:

“11:14 NowHe was casting out a demon that was mute.Whenthe demon had gone out, the man who had been mute began to speak,and the crowds were amazed. 11:15 But some of them said, “By the power of Beelzebul,the rulerof demons, He casts out demons.” 11:16 Others, to testHim,began asking fora signfrom heaven. 11:17 But Jesus,realizing their thoughts, said to them,“Every kingdom divided against itself is destroyed,and a divided household falls.11:18 SoifSatan too is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand? I ask you this becauseyou claim that I cast out demons by Beelzebul.”

C. Children’s Sermon(SLIDE)

1. Have Ian come forward with the kids with which he has

some candy in a baggy

2. “That candy in his hands is your candy, now Caden I

want you to get that candy from him”

3. ‘Why can’t you get the candy?’ (obviously because Ian

is stronger)

4. ‘Richard come get this candy from Ian and give it to the


5. ‘How come Richard was able to do it? Because he is

stronger than Ian’

6. ‘Did you know that is like the devil and Jesus? The

devil wants to take the good things away from us, but if

we trust in Jesus, Jesus will come and He will take from

the devil what is ours’

7. ‘Nobody is stronger than Jesus, don’t forget that!’

D. Introduction

1. It’s amazing how the world can make that which is good

seem like it’s bad

2. In 1997 my dad and I went to Washington D.C. to be a

part of the Million Man Promise Keeper Event

3. The event was focused on being better men, better sons,

better husbands

4. The fact that it was an all men event sent some feminine

liberal groups into a tailspin

5. It was if we had become the Little Rascals who put a

sign on the outside of their playhouse ‘No girls allowed’

6. They were sadly ignorant that this was not the case

7. Jesus encountered this kind of reaction to Him through

out His ministry, but with much more hatred and


8. Today’s text is no exception

9. The world still hates Him, the world still denies Him

even in the face of insurmountable proof that He is the

Son of God and the He is sovereign

10. And the world continues to blaspheme Him as they do

today in our text Luke 11:14-18


READ: Luke 11:14 (Scripture slide)

“NowHe was casting out a demon that was mute.Whenthe demon had gone out, the man who had been mute began to speak,and the crowds were amazed.”

A. ‘Now’: after the talking about prayer

B. 'He' = Jesus

C. We find Jesus nonchalantly casting out a demon from a man

1. This demon had the characteristics of muteness

a. This muteness was either it’s specialty or also an

affliction it was stuck with itself (we are not

sure, but probably the former)

b. We have seen such possession like this before in

the Gospels (Mt 12:24-30; Mark 7:32-37)

Matthew 9:32–33 (NET)“32 As they were going away, a man who could not talk and was demon-possessed was brought to him. 33 After the demon was cast out, the man who had been mute spoke. The crowds were amazed and said, “Never has anything like this been seen in Israel!”

c. Why muteness? I believe because it cuts the line

of communication between people, hurts them


2. Now Jesus casts out demons faster than a red hot knife

goes through butter

a. Thedemon did the only thing it could, submit to

Jesus and leave the man.

b. Demons must bend to His will

c. We Jesus' absolute control and authority over the

spiritual realm

d. Exorcists often tried using roots and concoctions

and by calling on higher spirits….Jesus just


e. As believers this should give us pause to know

that our Savior is in control, fully and totally and

regardless of the situation that we find ourselves

He is there with us and no weapon formed

against us will prosper

READ: Luke 11:15, 16 (Scripture slide)

“11:15 But some of them said, “By the power of Beelzebul,the rulerof demons, He casts out demons.” 11:16 Others, to testHim,began asking fora signfrom heaven”.

A. Some of the crowds were amazed 'But some of them' were not

1. The book of Mark tells us that these critics are from


2. Mathew narrows it down even further and tells us that

these, surprise surprise, were the Pharisees and the


B. They mention the name Beelzebul (also known as Beelzebub)

1. We see here in the text that they saw him as the ruler of


2. In the Old Testament we are told that he was worshiped

in the Philistine city of Ekron

3. We also see the wicked King Ahaziah of Israel inquiring

of this demon demi-god as to whether or not he will

recover from a nasty fall

4. The account of this can be found in 2 Kings 1:2-6

2 Kings 1:2–6 (NET)“2 Ahaziah fell through a window lattice in his upper chamber in Samaria and was injured. He sent messengers with these orders, “Go, ask Baal Zebub, the god of Ekron, if I will survive this injury.”3 But the Lord’s angelic messenger told Elijah the Tishbite, “Get up, go to meet the messengers from the king of Samaria. Say this to them: ‘You must think there is no God in Israel! That explains why you are on your way to seek an oracle from Baal Zebub the god of Ekron. 4 Therefore this is what the Lord says, “You will not leave the bed you lie on, for you will certainly die!” So Elijah went on his way. 5 When the messengers returned to the king, he asked them, “Why have you returned?” 6 They replied, “A man came up to meet us. He told us, “Go back to the king who sent you and tell him, ‘This is what the Lord says: “You must think there is no God in Israel! That explains why you are sending for an oracle from Baal Zebub, the god of Ekron. Therefore you will not leave the bed you lie on, for you will certainly die.”

5. This demon is prominent in cultic mythology as well

a. As we have already said he is seen as the prince

of demons

b. Some claim that he is in the order of the

cherubim (a powerful class of angels)

c. The demon has been referred to as one of the 7

princes of hell, the chief lieutenant of hell and

even the second in command to the devil himself

d. Some claim that he is the demon in charge of

false gods and religions

e. The name is also prominent in witchcraft,

6. Speaking of his name it is unique

a. Literally it translates to ‘Lord of the Flies’

b. It is believed that ‘zebul’ is a reference to dung

c. Which would fit with the Jewish rabbinical texts

that mock the worship of Baal (a name well

known in the OT and is associated with this

demon) in those who worship him are actually

worshiping dung and they are like the flies who

gather around it

7. Lastly he is identified as none other than Satan

C. These critics make the claim about Jesus that, ‘By the power of

Beelzebul,the rulerof demons, He casts out demons.’

1. Here we just saw something that was obviously good,

that one under the bondage of darkness is set free.

2. But those who are evil can take something that is good

and make it look evil. That is the work of the devil, that

father of lies and the spinner of lies.

3. They are claiming that Jesus' abilities are satanic! (the

Babylonian Talmud, completed by the 6th cent. A.D.

claimed that Jesus was a sorcerer)

4. In Mark's account they were claiming that Jesus was in

fact possessed by the devil

5. They have a problem you see, on one hand they know

that Jesus is exhibiting power that can’t be naturally

explained and on the other to claim that it is from God

ruins their position on Him

6. By calling Jesus in league with Beelzebul, it showed

their absolute hatred for Him

7. They hated Jesus because He was winning people over

to the Gospel and away from them

8. They hated Jesus because of His claims, because of His

teachings, His miracles, His disregard for their earthly

religious rules, for His compassion for sinners and for

being a polar opposite to them

9. The Jews saw the crucifixion as vindication for their

hatred that God had rejected Jesus (totally missing the

point that He went their willfully to save those who

would come to Him from their sins)

10. Their hatred extended to the early Christian Church

with the persecutions and murders we see in the book

of Acts

11. They turned on fellow Jews who would follow Jesus,

they changed their well-known Shemoney Esreh

prayer to include this request, ‘May the Nazarens and

minim [Jews that had accepted Jesus as the Messiah]

perish and be exterminated in a moment’

12. In effect cursing those who believe in Jesus, and they

felt so highly of this that if any synagogue leader

skipped this part of the prayer they would lose their


13. Doing all of this this puts them in dangerous territory

Mark 3:28–29 (NET)“28 I tell you the truth, people will be forgiven for all sins, even all the blasphemies they utter. 29 But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, but is guilty of an eternal sin”

D. It just wasn’t these guys giving Jesus trouble as 'Others, to test

Him began asking for a sign from Heaven'

1. If they truly believed that Jesus was working with the

devil, why would they continue to ask for a sign

2. Jesus defeated evil, but that was not good enough for

them to see that He was from God

3. For some no amount of proof enough for them to accept

the truth (isn’t that a picture of the world today?)

4. They could care less about the truth, they just want to

shoot down Jesus

5. He had already here done a miracle and it was

discounted as demonic, why would He do another.

6. Because of this Jesus would not give in more tests as

His teachings and previous miracles were statement


7. There is no need for a sign from Heaven

Matthew 16:1–4 (NET)“1 Now when the Pharisees and Sadducees came to test Jesus, they asked him to show them a sign from heaven. 2 He said, “When evening comes you say, ‘It will be fair weather, because the sky is red,’ 3 and in the morning, ‘It will be stormy today, because the sky is red and darkening.’ You know how to judge correctly the appearance of the sky, but you cannot evaluate the signs of the times. 4 A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah.” Then he left them and went away.”

8. Jesus IS God's Sign from heaven!

9. Still the same today

10. Atheists today do the same of God, when all of the

heavens declare Him.

READ: Luke 11:17, 18 (Scripture slide)

“11:17 But Jesus,realizing their thoughts, said to them,“Every kingdom divided against itself is destroyed,and a divided household falls.11:18 SoifSatan too is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand? I ask you this becauseyou claim that I cast out demons by Beelzebul.”

A. Jesus knew what they were thinking (we’ve seen this before)

B. So to show them the complete and utter foolishness for

claiming this Jesus employs simple logic

1. If a kingdom were to fight against itself, or a household

to turn upon itself the eventual outcome is destruction

of that kingdom or home.

2. This translates to the spiritual world as well

3. If Satan were to fight against his own kingdom it would

not stand

4. So Jesus asks their logic in saying that He casts out

demons by the very prince of demons.

5. I watched a movie the other night with Kirk Douglass

called Paths of Glory (1957)

a. In which Douglass is a coronel in the French

Army during WWI

b. Brings charges against a French general who

angry at his troops for perceived cowardice

orders an artillery attack on his own troops

c. Of course such an attack was seen as complete

madness and ignorance

6. In the same way there is no way the devil would be

waging a civil war against his own demonic kingdom

Application (slide)

A. Church a battle is waging around us, one that is already won by

our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

B. We can rejoice in the knowledge that Jesus has won

C. Does your life reflect that? Does it show the victorious life that

can be found in Jesus?

D. For those of you here today that have not come to know Him

yet as your Lord and Savior, you know who you are

E. There is no room for those who are undecided and


F. To reject the calling of the Holy Spirit puts you in the very

same danger the enemies of Jesus found themselves today in

our text


Let us sing our last song #,

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