Year 9 / Domain Humanities / Date Assigned / Due Date /
Assessment Task Title: Victorian Gold Rush Assignment
Student’s Name

For this assignment you must work individually.

Task 1

According to your two preferred multiple intelligences, choose two of the activities to complete. You can choose, for example, one activity from Verbal-Linguistics and one from Logical-Mathematical. It is completely up to you, as long as you have 2 dot points completed by the end of the assignment.

Task 2

Complete a written bibliography of the sources you used for your research

Multiple Intelligence Activities


•Create a narrative set on the Victorian Goldfields. There needs to be at least 10 historically correct facts woven into the story. Highlight these. Minimum 600 words.

•Research the life story of one of the following people: Peter Lalor, Lola Montez, Raffaello Carboni, Thomas Hiscock, Governor Sir Charles Hotham. Make a story book of their life. Minimum 600 words.


•Construct a detailed time line showing ten important events from the Victorian Gold Rush. Include writing and a picture for each event. Don’t forget to use CLATS.

•Create a list of 20 interesting facts about the Victorian Gold Rush that contain a number. Give as much detail (Minimum 50 words) as possible for each.


•Draw a diagram of one mining method. Annotate the key features and illustrate in detail how it works. Minimum 200 words.

•Create a theatre program for a performance at the Victoria Theatre Ballarat featuring Lola Montez. Include images, a biography of Lola and a description of the entertainment expected. Minimum 500 words.


•Make a model of a typical mining settlement. Include things like the landscape, tents, huts, shops, rivers/creeks, transport. Write an explanation of the village. Minimum 200 words.

•Dress a mannequin as either a typical miner or a woman from Gold Rush times. Write a detailed explanation of the outfit. Minimum 200 words


•Research the songs from the Gold Rush period. Choose one - find its words, history, composer and date it was written. Illustrate it appropriately. Minimum 400 words

•Write a song based on a life on the Victorian Goldfields. Perform to the class or record for viewing.


•Create a video segment for Horrible Histories about the Victorian Gold Rush.

•Write a play (and perform it) about an event from the Victorian Gold Rush.


•Write three diary entries (150 words each) from a person on the Victorian Goldfields. Firstly write a paragraph introducing the person – their name, their occupation, where they live, etc. Make sure your entries are historically accurate.

•Make a list of the positive things and a list of the negative things about living on the Victorian Goldfields. Remember this would be dependent on how successful your search for gold has been. Explain why you placed them where you did.


•Research the impact the Gold Rush had on the Victorian landscape. What issues and/or changes are still evident in 2017? Min 500 words

•Make a poster explaining all about the precious metal Gold - what are its properties, who were the first people to mine it, how was it used by ancient civilizations, other uses. Illustrate your poster. Min 500 words

Year: 9 / Domain: Humanities / Date Assigned / Due Date /
Assessment Task Title: Victorian Gold Rush Assignment
Student’s Name
Criteria / Distinguished / Proficient / Competent / Not yet competent
Historical Knowledge
Activity 1: Knowledge of the selected Gold Rush topic / Shows outstanding knowledge of the topic in the activity chosen / Shows very good knowledge of the topic in the activity chosen / Shows acceptable knowledge of the topic in the activity chosen / Shows limited knowledge of the topic in the activity chosen
Marks / 10 / 7 / 5 / 0
Activity 2: Knowledge of the selected Gold Rush topic / Shows outstanding knowledge of the topic in the activity chosen / Shows very good knowledge of the topic in the activity chosen / Shows acceptable knowledge of the topic in the activity chosen / Shows limited knowledge of the topic in the activity chosen
Marks / 10 / 7 / 5 / 0
Ability to use a range of resources and to present them in a bibliography which follows MacKillop conventions and
is annotated for each resource used / 5 resources, including 2 non electronic, are correctly cited using MacKillop conventions / 4 resources, including 1 non electronic, are correctly cited using MacKillop conventions / 3 resources, including 1 non electronic, are correctly cited using MacKillop conventions / Fewer than 3 resources or only internet resources, are cited using MacKillop conventions and / or sources not cited correctly
Marks / 10 / 7 / 5 / 0
Originality and Presentation / Shows a high level of originality and uniqueness.
A lot of time and effort is evident. / Shows some originality and uniqueness and evidence of clear planning / Shows some originality and uniqueness but the planning is unclear. / Shows little originality and uniqueness.
Little time and effort is evident.
Marks / 10 / 7 / 5 / 0
Use of Class Time / Class time was always very efficiently used / Class time used efficiently nearly all the time / Class time used efficiently some of the time / Inefficient use of class time.
Marks / 10 / 7 / 5 / 0
Total Score /50 / % Score / S/N Result

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