Fond du Lac Master Gardeners

Meeting Minutes

June 8,2010

The meeting was called to order by President Doug Kindschuh,with 21 members present.

We welcomed three new master gardeners present, Bobbi Thoma, Renee Bruin, Mary Feldner-Zuelsdorf.

We gave the Pledge of Allegiance.

Secretary’s report was read and approved.

The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Proceeds from the plant sale were about $1300 less than last year.We do not have all of the expenses to calculate net profit.

Jane and Gary are no longer able to chair the plant sale. They have been awarded a USDA contract that will take most of their time during plant sale season. At this time we would like to express our gratitude for their dedication and hard work.

Doug expressed appreciation for the efforts of all of our volunteers. Whether it be for large ongoing projects or the “last minute” chores that arise.

Hal circulated the project book for updates.

Plant sale: There we things that worked well and others that need improvement. The general consensus is that we need to have a committee for that sale it too much for 3 people to plan and organize. Sharon Rasmussen has already volunteered to do set up. We will make further plans at the September meeting.

BusTrip: Shirley Frieler reports that the bus trip went off “without a hitch.” Milaeger’s was gracious in giving us a 10% discount. We are looking forward to the autumn trip.

Patty Percy informed us that Hansman’s had a 10% discount on annuals and vegetables.

Joanne Backhaus needs mulch for her gardens and some of the campus gardens also need mulch. A motion to buy 5 yards of hard wood mulch was made by Patty Percy and seconded by Sandy Beyer. The motion was voted on and carried.

There are mice in the straw near the “Garden of Eatin’.”

Kathy Erickson needs assistance with her gardens because she is assuming responsibility for the Free Spirit Gardens. She has the campus gardens Rain Garden and Pond View gardens. Linda Armstrong will e-mail the general membership so everyone knows of our needs.

We voted to make Kathy Sabel an Honorary member of Master Gardeners, Fond du Lac county.

The next meeting is scheduled for August 10th we will have a summer picnic and an informal meeting.

Pat Birschbach is checking to see if we can have our summer picnic at Free Spirit.

Meeting adjourned followed by a tour of the Campus gardens.