New Zealand Screen Production Grant
New Zealand Productions - Additional Grant
Final Application
(incorporating the Significant Cultural Benefits Test)
1 July 2017 Criteria
This application form should be read in conjunction with the NZSPG Criteria for New Zealand Productions dated 1 July 2017 (the Criteria). Capitalised terms used in this application form have the definitions set out in Appendix 1 of the Criteria. In submitting this final application, the applicant agrees to be bound by the terms of the Criteria.
Applicants with QNZPE over $15 million that intend to apply for an Additional Grant should use this application form.
All other applicants for the NZSPG-New Zealand should use the standard New Zealand Final Application form.
Applicants that are official co-productions should note that they are not automatically considered to provide significant cultural benefits to New Zealand for the purpose of eligibility for the Additional Grant. An official co-production that wishes to apply for an Additional Grant must meet all of the requirements of Appendix 4 of the Criteria, including passing the Significant Cultural Benefits Test (Section 4).
This application form has seven sections:
· Section 1 – Applicant Information
· Section 2 – Production Information
· Section 3 – QNZPE (and TPE for Official Co-productions)
· Section 4 – Significant Cultural Benefits Test
· Section 5 – Additional Grant
· Section 6 – Statutory Declaration
· Section 7 – List of Required Documents
All applicants must complete Sections 1-7.
Submitting your application: / Attachments should be named and numbered as per the application form checklist.Please send attachments as separate files (do not combine into one PDF).
· Email to (if below 12MB); OR
· Send via Dropbox; OR
· Send by USB, DVD or CD to the NZFC:
Incentives Executive
New Zealand Film Commission
PO Box 11 546
Level 3, 119 Ghuznee Street
Wellington 6011
Please note: / Once the NZFC has received all applicable documentation and has confirmed the application is complete and incudes all relevant documents (as per the checklist in Section 7), you will be sent a dated acknowledgement letter. The date of this letter is the start of the application process.
Information that you supply to the NZFC or an independent consultant may be provided to the NZSPG Panel, the NZSPG Panel, the Inland Revenue Department (IRD), Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE), Ministry for Culture and Heritage (MCH) and independent consultants where reasonably necessary during the application and approval process. Once the New Zealand Grant has been approved and paid, the NZFC or MCH can publish or announce the following information:
· the names of successful applicants;
· the amount of the QNZPE incurred by each applicant; and
· the amount of New Zealand Grant paid each applicant.
The NZFC will use reasonable efforts to maintain the confidentiality of the information provided by you. The NZFC notes however that the NZFC, NZSPG Panel, IRD, MBIE and MCH are government entities, which are subject to various disclosure requirements, for example under the Official Information Act 1982.None of them will be liable for any disclosure it believes (acting reasonably) it is required to make.
You should clearly indicate those parts of your application that you regard as commercially sensitive and confidential. In processing a request under the Official Information Act 1982, the NZFC or relevant New Zealand Government department or agency will use best efforts to consult with you prior to a decision on release of the documents, but you should be aware that your designation of the information as being commercially sensitive or confidential will not automatically result in that information being withheld by the NZFC or other government department or agency.
Statistical information provided in this application may be used by New Zealand Government ministries, departments and agencies. These ministries, departments and agencies will usually comprise: the NZFC, MCH, IRD, MBIE and Statistics New Zealand.
Section 1 /Applicant Information
Date of application:Full name of applicant entity (Registered name):
Registration number:
Registered address:
Business/mailing address:
GST Number:
Contact person:
Role of contact person: / Business phone:
Mobile phone:
The applicant will be required to complete an online exit survey about their experience of making a screen production in New Zealand. This information will be used for research and marketing purposes and, unless the applicant agrees otherwise, it will be treated confidentially and only non-identifying or aggregated information will be made public.
The NZFC will not begin processing a final application until the NZFC has received a complete exit survey. Please provide details of the person to whom the survey should be sent:
Email Address:
Application for Provisional Certificate
Did the applicant apply for a Provisional Certificate?
Note: An applicant that has not applied for a Provisional Certificate is not eligible to make a final application in respect of an Additional Grant.
Special Purpose Vehicle
Is the applicant a special purpose vehicle established principally in relation to making the production?
If NO, please state which exception under clause 10.2 of the criteria applies (series or repurposing):
Note: an applicant must have its own GST and payroll registration numbers and its own bank account. The applicant’s GST and payroll returns must not be grouped with any other entity for tax purposes.
Residency Status
Complete the following in relation to the applicant: (refer to clause 11 of the criteria for eligibility requirements)
Names of directors or partners / Citizenship of directors or partners / Country of permanent residence / Address of directors or partners
Names of shareholders or general partner / Citizenship of shareholders, or in the case of a company the country of incorporation / Country of permanent residence / % beneficial interest in the company or partnership
Complete the following in relation to the majority or sole shareholder of the applicant or the sole partner of the applicant:
Names of directors or partner / Citizenship of directors or partner / Country of permanent residence / Address of directors or partner
Names of shareholders or general partner / Citizenship of shareholders or in the case of a company the country of incorporation / Country of permanent residence / % beneficial interest in the company or partnership
Does the applicant and its majority or sole shareholder, or sole partner (if applicable) carry on business in New Zealand? / YES NO
Does the applicant and its majority or sole shareholder, or sole partner (if applicable) have their central management and control in New Zealand OR their voting power controlled by shareholders who are residents or citizens of New Zealand?
Note: You may be asked to provide further evidence of this. / YES NO
Has the applicant been actively engaged in the business of film or television production in New Zealand to a significant extent for a period of at least 18 months prior to the date on which Principal Photography is scheduled to start?
If the applicant is an SPV, has the company or individual that fully or majority owns that SPV been actively engaged in the business of film or television production in New Zealand to a significant extent for a period of at least 18 months prior to the date on which Principal Photography is scheduled to start?
Please provide details:
Note: You may be asked to provide further evidence of this. / YES NO
Responsible Entity
Was the applicant the entity responsible for making the production in its entirety? YES NO
If NO, please describe what the applicant was responsible for:
Section 2 /
Production Information
Title of Production:Working title(s):
Provide a brief synopsis of the production:
If the production is a series, please supply a synopsis of each episode. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary.
1. Format
Feature film
If a feature film, on what platform will it be first released?
Television or other non-feature film (please specify below)
Television drama (single episode – includes telefeature)
Television documentary/factual/reality (single episode – includes telefeature)
Television drama (series)
Television documentary/factual/reality (series)
Short form animation (single episode or series)
Other Please describe:
If a television or other non-feature film production, on what platform will it be first released?
Was the production recorded, subtitled or dubbed in one of New Zealand’s official languages (English; Māori and New Zealand Sign Language)?
If NO, the production is not eligible for a New Zealand Grant.
Length of Production
What is the total running length of the completed production (in minutes)?
If a series: What is the total number of episodes? What is the duration of each episode (in minutes)?
Excluded Formats
Does the production fit into one of the following categories?
· an advertising programme or commercial
· a discussion programme, current affairs programme, news programme, a panel programme or a programme of a like nature
· pornography
· a training programme
· an interactive digital game (other than transmedia content as per clause 17.2(b)(iv) of the criteria)
· a production of a public event, including a sports event
· for television or other non-feature film productions only, a programme based on a format (as that term is commonly known in the screen industry) other than formats developed in New Zealand for initial distribution in New Zealand
Note: If the production fits into one of the above categories then it is not eligible for a New Zealand Grant.
Dates – Production
Date of first day of official pre-production:
Date of commencement of Principal Photography:
Date of completion of Principal Photography:
Date of Completion of production: /
Dates – QNZPE
Date the applicant first incurred QNZPE:
(This is the not the date of any prior development expenditure incurred by another entity).
Date of completion of QNZPE: /
Production outside New Zealand
Was any part of the production undertaken outside New Zealand?
If YES, please supply details:
Official Co-production
Is the production an Official Co-production?
If YES, please supply a copy of the final co-production application submitted to the NZFC and a copy of the final certificates issued by the NZFC and the competent authority of the other co-production country.
2. New Zealand Distribution
Please describe the distribution or broadcast arrangements for the production in New Zealand including the name of the distributor or broadcaster and the key commercial terms of the arrangement:
Note: You must provide with this application an audience engagement plan and evidence of an arrangement for commercial distribution of the production in New Zealand. Please see the List of Required Documents for more information.
3. Finance and Recoupment
Set out below the final finance structure for the production.
Note: only include financing that was cashflowed to the budget (e.g. you should only include the proportion of the New Zealand Grant and any distribution or sales advances that were cashflowed).
Name of financier / Country of residence of financier / Type of finance (e.g. loan, equity, advance on royalties) / Amount / % of total budget
Total: /
(this should be equal to the total budget) / 100%
Market attachment threshold
You must specify below, by listing the name of the relevant financier, which of the above types of finance are market attachments. Please note that it is not sufficient to refer to a contract clause.
‘Market attachments’ are limited to international sales advances, distribution advances and licence fees (other than for New Zealand only) for the screening or broadcast of the production to an audience where there is no entitlement to share in the net receipts from the production in respect of that sales advance, distribution advance or licence fee. Equity and loans cannot qualify as market attachments. Any market attachments must be from parties unrelated to the applicant and from bona fide screen production sales agents, distributors or broadcasters.
Names of market attachment financiers:
Note: you will need to provide evidence in accordance with clause 8.5 or 9.5 of the criteria that you have satisfied the non-New Zealand government funding threshold and, for television or other non-feature film productions, evidence that you have satisfied the market attachment threshold.
What share of net receipts from the production is the applicant entitled to?
What share of net receipts from the production is the sole or majority shareholder of the applicant, or sole partner in the applicant entitled to?
Note: You are required to provide a one-page summary of the recoupment structure with your application (showing to whom and in which order net receipts are to be disbursed) as agreed between the applicant, the investors in the production and/or the distributors of the production. The one-page summary must show the NZFC Equity Share (see Appendix 4 of the criteria).
4. Other New Zealand Government Funding and Grants
Has the production received or applied for a Large Budget Screen Production Grant or Post, Digital and Visual Effects Grant or an International Grant? / YES NO
Did the production receive production funding from a New Zealand Government agency prior to 1 July 2008? / YES NO
Has the production received or applied for production funding from a New Zealand Government screen agency since 1 July 2008?
If YES, then please specify how much has been received or applied for and from which Government screen agency:
If YES, please specify whether the production is one of the following:
(a) Feature film
(b) Animation
(c) Children’s drama (television and other non-feature film productions only)
Note: Productions may NOT receive production funding from a New Zealand Government Screen Agency and a New Zealand Grant, unless the production is a feature film, or, for a television or other non-feature film production, an animation or a children’s drama production. / YES NO
Has the production incurred any costs prior to 1 July 2008?
If YES, then please specify what costs:
Note: costs incurred prior to 1 July 2008 cannot be included in QNZPE. / YES NO
Has the production incurred any costs which were paid more than ten years prior to the estimated start of Principal Photography of the production (historical costs)?
If YES, then please specify what costs:
Note: Historical costs cannot be claimed as QNZPE unless the NZSPG Panel approves such costs. / YES NO
5. Credit and Promotional Materials
Please note that the applicant must provide in the completed production, an on-screen end credit and an on-screen NZFC logo. The applicant must also provide promotional materials to the NZFC in accordance with the Promotional Materials Schedule available on the NZFC website. Please refer to clause 29.3 in the criteria.
Note: The applicant must attach to this final application, proof of compliance with the credit and logo requirements. This requirement can be met by the applicant attaching a screen grab(s) that shows the credit and logo or by attaching a copy of the production.
Note: In exceptional circumstances, the NZFC may waive one or both of these requirements. If you wish to apply for a waiver of the credit and/or promotional materials requirements, please include a letter with your application outlining why you are unable to provide a credit and/or promotional materials. The NZSPG Panel will determine, in its sole discretion, whether to grant a waiver.
Section 3 /
QNZPE (and TPE for Official Co-productions)
GST: The New Zealand Grant is calculated in relation to amounts that are net of Goods and Services Tax (GST). Therefore all figures in this application should be quoted net of GST.